Friday, December 23, 2016

Friday Before Christmas

What a weather week…and it ain’t over yet.  Thursday we were at 31F or 0C…remember last Sunday it was –29F or –20C eh?  That is 60 degrees difference.  Today it is supposed to be warmer than 31F…we will see.  This warmer weather allowed me to wash the nose prints off the windows.

Odda and Chance Dec 21

Odda came to visit Chance so we had double the nose prints.  She was lonely. She knows where we live and that we will call her Master to come and get her.

Chance Dec21

We had big fluffy snowflakes on Wednesday.

Snow Dec21

I had a nice walk outside with the dogs. It was quiet as the snow fell, the birds and squirrels were all hiding. 

We may have rain on Christmas Day and then snow. It may be a blizzard. We will see how it all pans out…pretty strange weather.  I should have my head examined…cause I just wish it would stay about zero to 10 above all winter.  The roads are a mess;  slippery, snow packed, melting, freezing.  It would be okay if you were the only idiot on the road…but there are lots of idiots that want to go faster into the ditches.

We still have 8 inches of snow at the snowstick.  Snow settles. I have more shoveling to do.  It is a part time job.

I have a few odds and ends to pick up in town and then I am done.  I have two packages to deliver and some freshly baked loaves of Pumpkin Bread.  I made some gluten free loaves, they taste ok but they look not so pretty. I had to fight to get them out of the pans!  They are for my Dad and my Aunt…both will undertand that I am not really a baker.  Come to think of it, I have had that problem before and I just used paper muffin cups…well it is too late for that now.  I will have to make a notation on my recipe.  I should have bought 3M stock years ago…with the amount of Post It notes I use.

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  1. Odda and Chance are both such beautiful dogs! Yes, I wonder what Christmas is going to be like this year and which route the storm will take. Stay safe and warm. :)

  2. A blizzard? That was my Christmas wish but not for you....for me! LOL! We're supposed to get rain and 65 degrees so i won't even be able to have a fire in the fireplace. Good for you with all your baking. I'm doing that today and I have some presents and cards to mail...New Year's gifts of food that the kids always ask for. It's their childhood Christmas memories in a package. Also, something for my mail man who always dresses up like Santa Claus for the Christmas Eve mail delivery. What a great picture of the dogs in the snow. Odda is a beautiful dog and Chance, of course, is very handsome! Stay safe and warm and dry and have a "holly, jolly, Christmas this year"!

  3. Hi Odda!!

    Just calling for rain here Christmas Eve (thank gosh!)

  4. I love the picture of the two canine friends!!! It's a blessing to have neighbors you enjoy and love. We have that, too.

  5. I love how Oda and Chance are such great friends! Merry Christmas Connie! It's blowing and snowing here.


  6. Great photos of the duo. Odda definitely has a mind of her own. I hope she doesn't get hurt on her treks to your house.

    Temperatures have been all over here, too.

  7. Wow, your weather does sound weird! It is above freezing here, but the snow is coming down like crazy at the moment. We will have a white Christmas, because there is still enough snow on the ground, without this new stuff. I need to do some baking today....

  8. How sweet of Odda to come for a Christmas visit! Your bird feeders look very Christmasy with the snow falling around them.

  9. Your weather forecast is scary. I would like 0 eh to minus 10 eh all the time. You get used to minus 10.

  10. My wife bakes pie tomorrow and makes one batch of fudge. We are going to be low key Christmas day. We went to Wally's to get eve food and it was a mess. It required a lot of patience of me when I am usually patient. I was glad to be home. Odda is a part of your blog family. You can tell by the dog's expression that it is an intentional visit.

  11. One has last minute things to do. The weather makes it difficult to get out. Snow has been falling steadily all day. I went out briefly but soon came home and put on a pot of Barley/lentil soup and some fruit bread in the oven. Toast made with it is truly something to look forward to. Have a relaxing Christmas eve and keep cozy.

  12. Have a Merry Christmas up there in the north!

  13. The thawing and refreezing is what makes hazardous roads, so I understand your wish to keep it freezing.
    Merry Christmas! I'm sure everyone will appreciate your gifts.

  14. I decided not to venture out to walk with the ladies this morning. It snowed all day long yesterday and then froze on the streets. I might take the bus to town, just for fun. Let somebody else drive. Merry Christmas! :-)


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