Saturday, January 17, 2015

586 and other stuff

That is how many Shiny Brite ornaments were on the tree upstairs.   I finally got it all put away.  I am not sure if I will use the big tall tree again, I purchased a smaller tree 7 feet tall.  I am undecided…I have almost a year to make up my mind.

Blue stocking net Prussian

I frogged a scarf/cowl that I worked on last winter and was never happy with.

Weird scarf

It is some weird funky yarn with fur balls.  Maybe someday it will be something.

My other projects are all coming along.  Yesterday I sorted some more in my 11,000 bead project …a wonderful project for people with OCD…or CDO cause we like all things in  order.

Our weather has turned warm about 30F or –1C  eh during the day.  But the wind was raw.  I sat outside for awhile anyway until I couldn’t stand it anymore and Chance lost his ball in a snowbank.  There are two inches of snow at the snowstick.

Chance and his ball in a snowbank

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  1. Where will you put all 586 Shiny Brites on a smaller tree? It seemed pretty darn full as it was. What is a "frogged scarf"? I think that might be a typo. But with you, I never know for sure. :-)

    1. Frogged equals torn apart or ripped, you start at one end and pull the yarn out of its stitches and roll it into a ball. :)

  2. Your weather is headed here. Supposed to reach 0 today, even though it was -24 last night.

  3. Chance looks fabulous out there in the snow. Hopefully he got his ball, but he was probably covered with the snow on his nose. It's always a dilemma with those Christmas ornaments, right? I always think I'd like to make a really fancy tree with special colors, but then what would I do with all the ornaments that have meaning?

  4. I tried to picture myself sitting outside for any length of time in 30 degree weather. Then realized that if I had a dog I might, but otherwise the scenario was highly unlikely. Another illustration of why, although I looove dogs, I've only had cats the past few years. Too lazy.

  5. Glad to hear life is "normal" again. Other than your typical extreme cold, your snowfall has been less this year it seems or am I mistaken? We are expected mid fifties a couple of days - - - very, very nice!

  6. I wish you would have taken a photo of the fur ball yarn knitted up. I'm trying to imagine it! I say, try the 7 ft tree one year and see if you are satisfied. You can always go back the next year. The blue ball in the front is a beaut.

  7. That is certainly interesting yarn. Can't say that I've seen it before.

    A 7' tree will definitely be easier to put up, decorate, and store. Your Shiny Brites will be gorgeous on it, just as they are on the larger tree.

  8. That scarf looks like it has an animal trapped in it. Maybe this will be the year that there won't be enough snow to have a snow stick contest?:)

  9. Seriously? 586 ornaments? I will never let my husband tease me again about all of mine! We, too, are warming up, but with rain!

  10. Wow Connie, that is a lot of Shiny Brites, great collection. Poor Chance lost his ball, hope he finds it. Blessings Francine.

  11. We bought a 7 ft. tall artificial tree in 2013 and we consider that to be big. You have a super collection of Shiny Brites.

  12. Love the pic of your doggy playing in the snow!

  13. 11000 beads blows my mind! Are thy the little beads or bigger ones that are easier to work with?

  14. There is something about the calls to me, sings to me...makes me feel stuck when I'm inside. I always have to go outside when the sun is shinning even in -* weather.


  15. Not being a knitter, "frogged" is a new word for me too.
    That's a lot of shiny brites! And by the way, you never did share with us how you decorated the top of that tall tree.

    1. We decorated the top when it was on the floor and then lifted it into place. It is a heavy top:(

  16. Oh WOW ! That's a lot of shiny brites , Papa just took down the outside Christmas lights today the temps were mild here +2 C eh ! love how you do that with the temp for us Canadians lol ! I don have OCD or anything like that but I do like things where they belong and organization is key for me just the way I was raised by Brit parents lol ! Thanks for sharing , hope you both are feeling better ! Have a good day !

  17. Time to deputize some of those tall, strong grandsons to heft that top part of the tree into place ;)

  18. That is two more inches than we have. So icy now that Ryker is slipping and sliding. I don't want him to get hurt so we are praying for snow.

  19. I know what you mean about putting up a big tree. I went to a much smaller tree last year and even that seemed too big this year. The boxes of stuff are all downstairs. Hopefully by Monday evening Christmas is back on the shelf.

    I don't know what frogged means either. I think the yarn is very cool. I wonder what you will do with it. I like it.

  20. I've never heard of frogging a scarf and I used to knit some...but then I've never seen yarn with fur balls on it, either--LOL! Think of it as recycling, I guess. You'll come up with something.
    That's quite a collection of shiny brites!! I liked your idea of using the smaller tree and doing a color theme...just to see what a red shiny brite tree would look like...or a blue one...etc.
    Warmed up. Had a tiny bit of snow. Lots of ice. Love the pic of Chance looking for his ball!! LOL! ;) Have a great week full of recovery, sleep, and feeling much better...both of you. :)

  21. Cant say I care for that yarn either. Now I would say that's a lot of ornaments. I wouldn't have the patience to put all those on a tree, lol....

  22. OMG! 586 on one tree...I bet it was beautiful but that's a lot of putting up and taking down. Like you have a year to think about it. I'm glad you mentioned the fur balls as I wondered what that was. I need to hire an OCD/CDO person to come and help me organize and clean. Although, I must admit since I started taking that Co-Q-10 I have much more energy than I used to plus I take some others too but the Co -Q10 was noticeable! If you take a statin drug you really need to take the Co-Q10....ask your pharmacist. LOL! You might not need it though as you seem to have everything "under control"....ha! Ha!


Thanks for stopping by! I appreciate your comments! If you have a question I will try to answer it here. I no longer accept anonymous comments. All comments will be approved before posting...due to spammers...may the fleas of a thousand camels infest every hair on his body. Connie