Wednesday, April 1, 2015

Wistful Wednesday : Easter 1977

Trica was 5 years old and Jennifer was 1 1/2. These photos were taken in Park Rapids at Far Guy’s parents after church.  I cannot remember if we had Easter Dinner there or out at my parents resort.

Back then I don’t think there was a sunrise service but 8 AM was early enough to go to church with two kids.

Grandparents Y Julie and Jody 1977

My Dad (age 50), my Mom (age 47) holding Jennifer, Jody my other baby brother(age 17), Trica and Julie Ann my sister ( age 11).

Obviously Jennifer did not want to have her photo taken, Julie Ann’s hair was messed up and the sun was blinding Trica. Grandparents Y Julie and Jody 1977 two

In 1977 Easter Sunday was April 10th.  My baby brother was away at school in Tulsa OK so that is why he isn’t in the photo.

Grandparents Henerson and Trica 1977

Far Guy’s Mom and Dad ( both age 65) with Trica and her Easter basket. 

Those big beautiful pines are long gone, ripped out when the new five lane highway came through town.  Trica’s Easter Basket was probably hidden underneath the trees that Easter Sunday 38 years ago.

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  1. Good Morning, Very sweet Easter photos. I hope you guys will have a nice Easter. Hi to Chance!

  2. Beautiful photos. Have a blessed Easter.

  3. Development and Progress often seem to be synonymous of Destruction.

    I love the mod squad hair style!

  4. You can sure tell this picture was taken in the 70's. Look at the clothes and the hair! How things change and we never notice until we see an old picture. Love your dad's tie. :-)

  5. Great pictures and reminiscing of Easters past. We will be up for the 7 AM service and church, and then we sing in the choir at the 8 AM service as well. Then the whole family will be here for dinner and an Easter egg hunt for my grandson.

  6. Oh the seventies, love those Easter pictures.Blessings Francine.

  7. Scary that 1977 doesn't seem all that long ago to me.

  8. Easter was a time for family photos at our house too! Funny how the holidays did that and you don't see as much of that anymore.

  9. Check out those bell bottom trousers that Jody is wearing! He looks pretty dapper with the jacket tossed over his shoulder, too.

    Amazing how the color in photographs during this time period are faded. Mine are the same.

  10. Love these pictures! Honestly they would blend right in with my Easter pictures from the late 70's. I like Jody outfit too.

  11. Happy Easter memories! I have so many holiday shots of my kids when they were little, and am quite upset with myself that I don't take and make REAL photos anymore. I have tons on the computer, but don't make prints. I've also lost several from computer think I would learn. Have a wonderful Easter weekend!

  12. Lovely photos and memories ! Thanks for sharing , Have a good day !

  13. I have a lot of 70's pictures that look just the same as your's. The faded colors of kodachrome. are consistent. Fun shots of history.

  14. I found that Far Guy's Parents are his current age in the pictures and I think he's looking good in that comparison.

  15. Your wistful wednesdays are always interesting. You tell a good story but it brings back the time to me. The clothing styles tell it all. It's amazing to see how young our parents were at one time.

  16. Love those white knee socks and saddle shoes and your brother's bell-bottom pants.

  17. The weather looks great for Easter that year. I'll bet you've had snow on the ground for some Easters, too! Wishing you a Happy Easter.

  18. Thanks for sharing your family memories and wishing you and your family a joyous Easter holiday.

  19. Sweet photos. Despite the blinding sunlight, it looks like Easter turned out just fine for Trica :)

  20. Sweet memories! Happy Easter, Connie! :)

  21. What memories! Your girls were so precious and probably still are! LOL. It's just that as Mother's we remember how cute they were and how young we were! I had big pines in my front yard on the farm and someone told me that farm families would plant pines for as many as were in the family so that by the time they died they would have the wood for the casket. Not sure if that's true but it makes sense. Happy Easter to you and your family!


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