Saturday, March 18, 2017

It froze

It froze again.  The wind blew too.  Chance was needy….he needed a friend to go outside with him.  In the late afternoon little snowy pellets fell from the sky.

March 17 Frozen

There is still two inches of ice and snow at the snowstick.

When will it all melt?  In a day or three??  Here are some guesses that might win.

March 18 PM         Wendy Danielson
March 19  PM        Karen
March 20  PM        Pippa
March 21  5:20 PM   Red

Yesterday I stayed busy clearing odds and ends off my desk…nothing major.  I cleaned the  bathroom, Far Guy ran the vacuum and I dusted some. I did some laundry, I didn’t even cook as we had soup out of the freezer.   Making that list of what we have in each freezer is working well for us.   At least I feel we have a handle on the situation and will use up frozen  “stuff” before making more freezer food.

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  1. Having soup from the freezer sounds very good to me! Poor Chance....waiting on spring. Hope it warms up soon.

  2. It's hard for me to imagine how cold a day you had in March....on the other hand, I had the air conditioner on all day.

  3. Sounds cold. I would have been needy, too. :-)

  4. Brrr! I bet it will be closer to April 1! It was warm yesterday, but cold the day before. I picture storms heading our way...I just hate severe weather season.

  5. Sure looks cold there. But a freeze thaw freeze is a good thing ....flood not so much.

  6. It is wonderfully delightful when I don't have to cook because I have stuff in the freezer that is healthy and filling! It is one of the best investments we ever made. Mine is an upright frost-free (or I may have told you that before). A good friend (15 years older) said you could never pay her to have a frost-free - - cuz it affected the food staying totally frozen. My husband said, "Who's paying her to get one? This is for us and it's what we want." LOL Anyway - - it isn't opened that often so food stays frozen - - and I don't have to do a handstand inside it for my short body to reach the bottom!

  7. Spring weather can be nasty. I see I'm still alive with the snow stick gamble!

  8. I'm making a big pot of bean and veggie soup today. :)
    Poor Chance. The see-saw weather is bothering all of us, I think. Maybe it won't totally melt till my birthday on the 28th. Not good odds for that, though, with them talking rain again. But it could rain and freeze and add to the stick even with this crazy weather--LOL!

  9. I don't remember what I guessed but I have hope to win anyway. It is fun to see the area and its continuous changing conditions. We are suppose to be warm today but the windchill does not feel good at all.

  10. I need to make a freezer list like that. It warmed up get had been cold here too. I cleaned off the dining room table and hung laundry outside today.

  11. We had Hot Dish in Minnesota today. With tater tot topping. Yum!

  12. Looks like you could go skating around that snow stick.

  13. We never really got winter here this year. Very odd. Guess you'd have liked it ;-).


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