Sunday, January 18, 2015


The Border Collie shows extreme patience when we are playing ball.

The Border Collie waits

This is one of his favorite places in the yard to wait.  Partially hidden ready to pounce on the ball.  

Walks to the mail box have resumed with the warmer weather and he is thankful for that, being a creature of habit he was in a real funk when he didn’t get his morning walk.

He has patiently waited for us both to feel better and get back to the important stuff…playing ball and going for afternoon rides.  The other day when we ran errands we purposely looked for a dog in a vehicle to park next to…that really made his day…oh and at Dairy Queen that leftover bit of a cherry sundae was just for him.  

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  1. Oh hope you are feeling better soon. I have only ever had Border Collies they are the best companions and always love cherry sundaes:) B

  2. Clever Chance! He'd make a great spy, lurking around corners.
    And I love that you parked next to a car with another dog. That's what we do for our furry companions, isn't? :)

  3. Got a giggle at the CDO in your last post.
    Hope your husband is back to normal soon.
    Hot fudge sundaes are my fave.
    I think border collies have OCD too.

  4. Pauline told me you and Far Guy have been sick--hope you're both feeling better. Sorry I haven't been around more. Hoping that, now that I've finally finished a first draft of this book, I'll have time to get my life back.

  5. Great picture, love that Chance. Blessings Francine.

  6. I love the picture of Chance waiting for the ball to come sailing by. Life would mighty dull without a dog to love and care for.

  7. Have you ever seen the Find Momo pictures. That is what the one of Chance reminds me of:) Glad to read that it sounds like things are picking up health wise.

  8. What a dog! Chance adds so much to your lives, and we get to share him!

  9. Aren't dogs just the best sort of friend? I can't imagine life without one.

  10. From reading your posts, I can tell chance has a great personality and loves his routine. I bet he is glad he adopted you and Far Guy.

  11. Cute photo! Yes my border collie Bear is also very much a creature of habit. Any change in his daily routine really throws him off.

  12. So what you're saying is that these dogs are twice as smart as we think they are. They certainly have their own personality.

  13. How sweet.

    I know that look well.

    May the snow stay shallow.

  14. Chance is definitely a very smart dog. Have you seen the one in Seattle that rides the bus by himself to the dog park? All the bus drivers know him and he just gets on, then walks to the front when he's ready to get off. And goes home the same way! He may not be a border collie, but he's sure smart, too1 :-)

  15. Don't ya know? This is super top secret espionage! Chance leads a double life...

  16. Cute photo ! We have a water pump like that but ours is painted black it was green lol I think I may paint it either red or yellow lol ! Glad you both are feeling better . Chance like ice cream to so does our Miggs . Thanks for sharing , Have a good day !

  17. I bet Chance worries when the routine isn't there. They know when we aren't feeling right, so I can imagine his joy at life getting more back to normal. Hey, I am glad to hear it over here, too! ;)

  18. What a hoot he is...part cat...stalking like that or probably harkens back to his sheep herding relatives. Dogs are like humans in that they need to have a purpose and feel needed. They don't like being free loaders....they want to give back for the free food and treats! LOL!
    So glad for all of you that you are feeling better.

  19. Such a sweet pic of Chance hiding! So glad you can play ball and go for rides again and a Sundae is always a nice treat!


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