Sunday, December 31, 2017

2017 Year in review

Boy that year sure went fast.  Time for the updates.
Tricand Dick familyTrica and her family
Trica is a Nurse Practitioner at a Clinic in Northern Minnesota. Trica’s husband Richard is in the Radio Business.  They have a Black Lab named Jade and a kitty named Bailey.  This year they moved to a home in the country.
a and J
Jen and her family
Jennifer continues to teach English at a Community College.  She is the Mayor of their little town.   Jen’s husband Andy teaches Electronic Technology and Automated Systems at a Community College.  Andy is a First Responder and very active in Vex Robotics.  They have two Shelties; Miney (12) and Little Elvis(7) and a very old cat that may outlive all of us named Chaucer.  They continue to renovate their early 1900’s foursquare craftsman home.
The Grands:
Savannah one (2)
Savannah and her dog Chewy.  She also has a kitty named Luna.   Savannah works three jobs…she is a sales person at JCPenney, a personal care assistant and works at the radio station for her Dad.  Savannah is our giggly grand.
Maddie 20 days before Mikey was born
Maddie… I took this photo of Maddie twenty days before Mikey was born.   Maddie is in school to become a Dental Assistant, she would like to work in Oral Surgery…like she says she will be saving the world one tooth at a time.  She will be done with school in May and do her Internship during the summer. She has her horse of a dog Deacon and a kitty named Ziggy.  Maddie is our most easy going grand…she goes with the flow.
Paige graduated from High School.  She attended St Catherines for one semester and has now transfered to the University of Minnesota in Duluth. She would like to pursue a career in medicine. She spent Christmas in the Florida Keys.  Paige has a pot bellied pig named Sigourney for a pet.  Paige is our Grand that calls just cause she misses us.
Jen and Noah
Noah graduated from Northland Technical College with a AA degree one week and the next week he graduated from High School.  He has declared a major of Chemistry, attends the University of North Dakota and would like to do something in the medical field. (his Mom is on the faculty at Northland…so she walked for his graduation…and her students)  Noah likes college and he works part time at Noodles. He has an apartment very near the campus.  He is our most serious Grand.
Adam is a sophomore in High School.  He plays the cello and is very active in Vex Robotics.  He has his drivers license and a car…a red one.   Adam is Adam…he was delighted  at Christmas with a pair of Spock Socks and a lego keychain.  Adam is the grand that always makes us smile.  He is very tall. ( I could have used him when I was decorating that tree!)
Great Grand:
Mikey was born the end of May.  He is a happy little boy unless he is hungry.
Hey Mikey
hey Mikey!  One month old.
Mikey at seven months old.  He can sit up by himself and is beginning to show some interest in crawling.  He keeps his Mom real busy!
Births in our immediate family:  Mikey…his parents call him Kaine but his Great Grandpa and I call him hey Mikey!
Biggest Changes: We are a nursing home for an aging Border Collie…we have made adjustments to care for him properly.  He almost died the first part of December…so he is on a strict diet. I am not sure what is better, let him eat what he likes and have him live a short time or manage his diet and have him live longer but more whiney cause he is hungry.
Biggest Frustrations:   I had one major surgery and three minor ones…we have learned that only one of us can be sick/recovering at a time.  We are better off if I am not the sick and recovering one.  ( All surgeries had good outcomes except for the carpal tunnel which I am still recovering from.)  People and perfume/aftershave…Far Guy struggles to breathe with every little bit of fragrance…even someone’s fragrant shampoo….body lotion… smelly fabric softner sheets they use on their clothing.  I am tempted to ask everyone that comes into the house to shower upstairs with our soap and shampoo while I wash their clothing and then come down to visit. If you struggled to breathe and then felt like your lungs were burned for days afterwards how would you feel?   Far Guy still struggles with Trigeminal Neuralgia and with Alpha One Antitrypsin Deficiency. Unnecessary germs; Check out clerks coughing and hacking away and then handling our groceries….we stand back and watch the checkout people…and pick the healthy looking ones!   In Walmart we have learned to use the self check outs.
Deaths: Two of my Aunts died this past year.  My Aunt Kay in February she was 76 years old. She was married to my Uncle Butch (My Mothers brother) who died a number of years ago.  My Aunt Karen died in May she was 65 years old ( She is my Mother’s youngest sister.) We are still waiting for her ashes to be returned to Minnesota so we can have some kind of graveside service….it doesn’t seem right to have …nothing. 
Happiest Moments: Watching our daughters manage life events… graduations and births.  When Mikey was born safely and Maddie was okay.  Spending time with our children and grandchildren and now a great grandson too!
Chance Dec 21
And of course time spent with Chance.  It is his favorite time of year…snow eating time!
That about wraps up our year. We spend much of our time quietly at home, most days we get along together just fine.  Sometimes we kinda feel like hermits…but that is okay too. 
Happy New Years Eve! We will have a nice supper…steak I think…and maybe we will share a beer…and we will most likely be asleep before the new year is ushered in.
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  1. Happy New Year to the both of you, and Chance of course! Your children and grands are so talented..the girls are so pretty, too. I'm marking this year as my worst ever because of losing my mom, but I am going to open a new chapter and make 2018 one for the books!

  2. A great wrap up of your year. Happy New Year!!

  3. Here's my comment from last year: "I love this post at the end of each year. Doesn't time fly by? I've been reading your blog for many years now. I came to find you via a search for info on lady slippers and found you. I love Chance (and especially his blog postings)and hearing about your life in northern MN. I live in the Twin Cities. Happy New Year to all of you!"

    I'll repeat it this year, also. Love hear your stories, about your life and family and especially about Chance.

  4. I enjoyed reading about the family and accomplishments for the year. I wasn't so happy to read about health issues and Chance's struggles as he ages. It is hard to see friends having difficulties. I hope the coming year brings improved health for you both!

  5. Thanks for the recap. Looking forward to tomorrow's post.

  6. Beautiful and obviously very smart family. Best wishes for a Happy New Year for you and your family.

  7. Glad that life in Minnesota is treating you and your family well. Wishing all the best in the New Year.

  8. This is a great post! You have a wonderful family. Happy New Year to you all, and to Chance. I don't think you missed a single day posting, did you? That amazes me! And, you always have an interesting post.

  9. Summing it all up like this is a perfect way to do it. I love the whole family and consider all these wonderful people to be relatives of my heart.

  10. Wishing you a very good year in 2018! I really do.

  11. Happy New Year and much success and happiness in 2018.

  12. Wonderful review of the year and of a beautiful and special family! Happy New Year!

  13. I hope 2018 brings you and your family and, of course, Chance health, happiness, and lots of laughter. Happy New Year!

  14. A peaceful year end.
    Great things upon yas in the new year.
    I would print a card to pass about the strong smells. They can sauce up after they leave.

  15. How nice to have a family update with photos.
    Chance. Can't even talk about it. I still miss my Karma.
    Have a wonderful new year's eve--and a scent-free 2018. :):)

  16. Other than the surgery and Chance troubles - not a bad year. I pray that 2018 will be kind to you, and I hope Chance gets to spend another year with you- each day is a blessing once they get old.

  17. Blessings to you,yours, and Chance. You have a lovely family. We know about the Alpha One disorder and breathing problems. Horst will be getting on the list for a bilat. lung transplant in the spring if he makes it that long. I can not afford to get sick now. I pray for health and love and happiness for all of us!!!

  18. Thank you for this post. You have a wonderful family, and this puts them all together for me.

  19. Wishing you all the best in the new year!!

  20. Wonderful family you've got Connie! Happy New Year!

  21. Yes, you may feel like a hermit, staying indoors, but look at all the friends you have here online!

    Glad for all the good times, and grateful that the bad times somehow turn out better...well, hopefully your wrist will cooperate with that, and Chance will get accustomed to his new diet ;)

    Best wishes for a peaceful, bright New Year!

  22. Thank you for a great year of sharing your lives. Keep safe. Happy New Year.

  23. Another great post and thank you for sharing your 2017 events. Wishing you a healthier and happy 2018.

  24. I enjoyed this post/photos so much. For more than 9 years, I've watched your family grow. You are blessed with a beautiful family and very ambitious and thoughtful grandchildren. Mikey is precious. Sending my love to Chance also. I know these days are hard. I admire all you have planned to accomplish in the new year. God bless you in the new year.


Thanks for stopping by! I appreciate your comments! If you have a question I will try to answer it here. I no longer accept anonymous comments. All comments will be approved before posting...due to spammers...may the fleas of a thousand camels infest every hair on his body. Connie