Saturday, June 22, 2019


We are home.  Yes we are both exhausted.  It was a week.  Yesterday we had a nap...catching up as we didn't have many naps all week.

We chose the University of Minnesota Medical Center for transplant.  Far Guys Pulmonary Doctor highly recommended The U of MN. Yes I know you are thinking why don't they go to Mayo?  Well it is a numbers thing...The University does three times as many lung transplants as Mayo.  I liked the sound of Mayo at first...we could stay out of the big city and traffic...but their numbers are just not what we were looking for.  After visiting the U Doctors...I felt confident that we chose the right place...Far Guy too.  Everyone at the Support Group meeting said "You are in the best place possible for new lungs the only other place that compares is Stanford."

I can manage the traffic, do I like it...NO...but I will do what I have to do. The most important place to be is with a good transplant team.  &*^$ traffic.   One day Jen decided to test my in city driving...Freeway and Downtown and I passed her tests.  I told her I felt like vomiting after I arrived safely at the motel. 

After last week we still have a choice...Far Guy can say no to a transplant.  Does he really need a lung transplant?  YES all the tests show that it is his only hope to live a few more years.   He is in good shape other than his crappy lungs.  The next lung infection could put his life in danger, so what to do?  See if he qualifies for a transplant...and go with it, and pray that a donor is found before he dies.

The way I see it he either says yes to dying or yes to a least with the transplant he has a chance to live and breathe.

Tough things to talk about I know.  We have talked and talked...and prayed...and decided that God is in charge and if Far Guy is meant to have a transplant he will.

Is this all scary...yes it sure is... but the alternative is scary too.  Once Far Guy is listed for a transplant I will start a Caring Bridge site for him.

Far Side


  1. I hope you can rest and relax some this has sure been a full week for you.

  2. Difficult decisions. Sounds like you and Gene have thought it through carefully. Keeping you in my prayers.

  3. Sounds like you've dotted all the i's and crossed all the t's. If anyone can do this it's you two!

  4. You two have many folks praying for you. May the Lord continue to give you strength during this difficult time.

  5. Praying it all will go well, and as you said, it is in the hands of God. We all want FG to stick around for as long as possible.

  6. Prayers. It is all in God's hands and you do what you feel comfortable doing. Darn those lungs anyway.

  7. I could rewrite Laurel Wood’s statement. I had experience with the University Hospitals there in the 1970’s and it is a good place. I too figured out how to drive through all of that. I was young and not smart enough to be scared. When we drive by the area on the freeway these days I wonder how I did it. Praying... I am glad you get to be home.

  8. I really hope that he gets a transplant soon. One of my friends had one when she was young, and she is still going strong. Much love.

  9. You've had a tough week. Only you and Far Guy can make the decision. The rest of us can only support you.

  10. I was there years ago with my father when he was transported there.
    I get the decisions you are making, tough but really no other good choices.
    I am hoping for the best.

  11. Life decisions are never easy, but you have done all you can to make the right ones for yourselves. God be with you.

  12. I think you are making the right choice! Hospital and transplant

  13. Such a tough choice to make. My heart is with you both as you rest up and wait now. One day at a time and enjoy every minute that you can.

  14. You've successfully passed the first difficult week. I know there will be more but I have no doubt that you will both be guided and do well. I wish there was some way I could help you but know I'm with you in spirit and prayers. I hate that city driving too but it is amazing what we can accomplish when we have the right reasons and God is with us. Rest up and feel good about this past week's accomplishments.

  15. Jerry and I will be sending up a multitude of prayers about all of this. I, too, do the numbers when Jerry has medical things going on... decisions are hard like that, but when it's their life, yes, we do what we have to. Blessings and prayers for both of you. ♥ Hang in there, Far Side and Far Guy!

  16. You've definitely had a very full week, I hope you have a few days of peace and quiet to rest and relax. I'm hopeful the transplant team looks Far Guy's file soon, a donor is found andthe surgery is a success. Take care of yourselves.

  17. The very best to you both. Hugs and good thoughts from here in S. Indiana.
    This all takes a lot of guts and moxie as well. You have my adoration on that.
    Onward then to a solution . You guys are the best.

  18. Hang in there, wishing you strength for the long haul. Keeping you in my thoughts.

  19. I understand all the things you're saying in this post. Difficult times no matter which way things go...but God will guide you two and things will work out the way they're supposed to work. Do trust in that, friends. God Bless You Both. You're in my prayers.

  20. I hope you can rest and feel better this next week and beyond. Decisions are difficult but it is a relief when they have made. Think of you both. . .

  21. It certainly sounds like he is in good hands at the U. The waiting may be the hardest part of this now.

  22. Tough choices! I can relate. My wife could easily say "I will do what I have to do." She is now our only driver.

  23. Best wishes. I think you made a good decision, based on all the facts. Thanks for the nice columbine photo.

  24. May God give you wisdom, patience, hope, comfort, and health.

    The love you have for each other is profound and it will help get through the days to come.

  25. As you know, our family has experience on both sides of the transplant experience. Two liver recipients and my dear nephew who just passed away a few months ago donated everything. And I mean EVERYTHING. Six people were able to recieve life giving organs, including lungs and over 100 other people recieved eyesight, skin, etc. What a great gift. I know you would appreciate that.
    All of that said, organ transplants are one of the most stressful things that a family will go through. I pray that a donor is found soon for Far Guy and everything goes as smoothly as possible. I have heard that the facility you have chosen is one of the best. I also pray for the donors family. You will both be in my prayers through the coming days, weeks and months. May God bless you and Gene.
    And way to go on the practice drive. You sure can tell that your family loves and cares for you.

  26. Yes, go with the numbers. It is far better--especially considering the complexity of this situation--to go with the place which has the most experience by far. I'm glad your experiences this week have boosted your confidence in that decision. Sounds like they have a wonderful support network, as well as expertise in this precise issue.

  27. Hope Far Guy gets this chance for more time with you, and you have several more happy years together.

  28. I have been praying for God to help you with your decision as I know it must be a tough one for both of you. I have no doubt you will make the right choice. I will keep praying!

  29. Thinking good thoughts for Far Guy. Hope he finds a compatible donor.

  30. I'm so sorry you're both having to go through this. It does sound like the best decision. Since I don't really drive anymore I really admire your bravery. I shall be praying for strength for you both.

  31. It's difficult, I can tell. You make your decisions and go with it. We refused radiation, sue to potential side effect. You just have to make a plan, and go with it. You will get through this, no matter what happens. You are strong. Take care of yourself, too.


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