Saturday, October 5, 2019

Yard Report

We have mulching blades on the lawn mower.  I mulched for the second time yesterday...usually I mulch 9 or 10 times.   Leaves are blown from the rocks at least twice every Fall.  We have so many Oak trees that leaving the leaves on the grass would be the pits in the spring.   BUT you never can tell if you will win or if the snow will win.

We are due to have a killing frost any time now.

The flowers always seem brighter when the weather turns colder.  The high yesterday was 45 F or 7 C eh!
I like Fridays...we rarely have appointments on is what we call a "free day."

The  Internet Company we use installed a faster more efficient router for us yesterday, it seems faster on wireless devices...we hard wired our desktop computers years ago.

Far Side


  1. We lost the snow battle with the leaves and it was a huge mess when it thawed. We don't see much snow anymore but The Mister still battles the leaves like a warrior. We don't have much down yet and he's already done it twice this year.

  2. My zinnias are having their last hurrah and my nasturtiums are in their glory! It is as if they have to put on a show before they are burned by frost. It is a bittersweet time of year.

  3. Hope you enjoyed your free day. :)

  4. We are still awaiting our first front of any kind. I think maybe the flowers realize they'd better shine now, since there's not much time left before the frost. :-)

  5. It has turned colder here on the Island here in Maine. You're right, the last of the flowers do look so pretty to me right now. I'll miss them.

  6. I like the idea of Friday as free day. I was hoping today (Saturday) was free day, but it was because I had not flipped my calendar. I have lunch with friends at noon. A meeting at 2pm and a wedding tonight :)

  7. My flowers in the ground were killed by frost a few weeks ago before we left for Omaha, however the ones in pots are surviving because we put them in the garage. I have them back outside but I don't think they will last long. We had horrendous hail yesterday evening. I haven't been able to bring myself to look at them today.
    I'm glad the internet is working better for you.
    We rarely have a free day. Today we're heading to the lake to close up Larry & Nita's trailer. We did ours before we left for Omaha.

  8. A big yard is a lot of work, but I miss having lots of trees around me. Even with all the leaves.

    Have a great weekend!

  9. Friday's are my "free" days, too, and I look forward to them. Keeping ahead of the falling leaves is hard work: I hope the weather cooperates so you can get them mulched and off of the grass.

  10. With everything that is going on in your life, I am amazed with what you accomplish in a day! It took me 45 minutes to change the filter in my furnace yesterday and I was totally exhausted.

  11. Our mountains already had snow last weekend (which is early). Enjoy the fall colors where you live.

  12. We have been having light freezes for a few days now, the killing everything the ground freeze is just days away.

  13. I’m catching up reading blogs after being away for a while. I’m glad FG’s medication arrived ... finally! and that it seems to be working. It has been so hot here it’s hard to realize it is almost snow season in Minnesota. I remember well the race to get the leaves up before the snow came down and you were stuck with a mess in the spring! I hope your snow holds off for a bit and you can enjoy your flowers a bit longer.

  14. The season of change.... always seems to be nostalgic to me because we look back whereas in spring, the other season of change, we are looking forward. Leaves are just starting to turn here, a bit late I think. No killing frost yet. Wouldn't mind it though as we still have mosquitoes. Glad Far Guy got the medication he needed and that Aubrey's surgery went well.

  15. Oak leaves fall all winter, don't they? I don't have a major amount but the front ones bother the neighbors. We have a couple of weeks before frost. I see most of my flowers are gone anyway.Our internet at the old place was twice as fast as the one here at the new place.

  16. I like the change of seasons life would be boring if there was no change in the seasons

  17. This is my favorite time of the year.

  18. We have a lot of oak trees too and it seems like they shed their leaves for about nine months out of the year!

  19. It seems that fall yard work never ends.

  20. You're do seem brighter now before the frost does them in. Our big red geranium is going full speed ahead putting out beautiful blooms. My rose bushes of years ago, used to do the same especially this time of the year. We have mostly hugely tall red and white pines around us, and they're dropping needles now like crazy. Makes walking difficult...too slippery on those needles. so glad you got a free Friday to take a breather! Hope you're having a good weekend!

  21. I hope the frost doesn't hit you for a few more weeks. Those purple flowers
    ( Salvia??) sure are still pretty.

  22. I have to do this, too. I spent all day yesterday fishing. Looks like rain today, so I won't be doing any leaves.

  23. The colors of the leaves and the flowers is so pretty. I don't see much change here but it is cooler so I will take what I can get!


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