Friday, December 14, 2018


The last of the cards finally made it to the Post Office.  I had some special envelopes to mail and the postal worker had to see if they would go through some card board thingy…one at a time.  I think I made his day.

Jinx Time out

Not sure what I will attempt next…perhaps I should make a list….and check it twice.

Just a interesting thought about Christmas Cards….one of my cousins puts lights on her tree and then decorates the tree with Christmas Cards as they come in the mail.

How do you display your cards?  I have ours on the table for a few days, double checking addresses, crossing them off my master list and then I tuck them away in the saddlebags until after Christmas when I will read them again.

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  1. I saw a cool thing last year about saving your cards and next year when it's time for name tags for presents, cut out parts of the cards and add the names to them and tape them on the package. I did that this year and it was great.

  2. We have a decorated basket I put them all in except every year for the last 43 years (that's how long we've been married) I've put the card we received from my mother-in-law in a Christmas binder. I've got them all dated and it's funny how sometimes she's sent the same card. It's fun to look back at each one. She can't believe I did this. The binder is so full. She's a wonderful lady and still going strong at 84 years old!

  3. Ha! If I were to do something similar, it would look a bit funny, since I don't send any cards and receive only a very few from some who still send them to me anyway. :-)

  4. Some years I put them in a basket on my coffee table, not only do we enjoy them, but guests go through the basket, too. Last year I hung twine as swags on my windows and clothespinned the cards. I have 5 grandchildren under 5 who are here often and I am decorating much higher from the floor these days.

  5. The Christmas cards I receive sit in a pile on my dining room table, until mid-January when I finally clean it off. However, I seem to get less and less cards every year. I wonder if this tradition will die with the younger generation?

  6. Once they are checked off my list, read, and enjoyed I prop them in a basket. Easy for me to go through again a time or two over the holidays.

  7. Our cards all go into an old metal sleigh. Sometimes the sleigh has sat on top of the piano or on the fireplace hearth. But this year it's on the kitchen counter sitting on a quilted table runner with some greenery. I find myself rereading a card or 2 while I'm making supper.

  8. I have a card holder that hangs on a door. Some I leave on display through the winter, others I salvage the fronts for future projects.

  9. Glad you got the last of your cards sent out.

    Mine get stuck on the living room door, where they can be seen by everyone who visits. I started doing that when we had cats and they kept knocking them over when I stood them up in places, and just continued afterwards, because I like it.

  10. Way to go to cause me stress about doing our cards. Maybe we will buy ours today and then I have to start writing a letter. Your cards must be thick or have stuff to make them send them through the slot maze. We sent a thick one to my wife’s friend and it took it 6 days to go in the mail 10 miles. Congrats on getting those cards out. We haven’t received many yet.

  11. Oops! I just remembered I still need to send some cards out! We have Christmas decorations on top of an entertainment center and the cards are also displayed there.

  12. We used to do lots of cards, now we do very few. And receive only a few. These we stick into the frame of the door near the Christmas tree. Stick the back part of the card under the wood trim, then it's easy to flip them open to read the message inside without taking them down.

  13. I used to tape them around the door frame of the dining room in our old house. In this house I have twine and mini clothespins that I swag back-and-forth across our patio door since we don’t use it in the winter. I tend to leave them up through January because I love to look at them. After I take them down, I put them all in a basket and every day I take the top one out and I pray for that family. Then the card goes back to the bottom of the basket and they get rotated through the year that way. I love Christmas cards. I think they’re beautiful and it’s a good way to remind me to think of those people, especially the ones that live far away, throughout the year. Blessings, Betsy

  14. The changes that have taken place in the post office in recent years are incredibly frustrating. The cardboard thingy is a good example. Difficult sometimes to figure out how much postage to put on a something that was routine in the past. We have a cord draped across the room and put the cards over that.

  15. I have mine in a Swedish bentwood box, sitting on an old trunk in the family room. I keep them poking out of their envelopes in case I need to recheck their return addresses.

  16. My Christmas cards hand on string above my computer desk...........
    Our post office have those cardboard things to check the envelope is the right size

  17. We have ours hanging under the fireplace mantle on a gold string with little clothespins. We only have two so far. It seems people are sending them out late this year. Or maybe they crossed us off their list!

  18. diane in northern wisDecember 14, 2018 at 7:45 PM

    I have an angel thingy with three pockets that I hang on the doorknob of a prominent room and slip the cards in the pockets after I look them over carefully, after bringing them in from the mailbox. Years ago I used to hang them on a door...I think I liked that better because I could see them all at once!

  19. I have a string up across the opening from the kitchen to the sunroom and I hang the cards there. One of my daughters makes such lovely cards that I keep them from year to year and display there as well.

  20. I have a vintage Santa Sticking out of a cardboard chimney and the cards go in there. I love your clock....beautiful. Did you put the seed catalog picture in there or is it really that old?


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