Tuesday, October 15, 2019


The snow has melted...and it knocked a bunch of leaves out of the trees as it fell.  For awhile there it looked more like a leaf storm than a snow storm.

Looks like I will be busy once it dries out!

The Impatiens froze but the Salvia and Violas will live to see a few more days.

Trees along the driveway.

I am tired and had a very long nap Monday afternoon.  Most everything from the party has been put away, left over cake was frozen in individual servings.  Cake pans were mostly returned...I still have one bundt pan that belongs to my sister in law.

For future reference...the Pumpkin Cake was a whole lot like the Pumpkin bread I make.  The Apple Cinnamon Cake was awesome as was the Hershey's Chocolate Cake.  I did not taste the Lemon Poppyseed or the Lemon pound cake.  Bakers Joy is an awesome spray...we had no cakes that stuck in the bundt pans!
Far Side


  1. Bundt pans and I have a very wary relationship. Thanks for the tip. I'll have to give that a try.

  2. Your leaf situation sounds an awful lot like mine. I no sooner mowed/mulched when the very next day we had a horrible wind storm and it looked I had never even mulched. Thanks for the suggestion for the bundt pans.

  3. We have a lot of leaves down in our yard and MORE to come! I dread cleaning them up. Glad you could take a long nap. I don't bake any longer, but do remember what a great product Bakers Joy was. The cakes all sound delicious!

  4. That does look like a lot of work, mulching those leaves. Glad to hear you are getting some rest after the big event. :-)

  5. Those trees are going to.be gorgeous when the sun comes out. You should take another day or two of rest before you tackle those leaves.

  6. I love Baker's Joy. Aldi sells a similar product this time of year (in their "seasonal" baking section). I always stock up. Those cakes sound so mouthwatering. What a wonderful party.

  7. The long nap yesterday was just what you needed after all that prep work.

  8. You must have needed that nap after all of the prep for the party, and then the party itself. Lots of work to make it a success. Bundt cakes were a great idea and always easy to slice and serve. Now I'm wondering if I still have my bundt pan somewhere.

  9. I'm glad you're getting some rest after the big event. Just reading about all of your preparations made me tired! Now...do I still have my bundt pan or did I give it away?
    Lots of leaves for you. Ours are just beginning to fall after the storm last week. So many trees were lost. Our neighbor whose tree fell into our yard lost 6 trees! I feel so bad for her and her yard looks naked!
    I hope you get more naps this week.

  10. Having no cakes stick to the pan is a very good thing!!! I hope you can rest for a spell

  11. Nice the party is over and went well. No wonder you are tired.

  12. Cleaning up leaves seems like a never ending chore.

  13. It is good to rest up after a big celebration and it is good to have cake in the freezer!

  14. Oh, just the word leaves! I've just been out mowing over our yard full of brown dead leaves. It's overwhelming! Looks like there won't be any left to turn pretty fall colors.

  15. We were warned about potential frost last night but we dodged the bullet. Will be warmer all week now.

  16. Beautiful trees and leaf colors! So glad the party went well and I have never tried Baker's Joy. I'll have to remember that! Those cakes all sounded delish!

  17. Yes, the cakes were great. I feel like going and baking one just to smell it in the house. I am glad you got a nap and that was a necessity after the last few days of work. You did a great job.

  18. I like cake and the way they smell as they come out of the oven

  19. The leaves will be there when you get to them, and when you’ve gone out and done some hard work, you can eat cake!

  20. Smart move to freeze leftover cake in individual portions.

  21. I'm not surprised your salvia made it. The trouble with early storms blowing in, though, is that it cuts short the fall color--usually in a big mess on the ground! But I see you still have some beautiful fall color in that one tree...or was that a photo from before the snow?

  22. That looks like a big job. I wait until all the leaves are just about down and then mow once more and quit.
    What a huge and wonderful party and all that cake!
    Good luck with the leaves!


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