Sunday, November 3, 2019

SNOw Kidding

We woke up to a world of white.   Winter has arrived...what happened to Fall???  We need a do over!

The snow stick was not even in the ground for 24 hours...did I jinx myself?

The flowers are freeze dried.

A good potion of our area had roads slicker than snot on a doorknob.

To top it off it was cloudy and gloomy.
November is typically our gloomiest not much sunshine month....and so winter begins.  Ready or not!

At least I was in the mood to work on Christmas Cards...they are complete and are being stuffed into envelopes with address labels and stamps...the Christmas letter can be tucked in later or not.   I am not in charge of that letter.   If a letter goes inside they just have to be sealed and mailed.

We drove up North to see our oldest daughter.  I spent some time in Hobby Lobby where more yarn might have been purchased.

Far Side


  1. Oh, good golly!!! I love a good snow but I will kindly wait until winter for that pleasure. We are just starting to do the leaves and snow and leaves do not mix. It has been cold enough for snow at night. Brrr.....we went right from AC to heat again this year.

  2. I'm glad you got out before the snow! It looks cold and it's cold here! Below freezing every morning this week! I guess I won't get my painting done. I do think that Fall is getting rarer and's scalding out and then freezing. Stay warm and what yarn did you get??? Curious minds want to know!

  3. Yarn solves a lot.
    That road looks dangerous.

  4. I am also glad you got out before the snow hit. We just recently had a Hobby Lobby store open here, but I haven't visited it yet. :-)

  5. I enjoy winter, but I love fall and wish that it would last at least until Thanksgiving. If yarn was purchased I will look forward to seeing what becomes of it! Congrats on getting your Christmas cards done and addressed, ready to go. I have to finish my Thanksgiving cards (four more to go!) and then I can start my Christmas cards.

  6. Oh my! That snow stick did get out just in time didn't it? I usually have all my cards addressed and ready to be mailed the day after Christmas but I'm thinking I may just wait until December this year. We have all presents purchased/made already and that will give me something Christmasy to do in December after the family is gone.
    What yarn did you buy at Hobby Lobby? I'm just curious since I love many of their yarns.
    Stay warm and stay safe.

  7. We had a dusting that melted by midday. You got quite a bit more than we did over here.

    Congrats on finishing your Christmas cards. Good Hobby Lobby trip, too. :)

  8. We had rain all day yesterday which is pretty rare for this area but, snow tomorrow.

  9. Blame it on the snowstick! Christmas cards done already? You are so organized. I haven't even thought about that yet.

  10. I always laugh when I read that "more yarn might have been purchased". I totally understand that inclination.

    Yes, I'm sad to say winter is definitely here. We got another 1/2 inch or so last night and it's still lightly falling. The bunny on the street is still brown; he's probably as shocked as the rest of us.

  11. UGH! Winter has arrived. For you and for us!

  12. "Roads slicker than....." That's a new one, and quite the expression. Sort of yucky, but it conveys the intended idea. :-)
    Looks like November arrived right on schedule there.

  13. It would seem your seasons changed with the time change. I'm assuming you also went back to Standard time this weekend. Apparently talks are being held to eliminate the whole time change thing. Why it takes so long to decide is beyond me. No one is in favour so why wait!!!

  14. Looks familiar . . . I hope it warms up again for the rest of the month.

  15. It looks like you completed your pre-winter clean up just in time. That looks like a pretty snow at least. We had snow on Halloween which is early for us but it only stayed around for a day.

  16. Fall was very short this year in many places! Sounds like you got everything done in the nick of time. I still have flower beds to clean up.

  17. Can't believe Iowa Beat Minnesota to the snow. Enjoy that cold arctic air. ( We won't...)

  18. We always know snow is coming, we just hope it's later rather than sooner -- Kind of like the holidays, because I'm never ready! :-)

  19. A little snow here this morning, but gone now. It turned out to be a nice day. "Might have been purchased?" Are you holding out on someone? Something to hide about yarn?

  20. You only just finished those outdoor chores in time...

    Great about the Christmas cards being ready.

  21. Oh I don't like the look of those roads. Shiversssss...


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