Tuesday, December 30, 2014

Cold Air

Someone opened the Deep Freeze Door.  Arctic air rushed in from our neighbors up north.  It was -13 F or -25 C eh yesterday morning.   We had wind chill advisories for yesterday into today…-25 to -35 F  Wind Chills.   We had been reasonably warm so it seems really cold.

There are many birds at the feeders.

Downy Woodpecker

They need lots of seeds and suet when the weather is so cold.

Male Downy Woodpecker

This is a male Downy Woodpecker.

We have a good supply of woodpeckers.   They let me get quite close to them with my camera.  I took these photos a few days ago when it was warmer.

Not much else new here, we are staying warm, working on the puzzle and napping when ever we feel like it.  I stayed in my jammies all day yesterday.  Far Guy went into town to the grocery store and only had to call me three times with questions about the grocery list.

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  1. Hey, at least Far Guy called to clarify. Dawn just told me about the husband who had gone to the store and did not call. She had numbered her seven items on the list. Her Husband bought seven of the seventh item on the list...six of.....

  2. Cute little fellow at your feeder. It's tough weather for the animals.

  3. I love it when you do the temp in Celsius and the put eh ? after lol It is cold here to temps aren't as cold as you and no wind chills as of yet have a frost yesterday and today in the mornings and the air has that bite to it . It is 21°F or -6°C eh lol and the sun is rising ! Our birdies are feasting in the cold as well we seem to have the same birds . Thanks for sharing , Have a good day and stay cozy . Happy New Year to you and your family !

  4. You made me laugh thinking of Far Guy calling three times to clarify the list. At least he didn't do like the one in Gravy's comment. It got cold here, too, but mostly just in contrast to how warm it's been. It is almost January, after all, and you're in the Cold Country! :-)

  5. Isn't it fun to spend a day in your jammies? Love your woodpecker, he's quite colorful. Have a warm and cuddly day, and very happy new year in just two days.

  6. I am impressed/jealous you have a husband who will do the grocery shopping!!! Not in this house - - - it's all my fun. Sounds like you all are still doing well mending - - - and not frozen into popsicles yet. Praise God.

  7. The blast hit here too and the downy and hairy woodpeckers were crazy busy at my suet yesterday. On the list to pick up more tomorrow when I'm in town. The nuthatches too were busy eating up the sunflower kernels.

  8. I think you sent that cold air down here. It was only 20 yesterday with bad wind chills and this morning it is only 6 degrees. That is funny about Far Guy only calling you 3 times. If that had been my hubby he would have called a lot more. Sure hope you are feeling better soon.

  9. Hmm... That grocery list... is it handwritten? :) Are the quantities and sizes "vague"? Or are the items the same one's you've bought for decades but someone never notices? :)

  10. Bitter cold here, too this morning: wind chill well below zero. Good day to work on puzzles, knit, or read.

  11. Brrrr! What a cutey your woodpecker is.

  12. Well, let me tell you. It was minus 18 C eh(4 F) here this morning. I didn't send you the cold air today. It's warming up here today so you should be warmer in a few days.

  13. Ouch! that is cold! I think it's cold here as it was 25 this morning and I can't get my feet warm. But it is sunny out and it was garbage day so out I went and it felt good. I dress warm though. Some people complain how cold it is when they go outside with no coat or head gear or gloves.....well, yes I imagine it does feel cold then. We have no wind either so compared to you it is downright "balmy" here. Good thing you and Far Guy like each other....I can't imagine a MN winter stuck in with someone you didn't care for! LOL! Maybe that's why all these people come South? Ha! Ha!

  14. Your cold weather makes me feel ashamed for talking about the rain. Only 3 calls about the grocery list! That is good. I've answered 3 calls from Poppy between here and the mailbox. I love a puzzle. Sure hope you both are feeling better.

  15. Okay, it's seriously cold there. Our weather in Massachusetts has returned to normal after weirdly balmy days - we're hovering in the 20s.
    I got a kick out of your puzzle. I had set one up, thinking wouldn't it be fun when everyone is here for Christmas. Then I remembered the 3 rambunctious grandboys and put it away till everyone left. Now we're enjoying it, just us two.

  16. It is almost too cold to put food in the feeder. We are home from a short adventure of going to the pharmacy and we are now here to stay.

  17. We had stopped filling the feeders for a couple of months because the squirrels got everything. Hoping to get the woodpeckers, chickadees, cardinals, etc., back soon, but we're realizing it may take time for them to find us again.

  18. Wonderful pictures! It has finally gotten cold again here, just not as cold as you ;-) You stay warm and take of yourselves!

  19. Freezer door left open here too, brrrr, close that darn door. Feeding the birds more lately and the bunnies. Blessings Francine.

  20. It's cold here too, but cold is relative. Our cold is nothing like your cold!
    It sounds like wellness is beginning to happen. It may have taken three phone calls, but at least Far Guy got to the store!

  21. Only three calls? You two are so simpatico ;)

  22. I hope FarGuy got enough groceries to last you guys for a long time so you can stay put in this deep freeze and get well. Well, I guess you can go out to feed the birds. Those little sweeties depend on you. ;) ;)

  23. The North Pole air is here also! Magic thoughts and prayers that you will be able to shake this stuff of very quickly! Happy New Year! 2015 ...I wonder what things it will bring?


  24. Love your little birds! We just had a very warm wind come in and it is melting our meager amount of snow, no very Alaskan up here this year.


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