Saturday, June 29, 2019

Home Again

We braved the traffic and two/three traffic jams...weekend traffic I guess...who knows maybe they have traffic problems every day.


Far Guy invited me to the room where sweet little smiling Mary pulled three feet of tube out of his stomach...I declined.

We had a really good educational visit with the Pulmonary Therapist.  She was originally from Wisconsin.  We learned so much from her.

We got home...partially unpacked and we both had nap was for four hours...which probably amounts to a sleep instead of a nap.

We are still mulling over comments from the Thoracic Surgeon "You are pushing the envelope"  "You have some coronary artery disease. not enough for the Cardiologist to be worried about, but from a Lung Transplant Surgeon's standpoint it is concerning."  " I will only transplant one lung."  " You have an 85% chance to survive one year and  then you will probably have a good seven years after you survive the first year." "You will be able to breathe without oxygen with one good lung"  "Your quality of life will be much better"  "You are getting older"  "Recovery will be hard work." "I think you will be listed for a year and then we will have to see the results of another Angiogram." " Don't be discouraged, you have to go into transplant with a really good attitude."  " two blockages are about 60%...not enough to require stents or by pass surgery at this time." "You could have a heart attack during surgery." "You are not a perfect candidate...and we look for perfect."

Lots of scary "stuff" to think about.

My one and only Lilac bloom.
Far Side


  1. Tom is following your experiences, too. Other people in his pulmonary rehab group have told similar stories. It has to be hard to listen to all these specialists. Scarier than scary.

  2. I am thinking of you both and hope you are able to stay positive as attitude is very important as your medical team has mentioned. It is amazing what the medical people can do these days compared to a few years ago.

  3. It is so scary. I am afraid for you but know there is little that can be done except for a transplant. Many people get through it fine, and that's what I'm hoping will happen for FG. We all are. Very frightening times, though. I wish there was something I could do.

  4. I continue to pray for you is a long row to hoe.

  5. That all sounds frightening. Prayers for only the best stuff for you both.

  6. While it's frightening to hear, I love the honest and candid conversations you're having with the specialists..

  7. At least he didn't say no. Door is still open. I know someone who got shot in the chest in a freak accident and has lived for decades with 7/8 (?) of one lung gone--basically only one lung. So at least I know a person can live quite normally with one lung. Not much help, I know, but you know me...grab onto the positive whenever you can. Life is scary.
    Much love and prayers, Rita :)

  8. Wow, those are some comments, some good, some not so good. I think I'd focus on the positive rather than the negative. But I only imagine it is worrisome for both of you. Take care!

  9. Dear goodness, if he were perfect , he wouldn't be there Mr. Surgeon doctor sir. Does he think Far Guy wants to be in this position. Yes, dear doc, we are all getting older that is the point of life, right.
    That is my kind of nap. You must have needed it.
    He sounds fiesty yet, teasing you about watching the tube withdrawal. Hugs Far Guy.Keep up the good spirits. You CAN do this.

  10. So the Thoracic Surgeon says all that and then says you have to go into transplant with a really good attitude! I know, you have to be aware of all possible sides of it but still. I'm glad you are both safely home and away from all those medical tests and all that traffic. Relax, rest and enjoy being home. (I wouldn't be able to watch them take that tube out either!)

  11. Oh my! It's hard to know what to think isn't it? I know it's hard to be postive sometimes buy you both have so many people pulling for you and Far Guy. You are both in my prayers daily.

  12. Whew! Lots of prayers and love for both of you. Hugs

  13. That sure seems to be a lot of back and forth contradictory doctor stuff. I can't even imagine trying to sort all that out. But really, doctor, Far Guy wouldn't be there is he didn't need this! You guys have our constant prayers for wisdom, strength, and peace... God is going to see you through all of it! Hugs and blessings! ♥

  14. I just caught up on your last three days and MY head is spinning. Can’t imagine what yours and Far Guys are doing. You are going to need lots of naps, just to figure it all out. I hope you have a restful weekend and don’t spend it all thinking about the What Ifs. Sniff those lilacs and savor the perfume!

  15. Bonnie said exactly what I was going to comment. ( I'm too squeamish to watch any tube pulled out too).

  16. I think they try to err on the side of caution. They want it to be a success all around.

  17. Wow ….so many things to think about and pray about. Glad you guys are back home after all these appointments. Praying that things go just the way you need them to go and that all will be for the very best!

  18. So thankful you could rest some. I can't imagine the stress you both are under. Praying that the Lord will give you both wisdom and peace of mind about this process. xo

  19. Those are a lot of thought-provoking comments to have to sort out. That would cost me about four hours of extra sleep, too...

  20. At least he's being open and honest with you. It's a lot to think about though.

  21. You need to know these facts before you go through it if you decide to. Once you;re in the hospital system it is there job to keep you alive whether you want to be or not. They take an oath to keep you breathing...they do not take an oath to save you from suffering. Just remember that. Just pray that God will help you make the right choice for both of you.


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