Thursday, December 13, 2018


Making very little progress decorating for Christmas.

The important stuff comes first.

Being replaced

Nativity Set

The Nativity Set made it to the mantle. Yeah me!

This is a ceramic set that I made back in the 1980’s.  Far Guy made the stable for me.

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  1. That is a beautiful Nativity set.

  2. So simple and pretty! My dad made ours.

  3. Beautiful set! I have unearthed our stable that my husband made back in the 80's for me. I have not uncovered the figures yet. Usually I have at least a random baby Jesus from an old Sunday School project. Nada. :(

  4. Very nice! I do my nativity first too, usually on the first Sunday of Advent.

  5. Your nativity is beautiful. So nice that you made it yourself.

  6. I love that your nativity set is made by the both of you. :)

  7. I have a very similar nativity set, also made in the 80s. A dear family friend made it at a ceramics class and gifted it to me. Her husband made the stable for it. However, I didn't set it up this year. Too many big dogs and little kids will be here for Christmas, and the only good place to display it is not very safe from little hands and fluffy tails.

  8. Very neat that you both made the Nativity! Got a laugh about Jinx trying for the Angel spot!

  9. Yes, it is a beautiful set up. I am surprised my wife doesn’t collect them but I am sort of glad we don’t. We have too much. Things have seemed to be too busy now as Christmas is coming quickly. My wife says I look pale and sick. I think it is just bad lighting. You two take care.

  10. A beautiful set - Far Guy did a nice job on the stable.

  11. A very beautiful nativity Connie. That both of you used your talents to make such a work of art is a wonderful thing. I made ours in 1978 and I’m still amazed that it’s all intact. Blessings always

  12. You made that set! It is beautiful and must hold a lot of meaning for your family.

  13. Lovely, and even more meaningful because both of you created it with your own hands.

  14. Lovely nativity made by both of you. Maybe the elf could sort of hover around the side.

  15. I love your Nativity and it is even better because it's homemade. :-)

  16. I just brought my nativity set's cheapo that I meant to spray paint all white but I never got 'a round tuit'. Yours is lovely!


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