Friday, March 1, 2019

Friday finally

Look ma no cavities!  Dental appointments have been accomplished. 

Physical therapy appointments were no fun but they were accomplished also. No huge improvements.  My one leg is longer than the other and they cannot figure it out…they have tried everything to get them the same length…yesterday one pulled one way and another pulled the other way…uffda.

The weather is to turn really cold this weekend and hopefully we will just stay in and hibernate.  I am ready for a few days at home. Sounds like March will come in like a Lion.

Last night my Dad finally felt up to Bingo, he fell and injured his hand but after three weeks he says it is good enough to resume Bingo activity.


Hibiscus in Hawaii

Far Side


  1. Glad your appointments went well, other than the physio one being no fun, and your still being in pain with the leg.

    Great news that your Dad was ready to go back to Bingo.

  2. Yippee, no cavities! I haven't had one since I was 19...however the one filling I had did crack and ruin a tooth last year.
    I'm happy to hear your dad is back to Bingo!
    Yes, cold weather and some snow for tonight through part of the weekend!

  3. Let's hear it for no cavities. Good job!! God your Dad is back to Bingo. Stay safe with all the cold weather arriving.

  4. Congratulations on a good trip to the dentist. Glad to hear your dad is feeling better. :-)

  5. Have your legs always been different lengths?

    1. I was wondering why they were worried and thought pulling would make it longer. If that worked I'd be pulling on both of mine to make me taller. :)

  6. Good to hear your appointments went well, and your Dad is feeling some better as well.

    Soon, surely soon, spring will poke its head up.

  7. Did you ever break your leg and wear a plaster cast? One of my legs is about an inch longer than the other. It was caused by a plaster cast I had from my toes to my thigh after I broke both bones in my lower leg. I had the heavy cast for months. The length discrepancy is noticeable when I wear slacks.

    1. Yes and I mentioned it to them, they didn't feel it was possible. I wore a plaster cast for about 6 months:(

  8. Dennis and I both had dental appointments this week too. Just routine cleaning and no surprises, so that was nice. I never made it to my physical therapy up on top of the hill this week. It was the day we had 9 inches of snow dumped on us and just as I was getting ready to leave, two neighbors backed into each other right in front of our driveway. I had to cancel because I couldn’t get out of the driveway. Would you believe they charged me a $50 cancellation fee? In the middle of a blizzard. My co-pay is only $35! I asked them if they could just pretend that I showed up and charge me the co-pay? I don’t think they thought that was funny.
    Sorry about the pulling they did on you. That can’t be fun. Glad your Dad felt up to bingo. That’s a good sign of healing. Stay warm!
    Blessings, Betsy

  9. So happy for the no cavities and at least the physical therapy being done, Connie. So glad your Dad felt up to bingo too. I haven't been to bingo in years but boy, I sure love it. From what my mom told me, my maternal grandmother loved bingo too.... years and years and YEARS ago! They used to always have it in the church basements and she'd always go.... walking to get there. That was back when there used to be a church on every corner. Stay warm this weekend... our cold snap starts on Monday but it's above freezing today so we're going to head out & spread some mulch. But we won't be out there long, that's for sure! Love, Andrea xoxo

  10. A lot of people have legs or arms different lengths--boobs, balls, ears and feet different sizes. People just like to assume we are made with cookie cutters--LOL! Glad you got through all those appointments! Relax and stay warm. :)

  11. February has been a long cold month. In two days it looks like the cold trend is over.

  12. After a busy week with appointments I’m sure it will be nice to stay in if March is coming in like a lion. We’re having an inside day today — pouring rain.

  13. Such a lovely hibiscus. Glad you dad is feeling a little better. I do hope you will have a nice weekend.

  14. My DH also has one leg longer than the other. I don't understand why the surgeon didn't adjust for that when knee replacement surgery was done.
    I'll bet you're glad to see the end of this particularly busy week!

  15. Enjoy your weekend at home. We have another storm coming in this weekend too. This weather is all getting kind of old.....

  16. I forgot about the lion/lamb thing. I guess we are coming in like a shivering lamb, sunny and dry but still below normal temps. I'll take it.
    Glad to hear your dad can enjoy his Bingo again.

  17. Beautiful flower of Hawaii. I always had a walk that most parents didn’t like but not until I went to a chiropractor that I found out I have a short leg. I wear a small wedge in my shoe and it keeps my back from acting up. I think some lineage from Greek could be good. It is funny how there are such stray different nationalities that mix in to a blood line. We are staying home today because of the cold.

  18. well it is white as a lamb here. Still in winter (very unusual for our part to have winter still in March) The Robins are going crazy. The snow is covered with feathers from them being feisty with each other already. One robin lost its tail! We have robins as year round residents .. but not usually in my yard. Yes. it's the food I've put out there to help them survive this cold.

  19. Good for you with a good dental report and I had no idea your Dad fell....thank goodness he's able to get back to Bingo! I thought everyone's limbs were uneven...feet, legs, is always longer than the other. Make sure they don't charge you for that! That's crazy that they were trying to pull it to make it longer....what kind of clinic was that? I'd ask to see their credentials!


Thanks for stopping by! I appreciate your comments! If you have a question I will try to answer it here. I no longer accept anonymous comments. All comments will be approved before posting...due to spammers...may the fleas of a thousand camels infest every hair on his body. Connie