Tuesday, July 10, 2018


Last week I got a very special gift. 

Something for my little flower garden.  It is just perfect!


Do you see it?


A sunflower!  Thank you Leah!  She is a neighbor and a fellow blogger!

The sunflower is a perfect addition to my not so perfect garden.  The squirrels damage/eat plants…it is what it is.  The sunflower makes it look lots better!

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  1. That is cute, my friends brought me some gnomes that are solar lights. I am amused by them and they are so fun to look at during the night hours!
    I love your little garden, just perfect!

  2. Love your new sunflower. It brightens up your garden.

  3. A very thoughtful gift. It's very cheerful! Mildred

  4. So sweet! It's a perfect addition to your delightful little garden. :-)

  5. I like your little garden & the sunflower adds a special touch.

  6. Along my daily walk one house had planted some daffodil bulbs at the edge of the shrubs and next to the street - it was fun each year to see those bloom. Then this year they weren't there. I happened to see the woman that lives there and she said evidently some critter had eaten them bulbs and all - probably a deer. So I got some fabric flowers - couldn't find any plastic ones at the thrift shop and shoved them in the ground. We had a good laugh when I saw her next - AND it looked like a few of them had been eaten! The other day I saw a dead bumblebee on one of the blooms. It is our little laugh in a high-end neighborhood.

  7. Replies
    1. I just love it! It is store bought...I suppose if you could tack weld or solder and you had the netting you could make one:)

  8. You are so welcome! Love adding more joy to your garden - wonder if the squirrels will enjoy it?

  9. Sweet gift! Looks perky and delicate. :)

  10. Sunflowers always make a place happy.

  11. I have always thought that sunflowers are such a happy flower. They always seem to be smiling!
    Blessings, Betsy

  12. I don't know why but sunflowers creep me out

  13. Our state flower - officially! They grow wild and there are also fields of them producing seeds and maybe oil. Not sure about which.

  14. My sunflower is barely hanging on, but I'm encouraging it every day, hoping it will survive to bloom.

  15. So pretty and I visited her blog. She has horses! Everything here is dying or dead because of the heat and no rain. Fire danger.


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