Friday, February 22, 2019

Uffda more snow

We got about 4 inches of new snow.  It has been cleared from our yard, our nephew Josh was by and cleared most of the yard.  I power shoveled the walk and the path to the birds and shoveled a little….Josh was impressed how far that little power shovel throws snow.  As far as I am concerned it is a wonderful tool!
IMG_2659  Walk

There are 22 inches of snow at the snowstick.   In 2013 we had 24 inches of snow at the stick.  I am certain with the snow forecast in the next few days we will see and raise a new record. 
22 inche sat the snowstick
Our resident snowbank “June”
On the way back from town someone  went off the road….the road was wet but not slippery…
Some people are easily distracted while driving.  The Sheriff finally got out of his vehicle and directed traffic after a couple of idiots behind us passed us by going into oncoming traffic.  Some people just have shit for brains.
Snow, snow, blowing snow and then extreme cold is forecast for us in the next few days.  We are staying home.
Far Side


  1. Glad you are pleased with the shovel. Very kind of Josh to clear the snow for you too. I don't blame you for staying in with so many impatient folks on the road. I'll be eager to see if you set a new snow stick record.

  2. Is the power shovel like a little snow blower? I hear they work well, but I have gravel under that snow and it would toss rocks willy nilly. My neighbor moved some large piles and I will scrape out and clean up again today in prep for the next round of mess. We've had 28" in the last week. That is unofficial of course, but that was my measurements.

    1. Yes it throws snow about 20 feet and is electric. Yes it would throw throws ice chunks:(

  3. So glad you like your little power shovel. My hubby is thinking about getting me an electric snowblower. We are expecting freezing rain/rain for the next couple of days. Don't know which is more hazardous snow or freezing rain. Any way have a great weekend.

  4. Fun to come and read more about the power shovel. I saw my neighbor using one, but didn't know there was such a thing or what it was called. Thanks for sharing. Blech... more snow coming. Stay safe.
    p.s. I saw the news story sbout the double murder in Nevis. Such a small town for such big/sad news... and the newscaster pronounced "Nevis" incorrectly. The first time I stuck my toes in Lake Beltaine was in 1966.

  5. I love your comment "shit for brains". So very true! An acquaintance of mine, used to work for a towing company and she always said, that snow sucks the brains out of people's heads.

    There are days I am grateful for the cold, rather than the snow. Today would be one of those...two feet of snow! I love my little power shovel as well, though thankfully need it less frequently.

  6. You're going to run out of room to put all the white stuff!

  7. Some people have shit for brains--ROFL!! Yes, indeed!! No truer words have been spoken--LOL!

  8. I hate to drive on roads when it's snowing or icy...being passed as fast as if the road is dry is Scary!

  9. Snow! Is it ever going to stop this year? We have 4 to 6 more inches forecast for tonight. I, for one, I’m sick of it and I imagine you are too. I’m not going out today at all if I can help it. That little snowthrower of yours works great. I don’t know what we would’ve done this year without our snowblower. Stay warm my friend. Blessings, Betsy

  10. It will be interesting to see if you get a new snowstick record! Your description of those drivers sounds just like my husband - he is always talking about the drivers that have shit for brains. I guess there are a lot of them out there, unfortunately! We have a little electric snowblower/power shovel and I love it. I use it on our driveway because it is easier to handle.

  11. That snow bank is really something. Seems like the snow up north and the rain down south are competing with each other. At least the rain is not as cold as the snow. Think we all need a warm dry spell. There are some pretty dumb drivers down here too and Dan says he always manages to get behind one on the way home from work.

  12. I used to drive two towns away for work. I was never worried about me - I was worried about the idiots. I always stayed in my lane, usually behind a semi truck (with a professional driver) who drove the speed limit or below. The right lane is more traveled and the snow melts faster and the ice melt works faster, too. Vehicles would come up on the left and try to pass us both - at speeds in excess of conditions on the icy roadway. I always prayed that they would wreck further up from me so that I did not have to stay as a witness or helper. Idiots! And I would hope they did not spin out into me or in front of me. Slow and steady on the snow. We had five children, three sons and two daughters who had paper routes and shoveled our snow. We bought them all carthart overall suits that got passed down. When they grew up and left us, we bought a self propelled snow blower. Now that my husband is retired, he does the neighborhood!

  13. I’m glad you have someone young to help you with the shoveling. And your power shovel!

  14. I just e mailed a friend who is widowed and has no one to shovel her walkway etc..
    I think that power snow shovel would be a great idea for her. I saw a TORO brand one on-line; do you have any recommendations?

  15. Glad nobody was hurt with the shit for brains types driving in all that weather! Yikes on that snow, but yay for that blower. :-)

  16. I about laughed out loud about the comment of what people have brains...sometimes I think their head is just plain empty. I don't know at the times around here that I have been on a two lane road, and someone has the on-coming lane blocked...and instead of waiting for me or whoever is in front of me to get past, they just swing out in our lane like it is their right.

    And I could rant for a long time about people and texting and phone....the things I have witnessed myself. Makes me wish I had a good dash cam.

  17. Wow, you have a lot of snow! We got a bit more wet snow this morning, but nothing like yours, so I'll try not to complain too much! There are some real idiot drivers out there, it is so scary at times.

  18. WOW! so much snow, I will try and not complain about all this rain we are getting here in the south, day after day, just yesterday we had a lamb get stuck in the mud, and don't know how long he had been there, poor little fella! He is okay now.
    I have never figured why people drive so reckless, after all their lives are in danger too!
    Have a great weekend.

  19. diane in northern wisFebruary 22, 2019 at 7:40 PM

    Dear Connie and Far Guy...I know what you mean about snow snow and more snow. We are supposed to get 12 to 18 inches more starting Saturday night. Oh JOY! I don't know where they're going to put it...and somebody has to come and shovel off the roof pretty soon! If you were feeling could request that a large part of those inches would fall in your state...that would give us a break! No??? Oh well....blessings to you both...stay in and warm!

  20. Your winter has not been a lot of fun for a couple of seniors.

  21. Snow that never goes away is not fun snow. We keep hearing snow in the forecast, but for now, while our shoveled piles still melt, our snow is primarily in the mountains. We did have a few flakes this morning, and might tomorrow. then we had cold rain. Ugh.

  22. Looking good for a "little" power shovel! As exciting as breaking records might be, I hope the snow record isn't one of them. You could use a break from the frozen white stuff.

  23. I was looking for photos of Barney and ran into spring pictures. I guess there is hope in the scheme of things that spring will bring us back to life.


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