Friday, October 25, 2019

Woulda been 15

Chance would have been 15 years old it is he has been dead for 13 long months.  We miss him every single day.

We are still not ready for another dog...what with the maybe someday transplant looming it would not be fair to a dog at this time.

I always took lots of photos of our Chance.

He hated the Halloween Hat and would look the other way....doing his best to ignore me.

Off with the hat!
The hat is down!
These photos were taken in 2014 when he was 10 years old.

Such a happy dog!   It is good to remember him happy.

Far Side


  1. Awwwwww. I remember when he died....I was so sad for all of you, as I think I had just found your blog. I know you miss him all the time. These are great photos, aren't you glad you took a lot of him. Katie has decided to turn her head away every time I try to get her picture too, and now, with her going deaf in this last year, she no longer hears me ask her if she wants a treat. That used to get her to turn her head back at me and if I was quick I could get the shot. Now I just wave my hands around again till she looks at me but it's a lot less fun for either of us.

    Hugs to you as you miss your boy.

  2. Awww. Funny how this morning I was going through photos of Morris and his pal Teslin. Looking at puppyhood photos and all the fun we had together.
    I agree about not getting another quite yet...I understand your thoughts on that.

  3. It takes so long to get over the loss of a beloved pet. So many just don't get that. I'm in the first year of losing the parrot that I had for 30 years and it's been terrible. She was like a child to me and every day I get a trigger that still sends me into tears at the loss. Grief is such hard work.
    Your photos are so sweet. He was such a handsome fellow. Halloween is such a special time for pets. I still have my dear departed Yorkie's witch costume and my dear departed Maltese's angel costume. The Maltese's birthday was Oct. 31. We lost her last year. She would have been 19 this year.

  4. I know how much you must be missing Chance. It's been a little over five years since I lost Kero, and I still really miss him, even though we now have Lilie (who just turned two and a half) and Logan (who's a little over six months old). Kero would have been 15 this year too, but his birthday was in May.

  5. I still miss Chance, too. He was a very special soul and touched many of your blogging friends.

  6. Dogs and cats provide unconditional love when they are with us, and warm memories when they are gone. Wish we could have them longer.

  7. Thinking of you guys and Chance. I know you give thanks for the memories.

  8. He was a handsome dog. It's wonderful you have so many photos to remind you of the times you shared.

  9. He looked positively delighted to have that hat off! Heart dogs are so special, their loss never really seems to lessen.

  10. Chance was such a great dog. I know you both miss him and think about him every day. I can just imagine his thoughts when that Halloween hat came off and hit the ground. He was such a sweetie pie.

  11. What great photos and memories of a one of a kind companion. I decided after Nitty and Annie there would be no more for me. I am too old to run around training them. I miss them terribly like you do Chance....every single day. But we do have wonderful memories....that's what makes us miss them so much.

  12. Aww, sweet Chance. I think we ALL miss him although your grief is never ending. I know. I've been there with our two previous dogs, Brandy and Annabelle. I honestly don't know what I'll do when it's time for Chloe. I try to enjoy every moment we have and not take it for granted. She had her semi-annual bloodwork and physical yesterday. She's at least 13 or 14 and now has cataracts and her arthritis has worsened but other than needing her teeth cleaned, she's quite healthy.
    Thank you for sharing your sweet Chance with us all. Dogs like him are rare indeed.

  13. He was very good with older people.

  14. Oh my goodness, I sure do miss Chance too. He was indeed a wonderful, smart and loving dog. I really loved the posts that Chance made too! I know it still hurts for you and Far Guy and probably always will but I hope it gets easier with time. I still miss the very special cat I lost a few years ago but I remember him with love and think of the good times. I do hope the day will come that you can get another dog but I understand now is not the time for many reasons. I am so sorry for your pain of this loss.

  15. Look at him all dejected with that dreaded hat on his head. What a relief when he could shake it off. He sure was a character. One that you will always remember.

  16. Awww! I still miss Chance, too. This wouldn't be a good time to get another dog but later on there could be a new dog in your future. Not as special as Chance. Chance was a unique personality. But one you would love. :)

  17. Happy and beautiful. What a special dog!
    I actually still miss my cat too, and it has been almost three years.

  18. Chance was such a special dog ...I love your pictures of him. So fun to look back at them, even though I know looking back is painful for you guys. Hope all is well with you both and that you're both feeling well too. Peace to you.

  19. Happy Birthday, Chance! I know he knows you are remembering him today and every day!

  20. Those special days bring up bitter/sweet memories. I loved the Halloween pictures - you can just see his distaste in "dressing up"!

  21. You have such special memories of your Chance!

  22. Oh Chance what a good boy! These neighbors miss you too! We are on the 6th anniversary of our ol' gray mare leaving us - such good memories!

  23. Totally understandable that you are not yet ready for another dog. Some dogs are that special. No one can take their place.

  24. I love these sweet and happy photos of Chance. I know you miss him and I miss seeing him here on your blog.

  25. I've been following you for several years, and always looked forward to reading and seeing Chance. Especially the ones he wrote himself. We lost our cat last month after we had rescued it abandoned by a neighbor and living outside. When I read your posts about Chance I feel both sad and happy at the same time. That's what those kind of memories do for a person.

  26. I remember his Halloween hat! He was a very special dog.

  27. Chance was the handsomest! I miss him too, and I'm glad you keep a photo of him on your header.

  28. Chance was a super dog. That breed has such a strength in their character. I miss our dog everyday and we too won't be getting another for a while or ever.


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