Wednesday, November 20, 2019

Clinic in "The Cities" Visit

Far Guy's "stuff" was piling up in the cities...he had lots of tests to do...blood tests, a cat scan, breathing tests and a six minute walk.   He saw three of his Doctors and one doing her residency in Infectious Diseases. All four were women Doctors.

Our questions were answered and we even have copies of the Doctor's orders for blood and sputum tests that can be done here at our local clinic.  (Just incase the lab here does not get the Doctor's orders.)

They are still hopeful that they will get him activated again as he has been on hold about 7 weeks now.  This Thursday his Lung Transplant Case  will be reviewed at the Transplant Meeting...where groups of Doctors meet to discuss patients.  If not this Thursday then in about two weeks.

They are all hopeful that once he is back active on the list that a transplant will be a reality.  One Doctor said " Hope I don't see you in six months...I want to see you before then... in the hospital post transplant! "

So we get the winter off and don't have to be back down there again until May unless he gets the transplant OR for some unknown reason they want him to have more tests done.  Is there some small part of him they have not looked at?

We also attended a lung transplant support group meeting.  We have friends there who remember our names.

I took this photo out the window of the clinic...the building at the far left of the photo is the hospital where he will get his transplant.

On the way home we stopped to switch drivers...saw this sign...
Fresh Lutefisk a sure sign that it is nearing Thanksgiving and Christmas.

It was dreary all the while we were gone, foggy and kinda misting a bit.  We left very early on Monday morning and returned home late Tuesday night.  On Monday we did a bit of exploring... found a Cub Foods Store, a Target and a Michaels (where more yarn might have been purchased.)  We stayed in a different Hotel this time...valet parking was $27 for one night...but it was a heated secure garage..and they gave you freshly baked(warmed up) cookies when you checked in....

Far Guy still has three more appointments this week... it is what we do.
Far Side


  1. Daughter worked for AOPO here in DC for a few years as an event organizer and was always amazed at the dedication of the physicians who preformed these miracles. It was her job to give them the spoiling they deserved and no amount of cash was spared thanks to very generous donors.

  2. So glad that you can keep up with these other tests near home right? Winter travel into the cities can be tricky sometimes.
    Glad you are home and things are looking up.

  3. Glad you are home and things are looking a little brighter. Far Guy is in my daily prayers that he gets hs transplant soon.

  4. Connie, the two of you amaze me so. I don't know if I could do what you do. Think of you often & pray that all is going well for Far Guy.

  5. I'm not much for prayer, but you two are always in mine, hoping for better days ahead. What the heck is lutefisk? It must be a Minnesota thing.

    1. A whitefish cured in lye...I do not like it.

    2. Oh, DJan, don't ask that question in Ballard! You won't be invited to their lutefisk festival. :-)
      Scandinavian that I am, I don't eat it either.

  6. I am sure you are both exhausted after all those appointments. Hope you can get your engines a rest. Prayers to get back on that list! And wouldn't a transplant be a terrific gift for the holidays!

  7. Fingers crossed that Far Guy is reactivated and the call comes soon.

    Yikes $27 for valet parking, that seems pretty pricey in exchange for a cookie.

  8. What an exhausting week for you both. Keeping my fingers crossed for that transplant to go forward.

  9. It sounds like he could get back on the list soon. Keeping you both in my prayers. I know those long days with appointments must be hard.

  10. An exhausting yet necessary trip. Praying that FG is back on the list and things go smoothly from here.

  11. I hope the transplant comes through very quickly.

  12. Letefisk! My uncle loves that smelly stuff. I may have 100% Swedish genes but I couldn't stand it--LOL!

    So good to hear such positive news!!! Makes all the subsequent doctor visits up here a bit easier to bear. I hope you hear that good news for sure soon. :)

  13. Oh I'm hoping the tests all come back fine and that Far Guy is back on the list. So many tests! I'm glad you can do them closer to home.
    I haven't heard or thought about Lutefisk in years, since we left the midwest. I remember growing up in Iowa, many of the Swedish communities had it in the Christmas festivities.
    Praying for the both of you my friend.

  14. One must start to wonder if there will be anything left of Far Guy after so many tests.

  15. The sign catches your eye and you wonder what it's all about.

  16. You both are being put through the ringer for sure, but there is hope for a positive outcome. That's what matters.

  17. That's great though that you don't have to go back until May considering Winter is around the corner! Lutefisk...oh my! I've never had it but some of my in-laws were Swedish so I heard tales! That was well worth the $27 extra....especially the cookies! Glad you got home safe and sound and prayers will be going out that he is in good shape for that transplant! Hugs~Sam

  18. It just sounds exhausting. All the best to you both! Thanks for coming back to my blog :-)

  19. It does sound exhausting. Everything seems more tiring when it's dark and dreary. And to think that for another month we'll be getting less and less daylight.

  20. Hope the test results are good, he gets back on the active list, and gets the transplant soon.

  21. So glad you got to your appointments and back home safely. whew. We postponed ours this week...I hurt my right hand sleeping and have to put a brace on it for a few days....and the weather hasn't been good. Hope they get far guy back on the transplant list soon. Doesn't the word "May" sound nice thought? Prayers for you guys.

  22. Sounds like things are going well for you guys. Glad you're getting all the appointments done. I'm really struggling with my new way of much to learn and get used to. I am NOT good at it. I need patience and less tears. Hope to be doing better soon. Say a prayer for me Connie, please.

  23. Praying for you and Gene. Sending our love and wishes for a blessed Thanksgiving.

  24. Wow, all those appointments sure do keep you busy! But glad for some (possibly) good news. It will be a relief to see Far Guy back on the transplant list again.


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