Monday, October 14, 2019

90 years

My Mom was 90 years old yesterday.  The party was well attended with about 250 people showing up to help her celebrate.

Everything went smoothly, all the food was good and there were left overs and no one went away hungry.  We served ham and pulled pork on buns, cheese, fruit, pickles, mints and cakes...we also had gluten free options...cakes, ham and cheese and mints.

There was plenty of cake!

Relatives and friends came from far and wide.

It snowed for a bit in the morning but in the afternoon the sun came out.

Far Side


  1. Beautiful photo of your Mom with her cake! Wow, she had lots of family and friends to attend. God bless you and FG this week. Keeping you in my prayers. xo

  2. Your mother looks terrific for being 90. Glad everyone had a great time and that the party was so well attended.

  3. She looks great! And what a wonderful gathering for her birthday. You and her other relatives created a delightful memory for the ages. :-)

  4. Such a wonderful celebration. And your menu is mouth watering! I am sure your mother enjoyed seeing everyone, and it seems like EVERYONE was there. Glad for your good weather and all the delicious treats. And super glad for your mom - Happy Birthday!!

  5. Happy 90th Birthday to Madeline! Looking great Madeline! Sorry we weren't able to attend the party. Glad the party went well.

  6. Looks like it was a hit all around! Happy birthday to your mom!! :)

  7. Happy birthday Madeline. What a fun day for her with friends and family sharing her special day. The carrot cake looked wonderful with that design of frosting. I bet people had a lot of fun choosing the kind of cake that they would like to eat. I bet some people had more than one kind along with a cookie.

  8. Happy birthday to your mom! We should all look so good at 90!!

  9. Families should gather for more happy occasions! Happy Birthday to your beautiful Mom.

  10. Happy Birthday to your Mom! What a wonderful party!

  11. Happy birthday to your Mom!

    Sounds like she had a great party.

  12. What a wonderful party for her! Happy Birthday to your Mom! She looks beautiful!

  13. You all worked so hard to make your Mom's birthday a wonderful day and it looks like you succeeded. The menu sounds delicous and the photo of your Mom is priceless. She makes 90 look young! So many people to help her celebrate is a tribute to the life she has led. I'm sure she appreciated each person who came to share the day with her.

  14. Happy Birthday! What a blessed event for your mom! She looks very happy. Beautiful corsage and festive orange outfit. All the cakes looked so yummy. God bless you all.

  15. Your mom looks younger than her age. Glad it was a great celebration.

  16. So great that all went well. Your Mom sure looks good for 90. Her orange jacket is just right for the season!!

  17. No way! Your mom looks barely 70! I'm so glad the day was a big success!

  18. Wow, what a Birthday she had! Happy Birthday to her and many more. You are so lucky to have them both! Sharon

  19. A big happy birthday to your Mum, she doesn't look 90, I hope she had a great day

  20. The birthday girl looks great! So glad it all turned out well. Congratulations.

  21. Congratulations on what looks like a successful and downright wonderful birthday party for your Mom! Your folks look so young for people in their 90's! All the food sounds scrumptious! So glad the weather cooperated too! Good job farside and farguy!

  22. So glad the party was a success! Your mom looks terrific!

  23. Such a nice party - and a great turnout! Happy Birthday Madeline!

  24. What a terrific celebration. Happy birthday to your mom! And a nice, quiet recuperation time for all the cake-bakers!!!

  25. What a wonderful celebration! You deserve a nap after feeding and hosting 250 people. Your mom must have been so happy to see so many friends and family.

  26. Happy Birthday to your mom. That is a big party! No wonder you were baking so many cakes. Your mom does not look 90 years old.


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