Friday, September 11, 2015

Project Updates: Glass Flowers and Ornaments

Now that the weather has turned cooler I have been working on some more glass flowers.

Green glass flower

That basket on the bottom is chipped but it was a perfect color to go with that Forest Green sauce dish.  This creation has the basket with the handle, a bowl, a plate, the green sauce dish and a candle holder.  I am running out of stakes…I need some that are heavy duty…onward and forward to bigger PVC pipe!

Blue glass flower

This one is a blue vase, a bowl, a candle holder, a blue plate and the weirdest/cutest little square container I turned upside down.  Last weekend we hit a garage sale where glassware was 25 cents each…how could you go wrong?

The Christmas Ornament count is now at 61, I finished five this week.  12 left to go…I am getting real tired of that project.  I anticipate I will finish before Christmas.

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  1. Do you take your glass flowers inside over winter? Such an interesting hobby!

  2. Real pretty! I like the white one the bests of these two. And how could you go wrong with 25-cent pieces? :-)

  3. I love your hobby of making glass flowers. Each one is so different and so pretty. Have a great weekend.

  4. Ahhh---the lovely unperishable flowers that twinkle in the green! We stopped at a yard sale last Summer, and the lady had a great garden of these all round her yard, with dozens for sale on tables and stakes (stakes included, if you liked), and I could not resist one which had a dear familiar many-pointed clear water-lily plate, a match to the wonderful three-tiered tea-stand we had back in the Fifties.

    Mine has a wide clear shallow bowl at the bottom, a tall gleaming square pink vase for the center support, and then the upside down plate at the top, like a little umbrella over all. I love it. It's PINK and it's pretty.

    I remember the little conversation so well, for she was telling me about a new method of construction that she was trying out, and for an Indiana woman, she put quite a Southern tone into her earnest telling of her tale, "Why, they've been doing that over at MILTON for a YEE-UR!"

    I especially love the little square hobnail crown on yours---it's the tiny, heavy little ashtray that sat on my Aint Cilla's vanity table in Memphis. I thought her room to be the most luxurious place this side of Hollywood.


  5. I really adore your glass flower creations! Have you thought of using the metal rods they use for concrete? I forget the name of it now but I used it years ago for staking sunflowers. It comes is pretty long lengths though so you have to cut it and it's solid metal but easy to pound in the ground. The only problem is if you need to pull it out it can be difficult.
    I wish I had your ability to "finish" things. You are so good about completing what you start. Congrats on the 2015 ornaments almost being done!

  6. I don't know how you do it - get all these projects done! It keeps you sane and would drive me crazy!

    Shirley H.

  7. Two more beauties! How do you store them for the winter or do you leave them out to sparkle in the yard all year long?

  8. I would never be able to put glass pieces together like that...and come up with something pretty. You have so many projects going on!

  9. I really like these. How many do you have now? If I have any garden space when we move, I'd love to try it.

  10. These one-of-a-kind projects are the perfect antidote to the repetition required for your ornament project. (And, of course, it gives you more reasons to shop for antiques.) Have a great weekend!

  11. Love your creations. I remember the square one from when I was small. My parents used it as an ashtray. Ours was blue. 25 cents, you can't go wrong.

  12. Those glass creations are wonderful. And good luck with all those Christmas ornaments. I would definitely be tired of the project by now. Have a great weekend.

  13. Love your glass flowers! Such a creative way to use old glassware.

  14. Your glass creations are wonderful! I'll bet your yard is delightful with them here and there and everywhere.

  15. These are beautiful. I'm afraid I would have to use only the chipped pieces, you have so many beautiful pieces I would want to keep.

  16. The green sauce bowl was a shock for me to see. I didn't know it came in green. My grandmother gave to me the big bowl and 8 sauce bowls that are clear but not green. That was in 1970's. I since have bought two more big bowls and broken one of them. The flower pieces really are nice to see and I like the full form of them when they are done. You will be glad to have the carvings done. Maybe you should shrink your special people list.

  17. It must be fun to go to sales and see the stuff and say now this and this and this would go together to make a this!

  18. When it comes to creating, each person has their own style. Your glass flowers are very interesting, and completely different from the ones I create.

  19. That is always a good thing when one finishes one's Christmas ornaments before Christmas! ;)

  20. These are so pretty! Can't believe you are almost finished with Christmas ornaments already! Kudos!! :)


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