Sunday, October 6, 2019

Rain all day

Yesterday it rained all day.  We have enough moisture any time now, the ditches are full of water as are the farmers fields.  We need some sunshine!

I made some decisions about the 90th Birthday Party for my Mom next weekend...made a list of supplies and decided for sure what kind of cakes I will bake.  I am making Bundt Cakes;  Lemon, Lemon Poppy seed, Chocolate Pound Cake, Pumpkin Cake and Apple Cake are on my list.  Jen is making a Carrot Cake, my sister in law will make Chocolate Cakes and my sister is making the gluten free cakes.  A pretty decorated cake has been ordered.   I am expecting that 200 plus people will attend the Open House.  Bundt cakes serve about 15 people more if you make thin slices!

Cookies will be baked on Friday and cakes on Saturday.  Katie and Aubrey will help.

I visited Aubrey yesterday...she is a little pale but doing well.  She gets medications every three hours.  She can only open her mouth so far and it hurts to smile and it really hurts if you get the giggles....and you all know how hard it is to suppress giggles sometimes!

I worked on some more crochet squares for the CAL.  The latest pattern was a bit more difficult but I finally conquered it.

The Red Salvia is a bright spot in the yard.
Far Side


  1. Thanks for the update on Aubrey. May she continue to improve each day. The variety of cakes for your Mom's party sound so good. Lemon Poppyseed is a favorite! Your salvia is very pretty. Our landscape is pretty drab right now!

  2. Wow! That's going to be quite the birthday for your Mom!

  3. Your Mom I'll treasure the party. One of the best things my sisters and I did for our Mom was host a birthday party - people came throughout the afternoon - she had a ball.

  4. Hope you get some sun soon.

    Glad Aubrey is doing well - when she doesn't get the giggles - and you have things figured out for your Mom's party.

  5. What a wonderful celebration! I know we all would like to come and help sample all the cake while we offer our best wishes!

  6. As usual, you are incredibly busy. Glad to hear about all the help you're getting with the party. :-)

  7. An open house with 200 people sounds like a wonderful way to celebrate your mother's 90th birthday! And with cake, lots of cake!
    My sisters and I were just beginning to consider what to do for my mother's 90th when she suddenly passed a month before. Cherish this time, and don't let being too busy get in the way of your own joy.

  8. Oh, that Red Salvia! I haven't seen it in ages. My mom always had it in her front bed along with red and white striped petunias that you don't see very often either anymore.
    Your birthday plans sound like so much fun. Those cakes sound yummy!

  9. Good luck with all this. Hooray for the sandwich generation!

  10. What a wonderful celebration that will be. Lots of work, but I'm sure your mom will be very appreciative. It's good you have some help!

  11. Oh, my heart and prayers go out to Aubrey....what a brave little girl! Your plans for the birthday sound wonderful. Do you know I have never had a birthday party...ever? I've given plenty though! It sounds wonderful and I know your Mom will appreciate it.

  12. A lot of baking in your future! Good that people are chipping in. Going to be a right proper celebration!

    Glad Aubrey is doing well and that even pain can't supress her will to giggle. :)

  13. Lots of baking! But your mom will probably be delighted. We held an 80th birthday open house for my MIL many years ago. She kept saying she didn't want anyone to make a fuss. My husband put a gag ad in the local paper announcing the "surprise party", which obviously it was not. Ironically her best friend kept stealing her newspaper so the "surprise" wouldn't be spoiled. LOL So funny! And she had a blast at her "surprise party".

  14. That's a whole lot of cakes. Your Mom's party can't help but be a sweet success.

  15. So happy to hear Aubrey is doing well. That is quite a birthday party you are planning! It sounds wonderful!

  16. You will be very busy baking I see! Where did the time go? It seems like yesterday back on the farm! It will be a nice time for everyone that can come to Celebrate an important Birthday!

  17. Oh, my goodness! You will be too pooped to party with all that cake-baking. Glad to hear you have some young, energetic helpers with the cookies — as long as they don’t “taste” too many!

  18. The smell of baking cakes will be spread all over the forest. I think that here birthday will be very special. I do think that every cake kind you mentioned sound really good to me.

  19. Birthday blessings for your Mom, all the cakes sound delicious,what a great day of celebration it will be for sure we are celebrating our daughter's birthday this week, so I will be doing some baking, she has requested a black midnight cake, it is her favorite, it is a chocolate layer with caramel icing topped with pecans.
    Sending prayers, and sweet thoughts for Aubrey.
    Thank you for visiting me, I have had so little time for blogging lately, and hope to get back this week.
    Your salvia is pretty,

  20. I am looking to redo a spot in the yard and fill it with hostas and shade plants that keep coming back...I do love the color of that savlvia!

  21. I'm glad to read that Aubrey is doing well. The giggles are miserable after most surgeries and wouldn't you know, that's wehn things seem really funny. :-)
    That's a LOT of cakes. I wish I lived closer, I would love some cake. I've been trying to stick to my WW diet and sometimes I just crave sweets. Vacation was particularly difficult.
    I'm wishing your Mom a wonderful party. It sounds as if there will be a lot of people there to help her celebrate. I hope the weather is wonderful for the party. We have beautiful blue skies today but it is a bit chilly. All of my flowers are goners. IT seems way too early for that.

  22. Rain is important as is sunshine we all need both

  23. Oh, with all those cakes everyone should have their sweet tooth satisfied.
    What a wonderful unforgettable birthday party !

  24. 200 people? what a great birthday party.

  25. Wow.... what shindig you're going to have for your mom! Lucky her! Sounds like a lot of cake baking, but with that many people, you'll need them! Hope it all goes awesomely! Just want to also thank you for the beautiful Happy Fall card and your kind comments. They mean so much. I get more nervous the closer I get to my surgery date. Maybe your dad could send forth some good vibes for me? Along with your prayers! Take care and thank you again!

  26. Sorry you've had such inclement weather, I hope you get some sun soon. A party for 200 people... you are going to be very busy! I'm sure it will be a great success. Glad to hear that Aubrey is feeling better and up to helping you out with the cookie baking!


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