Thursday, October 24, 2019

Catching up

On sleep and small projects!

 I began to use some of my Christmas boxes for ornaments for 2019...getting them ready to mail.  It is a work in progress and at least it is organized and manageable now.   I used up a fair amount of boxes and tins and nearly every small Christmas gift bag I had in the gift wrapping box.  (Jen says I am a box hoarder...I call it being amply prepared.) I even organized my gift wrapping was a I know what I have!

I went through my closet and took a bunch of clothing I will probably never wear again upstairs...if it is still up there in the spring I will deal with it then.

My stash of sympathy cards is getting low.  I had to order more photos...I found a few that would work...and some other photos that were stashed away that will make great I made a bunch.  I completed that part of the project!

I am almost caught up with the Crochet Along Project, I enjoy learning new stitches.

I am STILL working on Christmas Cards....glittering a few every few days...not many left in the to do pile.  Then I have to square them up and mount them on card least I have that all cut and ready to go...then there is the small problem of a sentiment... I don't have that figured out yet...although I have many ideas.

We may have sunshine sometime soon so outside work will commence again.
Far Side


  1. We had sunshine yesterday and it was warm enough to work outdoors in a sweatshirt. I used the goat and the pony to 'cut' some grass in some hard to get to places. Hoping to do a last mow job to chop stuff up soon. Rain again today..I think!
    You cards are beautiful!

  2. You have made good use of your indoor time!

  3. Busy as a bee, with lots of beautiful cards to finish. It is a nice little spell of weather here, sunny days with rain expected to return tomorrow. You reminded me I need to clean out my own closet one of these days. :-)

  4. Getting handmade cards is a very special thing. Most people probably have no idea just how much time and thought goes into every card. I've moved a few cold weather clothes into my closet, but need to clear out the rest of the summer stuff.

  5. You are so far ahead of the game... I haven't even begun to think about Christmas!

  6. Your photo make the best cards. I like the ones with the green/blue truck and the red barn.

  7. I see sunshine this morning (Thursday) but it's 25 degrees this morning-LOL!
    Sounds like you've been getting a lot done. :)

  8. You are getting so much done that I don't see how there's time to catch up on sleep! You are always so good at staying ahead of Christmas prep! I need to learn from you.

  9. A handmade card is a treasure! I love your photo idea.

  10. My goodness you've gotten a lot done while inside. I still have to write my cards, but I buy mine. I'm not paper-craft gifted at all! I do have all but one gifts bought/made for family since we'll be celebrating at Thanksgiving this year.
    Take care and don't wear yourself out.

  11. You've made incredible progress! I like the idea of hand made cards but have never tried to do it myself. I'll have to see if the local library offers a class just to try it out.

  12. You have so many wonderful projects going on; it's delightful to see what you are doing. It's cold and windy here. I'm tired of cleaning the house. I can't only seem to do it in small amounts of time anymore.

  13. Here's one for you...." jolly!" LOL! You are so organized and you manage to squeeze a nap in. I must admit I am getting better. I can't believe how much time I spent on the girls...not that I minded or regret it at all. But it does seem like things are a bit easier around here. I am like Terry and Linda.....I can only seem to do things in short spurts of time. I can't do any one thing for very long and then I have to take a break but I keep plugging along! You always inspire and motivate me. Maybe that's what good friends are for. Enjoy your creative adventures!

  14. I hope you get that sunshine soon!
    I like the cards you make. My daughter makes lovely cards too, then there's me who just goes to the dollar store and picks the nicest one I can find.

  15. It's a nice feeling to finish projects that have been hanging around for a while. It'll never happen to me!

  16. Christmas, a time of love and wonder.
    You get so much done, I wonder are there 3 of you?

  17. Wow! You are WAY more organized than I am!

  18. You do such a beautiful job with your artistic projects. Receiving them is like getting a treasure.

  19. Sounds like you're really coming along well with your many Christmas projects. You DO amaze me. I know the kind of beautiful cards you make! In news from our house today...Jim is still coughing and I am still feeling ok! Hope my feeling OK lasts quite awhile yet! Blessings to you two! Stay warm.

  20. Those cards look beautiful! Enjoy the sun these couple of days... more cool weather is coming.

  21. I can relate: I am a box hoarder, too.

    You may be saying you are catching up on sleep, but your to-do list makes me tired, just to read!

  22. You've been busy! Well done on getting caught up on all those projects.

  23. Your photos make beautiful cards. I think you are smart to keep boxes in preparation for Christmas. I kind of do, too, because I hate having to go looking for some when the time comes, or not having the right size.


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