Monday, December 29, 2014

Christmas Vacation

Since we are to sick to go out on Christmas Vacation.  We set up a puzzle on my desk.

Maybe by the time we get it put together we will be all better vacation will be over.


We watched the movie Nebraska,  Far Guy asked “Is this whole movie in black and white?”  I guess I will give it a 5 out of a 5, even though Bruce Dern lost all favor with me when he shot John Wayne in The Cowboys.  He plays a pretty good elderly confused drunk.  June Squibb was awesome and the cemetery scenes had us in stitches.

We are slowly getting better…naps…lots of fluids…we drag ourselves outside to play ball with Chance…he as usual is a good nurse dog but still needs some exercise.  I had a real sore throat that developed into a fever and aches and then a cough….it is what is going around in Minnesota this year…not the flu.  I hope to be over it soon.  Far Guy still has a terrible cough even though he is on antibiotics and a steroid…. I am keeping my fingers crossed that he is over the worst of it. 

We have lots of things we should do…like take down trees and Christmas decorations, change sheets and clean bathrooms…but it will wait until vacation is over.  I have managed several loads of laundry and between the two of us we can prepare a meal…so things could be worse.

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  1. Hi: We are having that fever/cough thing here right now in our condo in downtown MPLS. I didn't know that it was something that was going around. Fever not high but so much coughing and some body aches. No gastrointestinal problems than goodness. Don't know if there is a name for this ailment. One of us went to DR and there is no flu or pneumonia. Thank goodness for that. Hope we all feel better soon.

    Shirley H.

  2. I enjoyed Nebraska, too, and especially June Squibb's performance. I remember the movie fondly and would see it again. I sure do hope you're feeling better soon. BTW, I mentioned plantar fasciitis to my doctor when I saw him and he said that kind of pain is usually under the heel, and mine is on the side. Any other ideas, doctor? :-)

  3. It's the perfect time of year for a puzzle and usually the only time I think about getting one out. That looks like a challenging one! Lemon and honey with a bit of hot water helps a cough when you can't stand the taste of one more cough drop. Hope you get better fast.

  4. This is an optimistic report. Hopefully and prayerfully you all are definitely on the mend with no set-backs. It sounds better than last winter already. As you said, the other stuff can wait - - you have a bit of winter months ahead to accomplish those things. I admire you for being nurse while fighting it yourself. - - - - now if you were to give me that puzzle and tell me I wouldn't be better until it was accomplished, I would end up in a long-term health facility! Puzzles with LOTS of pieces are not my forte. Even puzzles with a medium amount of pieces . . . . however I know they are relaxation to many while still a challenge to the mind. Glad you like them.

  5. I feel for you in your hard to get going on anything except doing puzzles. I love puzzles. My problem is that if there is one out, I can't think of anything else and find myself back at the table finding just one more piece.

  6. Sure hope you and Far Guy feel better soon.

  7. I find the older I get the worse any bugs. Take good care!

  8. Feel better soon. Those Christmas decorations and house cleaning chores will wait. Let Chance take care of you.

  9. Cam and I have the same sickness now, yuk, feel like crap. Hope you get to feeling better, Blessings Francine.

  10. I agree with Dreaming that the tree and decorations will wait. Enjoy the quiet time, puzzles, and movies.

  11. Nothing like a good puzzle to makes the hours fly by! My hubby loves them. Hope you and Far Guy are feeling better.

  12. Hope you two are feeling better soon. That cough and cold is going around here too. I have a bad cough but haven't felt sick, just tired.
    I haven't put a puzzle together in years. I used to love doing that. Maybe it's time I did one again.
    Wishing you health and happiness in the new year,

  13. Take care of yourselves! And big hugs and congrats on SEVEN years of blogging! That's amazing.

  14. I hope both of you recover quickly. I love jigsaw puzzles.

  15. Get better soon and all the rest can wait! I am thankful what I came down with wasn't nearly that bad - just a head cold for Christmas!

  16. That may be why I disliked Dern, never knew but there was something... I shall try and watch the movie.

    Keep healing.

  17. I think the Wizard of Oz turns into color but I don't know of any other. That would have slowed me down but I guess I watched It's a Wonderful Life twice this year. Being sick is crap (bad news). We were around flu people on Sunday and we are hoping that it was not in their contagious cycle. I have been helping clear a barn before the farm is sold and I have felt like flu waiting for my aches to go away. Of course the buyers took a month extension so the hurry was all in vain. Get better, eat well, rest, and stay inside until spring. We are getting your cold air now.

  18. Hope you two are feeling better soon--and no repeats of last time! Take time to rest up. The chores and errands can wait. Don't beat yourself up over it all. You can always do like some people do and leave your tree up 'til Epiphany ;)

  19. Happy New Year. Hope you are both feeling better soon.

  20. Oh dear, both of you are really sick. It sounds like you are both doing what you need to do - not much! Wishing you wellness soon.

  21. That was a great movie! Sorry to hear you're both "on vacation" still. Not surprising from what I hear. Little Ian just picked it up a couple days ago. All the chores will wait for you. Eating, sleeping, and diffusing Chance's energy is plenty enough to be doing right now. :)

  22. I forgot I wanted to watch that movie but then I'm not on "vacation" like you. Laughter is good's a fact so you should be better soon now. It is a bad virus that hit 48 states mostly the young and the elderly. So far I haven't gotten it but maybe that's one good thing about living alone and rarely rubbing elbows with anyone. With a compromised immune system I do pretty well by staying out of the lime light. It sounds awful though. Did I tell you Grayson (3) was back in the hospital Christmas Eve and Day until 2:30 p.m. ? Same thing and he has allergies anyway and bronchial problems so he's back on steroids. My daughter thinks 3 year olds are difficult enough without steroids! He really does have super powers now. So much for her Christmas and vacation. But at least you and he are doing better.....bad bug it is. Several children have died from it. Stay in and get better!

  23. Our son-in-law came down with this stuff while they were here and now our daughter-in-law has it. It's brutal. Hope you get better soon!


  24. I hope you two are all better for the New Year. That puzzle looks like a hard one!


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