Thursday, August 22, 2019

Run for your life

I can still run...not like in my dreams where I am slow to take off but then soar above the ground only landing every ten or so steps to kick off airborne again.

I run slow like an old lady...but faster than a bunch of angry Paper Wasps/Hornets.  The Internet tells me that a person cannot outrun them...well maybe not everyone...but then again I am not everyone.

It all began after a trip to town for Far Guys Pulmonary Therapy.  A few months ago I bought some stuff called Wet and Forget. it is a moss, mildew and stain remover good for wood or stone. It was there in the garage saying "Remember this project?"  I mixed up a batch to try on a section of patio brick... my sprayer is wonky...but I got it to half ass work.

THEN I decided to go and get the cedar deck and steps out back...on the north side of the house the steps used to look beautiful but now they are looking mossy and dark...I went up the steps and took my wand and flicked a few dead leaves off the deck when I heard buzzing, I was attacked and stung.  I couldn't believe it.  I took off at warp old lady speed with many wasps/hornets chasing me.  Did you know the first one that stings you marks you with something so the other  wasps/hornets can quickly find you?

I dropped my sprayer just outside the front door and went inside and announced very loudly BEES!"

My husband heard "GEES"  he said Gees what?   What ?  BEES!  I was stung.  You were stung?  YES.

He fumbled getting my epi pen but quickly recovered and got me a bag of ice and stabbed me in the leg with the epi pen.   Sometimes I need an extra shot...but I made it by with one and a Benadryl ...which proceeded to make me sleepy.  "You are going to go to sleep aren't you?"  yes...

It was reported that I was cooperative during part of the long sleep by snoring...the rest of the time he had to check my breathing.

Luckily this time I was only stung once on the outer side of my wrist.  It was very painful...the ice helped and I took Aleve.  After my long sleep the swelling is more up and down my arm versus one spot. My right thigh is almost as sore those epi pen needles are pretty big.

I have been allergic to bees since I opened honey bee hives when I was about three years old.

I had a severe reaction to wasps/hornets back in the early 1980's where my tongue swelled so big I had to hang it out of my mouth to breathe...that time I required many many shots and caused quite a stir in the ER in Fargo.

All is well that ends well...although I did have some other things planned for the afternoon other than a long nap.

Lesson learned never be too far from the epi pens.

Far Guy reports that he has sprayed the wasp nest.

Far Side


  1. I ran into those nasties just the other day. I am always looking for them this time of year. Next are the dreaded ground bees.
    Glad you are okay! Yikes!

  2. Holy Cow!! I am so glad you are okay. Glad you can still run. My hubby is allergic to stinging insects so I know what you are going thru. Once again, I am so glad you are okay.

  3. Yikes! I am so glad they don't bother me much if I get bitten. Or at least that was true in the past. Those epi pens have now gotten incredibly expensive here in the US. Glad you're okay and only had a good nap. :-)

  4. So scary. So glad for the epi pen. The effects of the stings are terrifying. I am thinking you might need to put one in your pocket. Maybe someone can pick up some extras in Canada for you. Meanwhile - the wet and forget has worked wonders on our vinyl siding! I recommend it highly. I am thinking about sneaking out some night and spraying it on the side of the house facing me belonging to a cranky neighbor - just so I don't have to look at the green streaks.

  5. That sounds painful and very scary as well. I was stung by a wasp a couple of summers ago and it was certainly painful.

  6. Oh, my goodness...that sounds painful and scary. Funny thing, I got stung by a yellow jacket the other day and discovered I could still run, too. I really did not know if I could since I broke my leg and it is so weird. But I like the term Warp Old Lady speed.

  7. Glad you ran fast enough to avoid more stings, and are OK.

  8. I worked with a teacher who had the same kind reactions to stings. He had radar up at all times but like you there just isn’t a way to know for sure where they are. You will be glad for a hard freeze already to put them back into hibernation.

  9. Oh my, that must have been frightening. I'm glad Far Guy was able to get your Epi pen quickly enough. I've not been stung in years but I recall it is painful, but to have a reaction like that would be far worse.

    Way to run!

  10. How scary! Yes--have those Epi pens close at hand!
    So glad you are okay and that FarGuy sprayed them.

  11. MY heavens! You were lucky! One sting...there could have been many. I, too, am very allergic to those type of stings so understand. I am so grateful you were able to get over it without the use of the ER room!

  12. Holy Moley - I'm glad you had the Epi pen, and that it stopped the swelling. Don't forget to put a new pen on your shopping list.

  13. Oh my! I'm so glad you were close enough to the house to get to Far Guy and that EPI pen. I'm also grateful that he was there to monitor you while you slept.
    I was stung three times in the arm my an angry yellowjacket that had climbed into my jacket sleeve unbeknownst to me. I ended up in urgent care and then by ambulance to the ER. Not fun at all. I had an EPI pen but it was recalled and I never refilled it. I do keep benedryl everywhere.
    I hope you're much better now and the soreness is gone. That was enough excitement for awhile. You should lay low. :-)

  14. Wow, that is so scary. What if he hadn't been home, would you have been able to inject yourself, or drive yourself to ER? My mom had a mild reaction to getting stung by a yellow jacket (possibly more than one). She was alone, couldn't find any benadryl at home. Went to neighbors and they weren't home. Drove herself into town (only 4 miles), was confused by time she got to the drug store, wandered around there until someone helped her find the benadryl. A stranger had to convince the store clerk to get mom a glass of water so she could take the pill. I told her she should have driven to ER.

  15. Sounds as if you ran like your life depended on it, which it did. Take care.

  16. Thank goodness for the epi pen and old lady warp speed! I'm allergic to bee stings too and the thought of a sting is frightening. I hope you are feeling better now.

  17. Well you look at a bad situation in a humorous way. I liked your post. I hope you recover rapidly.

  18. Holy moly! That was an adventure not to be repeated. I'm glad you can still run - for your life!
    I swell up hugely from bee stings, and then the itch a few days later is terrible, but fortunately I do not suffer the systemic reactions that are life threatening like you do. Epi pens are life savers.

  19. Thank God Far Guy was there to give you the shot. I got stung last year om forehead from one of those scarlet wasps we have here that are very aggressive. It took 3 months for the swelling to go down and I'm not allergic. Those suckers are nasty! Hope you feel better soon!

  20. I have not commented before but I have followed you for quite a while. I'm a Shiny Brite fan, too. I just wanted to say that you and Far Guy seem to have such a tender relationship, caring and looking out for each other; and that care for each other touches my heart. Best of the best to you both.

  21. Scary episode. I hope you manage to stay away from stinging insects for a long, long time.

  22. Oh, I'm so glad everything turned out all right for you. wow. Scary. Glad far guy was there to give you aid! I've heard a number of stories like this in the past week or two....must be that time of the year when the nasties are out and about and stinging! So sorry that happened to you!

  23. Wasps are really bad this time of the year. I'm glad all ended well for you. And that you can run fast enough when necessary!!

  24. Oh my! You deserved a nap after all that. What a saga.

  25. Oh my goodness! So glad you got your epi-pen in good time! I hate wasps, we had quite a lot of them on our back porch last year, but could never find the nest. So far this year we've only had a couple... nasty buggers! Glad you are okay.

  26. Well, that was an adventure you could have done without! Glad it all turned out okay. Hope the pain and swelling go down soon!

  27. So glad you had the Epi pen! For years I had a truce with wasps under our deck until I put my hand where I shouldn't have. They stung me 4 times on 1 hand. I dug out my electric fly swatter that looks like a tennis racket and take it whenever I grill. So far it's Jerry 11, wasps 'love'.

  28. Hope you both feel good today. Careful with the wasp spray though. I'm sure it could be harmful to breathe in.


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