Thursday, April 2, 2015

Signs of Spring

Some days are spring like and then we are thrust back into the arms of winter.  This time of year is a push pull between Old Man Winter and Young Princess Spring…we know she will eventually win…but he makes it miserable some days.  Yesterday it was almost 70F or 21 C eh but the wind off of the lake was cold. 

I put the ice chisel, snow shovel and the walk de-icer away for the winter.  I grabbed my parka and took it upstairs to the closet…and the snow stick was leaning so I took it out of the ground.  I am certain I have irritated Old Man Winter.

Ice on the Millpond

The fisherman have stopped driving vehicles out on the lake.  They fill their sleds and walk out on the lake.


The Pussy Willows have emerged.

We saw a Bluebird, just one over in David’s trees ( must have been an early scout).  There are no Robins to photograph yet.  Last night just before dark the yard was filled with Juncos….there must have been over a hundred of them.  I think that means that snow is coming usually the Juncos bring snow with them.

Far Guy cleaned out all the Bluebird houses…we are ready to welcome nesting Bluebirds!

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  1. Spring feels good. I am glad for your pics of the pussy willows. I love those - - - sweet memories from childhood and they are so soft.

  2. No April fools, we saw a robin yesterday on our walk.

  3. We've been getting the same teasers here. The robins have been here for about 2 weeks now. Trees are trying to bud out and some flowers are poking thru the ground. But I know Old Man winter isn't finished yet.

  4. The white-crowned sparrows have begun singing around town, a sure sign of spring here! :-)

  5. Hope you get lots of bluebirds. They're such pretty little birds! I've heard robins and red winged blackbirds.

  6. My crocuses are blooming again, now that the snow melted off, and when I raked the leaves away, tiny whorls of rhubarb was bravely showing up. Hooray for signs of spring! I love your pussy willows.

  7. I saw a Robin at the end our driveway last night right by the mailbox ~ they are here! Yesterday I also put my sidewalk de-icer away and put the "freezables" back out in the horse tack room... yeah for spring. I am happy you put your snow stick away :)

  8. Oh you are indeed cheeky putting away the snow implements! I am sitting here watching it snow - first we've seen in months!

  9. Love the Pussy Willows, I picked some already. I am sure we are not done with winter like temps here. Blessings Francine.

  10. Lovely pussy willows! We woke up to snow here too.

  11. I like your pussy willow photo! Glad things are warming up for you guys.

  12. I'm sure I would not be walking out on the lake when the pussy willows are emerging....might be a bit dangerous. Glad you are coming out of the ice age.

  13. Spring has been here for some time where the birds are concerned and the odd tree and bush and now the temps have risen to +13C eh with sun for the best part of the day and this afternoon rain and possible thunderstorms , the Robins have been back for weeks and in droves this year and are already plucking worms from the ground . Our Juncos will be leaving soon . Hope it warms up for you and no snow . Thanks for sharing , Have a good day !

  14. The tug of war between the seasons is still happening here, too.

  15. I hope the snow stays away! We are having a rainy day today. It also rained yesterday and then the most beautiful rainbow I've ever seen came out! It was amazing.
    We have bluebirds nesting and I forgot to clean out the houses over the winter. Hope they don't mind too much!

  16. There's a lot of suck and blow in spring weather. WE've seen blue birds here. I haven't seen that many juncoes ever!

  17. Pussywillows! Sure sign of Spring!


  18. We are starting to cool down again as it was 80 yesterday. I still haven't achieved getting bluebirds into our area. They are in the timber but they won't venture in as the cornfield is probably more their favorite area to be. I moved tomato plants into bigger pots this morning.

  19. I suspect the juncos in your yard have arrived from Missouri -- almost all of the winter birds have left. We have screen doors and windows open and are enjoying the fresh air (oh yeah, winter is reluctant to leave -- it snowed two days in a row a few days ago, but the ground was too warm for it to stick. Now we have to look forward to the spring and summer storms -- which are sometimes very scary since tornado alley is not that far away.

  20. I saw a couple swallows. And yet it is supposed to get chillier again. Yup! Back and forth, but spring will win in the end. :)

  21. I can't imagine a sign of spring being that fishermen on longer drive but walk on a frozen lake. I grew up thinking Juncos were "little snow birds". That's what mama always called them. : )

  22. I've heard of pussy willows all my life but is it a bud of another plant is it a bush of that name? Isn't it just a bud? What's the actual plant or am I asking a dumb question? I can't believe I don't know this by now and I have never actually run across any myself.
    You wouldn't catch me walking out on that lake!


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