Friday, December 18, 2015

Lionel Flag

We finally got the Lionel Christmas Flag up.   Far Guy found it some place or another on the net and ordered it for us.
Lionel flag
Lionel Flag featuring Santa and all kinds of train stuff.
I like to change out the flag quite often.
We are done with the Christmas cards and might even get them mailed when the roads are better.  We got 3 plus inches of snow over the past two days.
Red shovel
My new snow shovel works just great and it is a good leaner too.  You know when I need to rest it becomes a leaning shovel.
I worked on the Shiny Brite tree, it is nearly done.  Maybe tomorrow. 
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  1. I always enjoy your flags...this is beautiful and just perfect for you two.

  2. It's nice to have snow for Christmas. We've got plenty in the High Country, but it's all rain down here. :-(

  3. Now that is a pretty shovel! Wish we were looking for snow at Christmas. It is supposed to be a record breaking 75 degrees Christmas day! I love the flag.

  4. Interesting that you use a scoop shovel. My favorite one was a new one with the bent handle. That worked better than the old straight handled one. I shoveled a two car garage driveway for more than 30 years. Great exercise and I think it was good for me. I actually miss shoveling snow.(Live in apt. now.)

    Shirley H.

  5. I can't wait to see your Shiny Brite tree!

  6. You are living in a real winter wonderland you have a snow blower? We got one a little while ago, and now my husband helps out the neighbors.

    Wishing you and your family a very Merry's definitely a white one where you are isn't it?


  7. My first visit here. I like what I see! Hope you can see my comment.

  8. Like the red shovel with the white snow -- (They go together)
    Like Christmas and Kids.

  9. WaHoo! I love your new shovel. I prefer to use a snow pusher rather than an actual shovel: my back thanks me, too.

    Flags are a fun way to add color to the Winter landscape.

  10. A Lionel flag is very appropriate to hang outside your house. :)
    I'd loved the red shovel right off--before I knew it was also a good leaner.
    Can hardly wait to see the shiny brite tree!! :)

  11. You certainly make good mileage out of you Christmas decorations. It must be a joy to all who visit and celebrate at your place.

  12. It is a great banner. I think far guy even owns a red truck like that one on the top of the flag. I have one but no Lionel.

  13. Nice looking shovel. Festive red! And a Lionel flag? What a great holiday decoration!

  14. All my tools need to be that color so I can find them!

  15. Perfect Christmas flag for your house! And a very Christmasy snow shovel you have as well!

  16. That is a very Christmassy flag! Very nice.

  17. Yup a leaning tool is good when shoveling it is tiring work for sure ! Oh I do like that flag very nice ! Still no snow for us here but it is cold and there has been some snow squalls just not staying on the ground yet ! Thanks for sharing , Have a good weekend !

  18. Makes for good photo ops, too, that red shovel does!


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