Sunday, June 23, 2019

whats blooming

The Wild Geraniums are prolific this year, the right amount of rain at the right time I guess.

Geranium maculatum or Wild Geranium

Prairie Smoke or Geum triflorum or Old Man's Whiskers
I was happy to see the Prairie Smoke in our wild gardens this year.
A deer went through and ate some of my Lupines and my Baptisia...dirty buggers anyway.

Yesterday I did laundry and cleaned the bathroom and unpacked the rest of our "stuff".  It rained here and it is cool.  Possibly it will be a cool wet summer....who knows!   My other baby brother and his bride mowed our lawn last Wednesday so the lawn is good for a few days.

Far Side


  1. How nice to see a picture of prairie smoke growing wild. I once had a plant of it in my garden. So pretty.

  2. I had to look twice to see the smoke. It is a new one for me. Glad you are home.

  3. I like the Prairie Smoke.
    You sound content to be home.

  4. The wildflowers are lovely. Enjoy your time at home.

  5. Family are precious. Flowers are uplifting.

  6. I enjoy your blog postings, they are "homey" and real. I am praying for you and your hubby. God is Good! Happy Sunday!

  7. I have never heard of Prairie Smoke. It is lovely!

  8. I've never seen Prairie Smoke – thy're so pretty and delicate. I would love to grow some wild geraniums here, but no greenhouse ever has them here. I've never lived where deer could get at the garden, but I imagine it can be frustrating. Fun to see them, not so when they eat your flowers and veggies! It's cooler here today, too... I actually have the windows open so we can hear the birds singing and get fresh air. Maybe the temps will hold off climbing today and we can keep them open. Have a beautiful day full of blessings! ♥

  9. It's really cold here right now, but I just ate the first of the zucchini from the garden and am feeling full and content. Love that prairie smoke and the wild geraniums are lovely. Such a delicate shade of lavender. :-)

  10. Wild Geranium are so pretty. I don't think we have them around here.

  11. The wildflowers are so pretty. Glad you are not struggling with the heat right now. A thoughtful gesture for your brother/bride to mow your lawn. xo

  12. Love the wild geraniums and I have never seen the'old man's whiskers'. I bet you were both very glad to be home. It has stormed here since last night. It quiets down and then strikes up again. I love it....I don't have to water. Nothing like sleeping in your own bed! Sleep tight.

  13. I love prairie smoke! Hadn’t heard that it was also called old man’s whiskers but that seems appropriate.

  14. I have never seen Prairie Smoke. Of course, we don't get out in the wilds much. They are beautiful!

  15. You made the right choice in this case. The U is world class transplants. Also had no idea prairie smoke grew in the north country...:)

  16. Ah, lawns. Mine is mostly weeds, devil's paintbursh right now! Sadly, the battery doesn't work well. It's driving me nuts!

  17. Always nice when others see a task or two that they can do to make your life easier.


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