Tuesday, August 15, 2017

The new wild garden

Back in May my brother put in a new drain field for our septic system.
Project is done
The work has been completed.
Far Guy planted some old wildflower and left over garden seed out there.  One day we picked up a bunch of Sunflower Seeds and planted them too!
Watering the wild garden June 8
We watered
July 15 wild area
I had been going out there to spray the Poison Ivy to get rid of it. I wore my pretty red boots.
JUly 24 Wild garden
I stopped going out there. We could see a few marigolds blooming here and there.
August 14 wild garden
It is a jungle out there. The deer have been in there eating and chomping off most of the sunflowers.
Wildgarden sunflower
This is one of the survivors.
I will get out there one of these days.  Some of the weeds should be pulled because they are shading out the flowers.
On the far end we planted a Spruce Tree and some Lilacs.  Far Guy babied those lilacs for weeks…so they have a good start.
It doesn’t look like much yet, but once the wildflowers get established and we can mow a few paths it should be a pretty area.  If not then the deer will have another spot to graze.
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  1. What a great idea! Why is it the weeds flourish and the flowers don't. I go out and the weeds are fine without water....rarely do they wilt but my flowers....they must get watered or they die....but not those weeds!
    I'm hoping my poison ivy is gone now but we shall see next Spring. I hope your flowers take over!

  2. It looks beautiful even now. I love a wildflower garden. I don't understand either how every kind of weed can survive anything, but the flowers get choked out. I wear boots all the time. That helps from getting too many ticks...I've never had any pretty red ones though.

  3. How wonderful that you took pictures like that! It will be fun to watch... as it already is. :) Thank you for letting us watch too. xoxo

  4. Wow, what a difference. It is all grown up.Wildflower gardens are the best. Thanks for the picture update.

  5. Nice wildflower garden! Poison ivy all gone, I hope? :-)

  6. You will have to plant some ditch lilies out there to add to the growth. I see them sometimes in the wildflower books as a modern weed. I am debating as to if I will bring them with me.

  7. Nature is thriving there, that's for sure. No on the poison ivy, though, of course. ;)

  8. Very nice! Wildflower gardens are special in that you can MOW paths!

  9. So new bare ground gives you space to plant from start. I hope it works out and the weeds get squeezed out.

  10. Nice wild garden, except for the Poison Ivy. I don't imagine it's easy to get rid of completely!

  11. Whatever is out there, it certainly grew!


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