Monday, November 4, 2019

Some Yarn

I have some yarn.  Some.

As I walked down the yarn aisles in Hobby Lobby....I let the yarn speak to me.

A coppery color was speaking the wanted to join the crochet along (CAL) that I am working on....I still have a week to do the latest stitch/squares.  It may look a tad like the orange yarn that is in my basket...but it is most certainly a different shade!

It is the largest ball in my CAL basket.   I wind all my yarn into a ball...easier that way...I do a quality control check at the same time.  Nothing worse that meeting a join or a thin spot in the middle of a project.

Then it was the sock yarn... a color I have not seen before.  I swear it jumped right into my basket.

Yarn was 30 % off...who can really resist?  Certainly not me.  I just need time to knit socks...or perhaps I need to resist other projects that take away from sock knitting time!

I contemplated yarn for a baby blanket that I want to make.  The color I wanted was not there so I picked a different color...walked around with it in my cart....took it back and exchanged it for a different color...decisions...decisions.   It will be fine...babies don't care what color their blankets are!  I have about 8 weeks to make the is a good winter project as the yarn (Baby Bernat) is so snugly warm.

Far Side


  1. I was tempted by some new to me Kroy colors the last time I went yarn shopping. It does make a very practical, hard wearing sock.

  2. Love the colors you find. Funny how i have had things just jump into my basket also. Hahaha

  3. It seems you have plenty of projects to keep you busy for many months to come. Those are really pretty colors, bright and delightful. :-)

  4. Oh! Look at all those gorgeous colors of yarn! I was looking for an orange but didn't find one I liked. I also looked at the Kroy sock yarn but they didn't have that color! Very pretty! Like a squirrel gathering nuts for winter....crafters have to gather supplies! Enjoy and stay warm!

  5. I so understand about's hard to pick out which one to work on first!

  6. I no longer crochet or knit - and was never very good at it - but yarn comes in the most gorgeous colors and textures. I totally enjoy looking and touching, and then thinking maybe I should look for my crochet hook or knitting needles.

  7. It's fun when yarn jumps into the shopping basket! Kroy makes the best socks! It washes and wears well.

  8. That is the best way to shop - let it speak to you! I love that coppery color too.

  9. I can see where that sock yarn jumped into your basket! And the coppery color is perfect for fall. :)

  10. I love that copper colored yarn - it's such a pretty color. I was at Walmart this morning and almost brought home some Bernat Velvet yarn but didn't. There was only one color on sale and it wasn't the one I wanted. But it's hard to pass by!

  11. The yarn colours are delightful. It would have been a crime not to buy it especially since it was 30% off.

  12. My MIL likes the socks I make for her from Kroy yarn so I always try to have a skein or two in my yarn closet. You chose some pretty colors. I drove by Hobby Lobby this morning and "almost" turned in to the parking lot again but I already bought yarn on the sale last week and decided I better just drive on by. I'm so proud of myself. :-)

  13. Yarn is the same as wool, right or I am clueless

    1. Yarn can be a number of fibers. Acrylic, wool...even bamboo:)

  14. Now you can tend to your knitting as the winter wind blows.

  15. I know that bit about yarn calling off the shelf to you. It happens with fabric too!

  16. I have the same thing happen with colors or arranging things for Still Life when I am doing something just calls to you! Neat!
    Now you can knit while old man winter knocks on the door.

  17. Funny how things at Hobby Lobby follow us home! Love the yummy, warm colors!

  18. That coppery orange yarn looks quite inviting! What a great find!

  19. It's nice to see that someone else likes Kroy Sox, I've used this yarn for years, not for socks but to wrap marimba mallets. My attempts to knit(for more than 5 years) resulted in socks, gloves, and mittens that only a character in a Stephen King novel would love.

  20. The colors of the copper yarn is neat.


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