Saturday, March 2, 2019

Greek Goddess

When Jen did her Ancestry DNA test, she found out that she has some Greek in her background.  So wanting to know more she gave her Dad a Ancestry kit for Christmas. 

Well guess what? He does not have Greek in his DNA.

So…I must have a Greek Goddess in my background…who knew.

Probably the Goddess of War….maybe Athena who was the goddess of crafts and domestic art…and war!


A cruise ship leaving the Big Island of Hawaii January 2019

Far Side


  1. What an incredible shot! Yes you are an artist for sure! I can see it in everything you do. I always wanted Nike to be my Greek Goddess, the goddess of speed, strength, and victory.

  2. Beautiful photo! The cruise around Hawaii is still on my bucket list.

  3. It seems like maybe you should do that test, too, and find out what you've got going on. Love that picture too. :-)

  4. I would sure like to be on the beach watching that ship. It’s so cold here today. And a Greek goddess! Should we all be bowing down to you? Ha!!!
    Blessings, Betsy

  5. LOL! I have heard that those tests are not all that accurate. I remember seeing a video where a person sent in to the top three places and got differing results and another where identical twins sent in and got different results--LOL! But there sure might be a bit of Athena in you--LOL! ;)

  6. Ha! You’re going to have to do it, too, and find out.

  7. I am somewhat skeptical about dna testing. I think they get the big stuff but not the little stuff.

  8. But of course we already knew you were a Greek Goddess of crafts and all things creative! Now are you going to take the test to learn more?

  9. Yasou... that's Greek for hello. I looked it up.
    I'm also a little skeptical about dna testing but it does sound interesting.

  10. I should splurge and get us a DNA kit each...just to see what it says. This is interesting.

  11. I did the spit test -- nothing was a surprise -- we'd done so much genealogy

    Truth be told -- I would believe you are a Greek Goddess!

  12. Greek Goddess - interesting.

  13. The war of crafting...yep, that's about right :-D.

  14. Gorgeous photo and that DNA stuff is fascinating. What a great Christmas present! Yes, I can see you as a Goddess of creativity and maybe some skirmishes.


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