Friday, December 1, 2017

2017 Ornament

I struggled with the research and development of the ornament that I wanted to carve this year.  Time was running out and so I made the decision to switch to another idea…and that one worked out just fine.

We try to make the ornaments one of a kind…although we carve the same main design painting makes them individual.

The beginings of the ornaments 2017

We start with the general shape and carve from there.

ornaments start to finish

We like to carve outside and let the chips fall where they may.  After a few carving sessions Chance starts to drag in bits of wood…so then Far Guy uses the leaf blower to blow the shavings off the patio.

I paint inside…at first I was using paint brushes that stood up in a cup to hang the drying ornaments on… then Far Guy made me a dryer…a board with a screw in the top that was connected to the peanut butter jar.  It worked really well and I could paint 12 at a time!

ornaments Gesso


Base coats on ornaments

Base coat

ornaments painted

There are no two that are exactly alike. 101 were carved. They are supposed to look like rustic fish decoys.

Leave me a comment with the name of your favorite Christmas Movie to be entered in the ornament give away.  Sunday at 8PM my time I will draws some winners!

I am certain after last summer I could carve a fish blind folded.

 Blog Signature


  1. Very cool ornaments!! It would be special to win one.

  2. "Charlie Brown Christmas"

  3. I already entered yesterday but just wanted to say your artwork is wonderful! Love the fishes!

  4. 101 is amazing! The fish are really neat and the painting is great!

  5. Far Guy came up with a clever way for you to paint the fish more easily.

  6. Love the fish and a very clever way to paint and dry the ornaments.

  7. OMGosh! Those are so cute! So...Minnesotan! Feel like home--LOL! (I'm only right across the river.) FarGuy's invention is so clever.

  8. Very cute! I love their bright colors. My favorite holiday movie is "It's a Wonderful Life".

  9. Your blog header photos are beautiful.
    Such a good idea the fish ornaments.
    Would make a great gift for someone as well.
    So very glad your wrist is cooperating, glad you are back to the things you love doing.Beth

  10. You and FARGUY are amazingly talented!

  11. Absolutely cute! And very clever idea for painting :)

  12. You two are so talented and your painting skills are amazing! Isn't it a good feeling to be creative! I entered the contest yesterday but it sure is fun to see the results of all your hard work and creativity.

  13. I enjoy your brief comments on wood carving. I tried to make a seal with soapstone once. it didn't work.

  14. Your ornaments are wonderful. My favorite Christmas movie is It's a Wonderful Life!

  15. Griswald Christmas...I laugh and laugh. Your fish ornaments are excellent. This past September, we went to the Ella Sharp Museum in Jackson, MI. There we saw a wonderful display of carved decoys. Truly remarkable and beautiful. I thought about you and Far Guy. If you ever come to Jackson, MI please see this exhibit!

  16. The fish are so pretty painted! My favorite Christmas movie is " A Christmas Carol". I look forward to seeing it every year.

  17. Those are really neat! That's a lot of carving.

  18. Oh, I like your colorful, stylized fish. They have a wonderful folk are quality.
    I love the music and the message of the children's movie made for TV, Christmas Eve on Sesame Street.

  19. I love all the pictures, wonderful to see the artistic process.
    My favourite Christmas movie is "National Lampoons Christmas Vacation".

  20. I still have the wooden lure that is green on top and yellow on the bottom. It is antique as my dad had it his fishing box for years. The hooks are on them to so I always have to look out for them. You did a lot of good looking fish. I like your process and the individual differences do make the really special. Good job both of you.

  21. They are beautiful! What is the wood you use?

  22. These are beautiful and would look great on my outdoor woodland christmas tree. You are so talented.

  23. Gorgeous fish! You are so talented! 101??? You 2 are amazing!


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