Friday, August 23, 2019

On the list : Day 32

The appointments at the U of MN went so so.  Far Guy is worse...he needs a lung and the sooner the better according to his Transplant Pulmonologist.  He needs to increase his Oxygen to keep his Oxygen Saturation up.  She changed some medications.   She wants him on antibiotics full time to see if we can get him feeling better.

We left home early in the morning during a rain storm and the storm followed us all the way to the cities.   It rained cats and dogs and other animals.

View from one of the waiting rooms.

It started to clear off  after we got there.  The ride home was much better. 
It makes for a really long day when we go and come back in the same day.  We were tired when we got home.  It is a 3 1/2 hour to 4 hour drive one way.

Today is our first free day this week...all of the appointments have been accomplished.

I went to Bingo with my Dad last night we were losers but still had a good time.
Far Side


  1. Wow! I'll pray for you guys to get a lung ASAP. It must be very hard to live like that. Whenever I've got a cold and can't breath I think of all the people that are in situations like far guy.

    We are the same as you. If we want to see a specialist the closest is three hours away. Ugh. Hubby has health issues also. How many times have we driven 3 hours one way for a five minute a appointment.

  2. I'm sorry the news isn't better. I pray he gets a lung soon.

  3. So sorry to hear Far Guy isn't feeling any better. I pray every day for him and that he gets a new lung ASAP.

  4. Hope your wait will be over soon. Prayers going up for both of you.

  5. I'm sorry things didn't go better. I hope things improve for Far Guy healthwise soon.

  6. You aren't losers - you are enjoyers!

  7. That's a horridly long day. Definitely hoping Far Guy feels better with the antibiotics and that the lung transplant comes to be soon.

  8. I'm praying for both of you. Rest today. Rest is a good thing, as you well know. Hugs!

  9. I sure hope the antibiotics help. I echo everyone else when I say I'm praying for you both. I have also put Far Guy on our church's prayer chain and our small group.

  10. Hoping for something positive...any time now! That is a very long day. You don't say if you do all the driving, or if Far Guy does some, or someone goes with you. With all that driving, I don't think I would have been feeling up to bingo that evening.

    1. We split up the driving, he in the country me in the city. That was Tuesday...Bingo was Thursday I was rested up by then:)

  11. That is a long trip to make in one day. I hope the antibiotics help FarGuy. Think of you both often.

  12. Hoping Far Guy doesn't have to wait too long for a lung. My friend with the pulmonary hypertension is in hospital this week with pneumonia but feeling better today. She isn't a candidate for a lung transplant due to other issues, so she just keeps increasing that oxygen saturation to stay breathing. My daughter is actually one of her Respiratory Therapists at the hospital this week.

  13. 3 - 4 hour drive is tiring when you have to go all day.

  14. I have been away for a bit and was hoping to come back to better news for FG and you. I hope he reaches the top of the list real soon. I hope the extra oxygen is making him feel a little better.

  15. It can be so difficult driving in heavy rain. That had to be an exhausting trip for you both. I'll keep praying for Far Guy to get moved up the transplant list. I hope the meds and oxygen help.

  16. How difficult that must have been. Almost better getting it all over with and getting home, though, especially since it cleared up. Take care.

  17. Hope the increased oxygen and antibiotics help Far Guy to feel better. Praying that he gets a lung very soon.

  18. I used to edit a journal about heart and lung transplantation. There is almost a catch 22 involved: if you aren't sick enough, then you have to wait longer, but if you are too sick, then you can't get the transplant. I hope and pray that a lung wll become available SOON

  19. Whatever it takes to keep FG going. I hope this new plan works and a transplant happens soon.

  20. Lord hear our prayer. Help these people in their time of need. Amen.

  21. I sure hope the antibiotics help FG to feel better until a lung is available. Hopefully soon.

  22. praying for far guy to get that call soon! In the meantime may his new meds and antibiotics be a help for him! Sorry you have to drive into the cities so often ….one of my most unfavorite things to do....(any city) but sometimes it can't be helped as I will realize in a couple of months with my upcoming surgery. Hope you both have a good weekend!

  23. I am praying that the antibiotics will kick in fast and all our prayers will be answered for you all! It is tough traveling so far and especially when you don't feel well. Try to rest and don't over do things because you will need your strength! I think of you both everyday and say a prayer! Sharon

  24. That long of a trip does make for an exhausting day! Glad you made the trip safely, despite the nasty weather.

  25. Praying for that lung to come sooner. Just hearing about all this makes me tired, so I know it is more so for you. :-(

  26. Every day, I take some deep breaths to try to calm myself and think to myself, "Breath for Gene"... over and over again until I calm down from panic attacks.

  27. So sorry you had to drive through storms. It's tiring enough with a long drive like that. It must be awful for Gene and you too. I pray a lung comes along soon or 2. It must be so stressful with the waiting and trying to keep him healthy and uplifted. Waiting is not fun. Gald you got home safe and sound.


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