Wednesday, November 19, 2014

Wistful Wednesday: Slumber Party

My best high school friend Cathie had the best slumber parties!  She and her sister had the whole upstairs to themselves and they had their own bathroom…pure heaven for me where we had one bathroom and had to share it with five other family members.

What did we do…oh we did each others hair, played with makeup and nail polish, read those movie magazines, listened to music and giggled.

I remember one time when we were packed in the room like sardines…

Nancy and Connie

This must have been about 1965…give or take a year.

That is me with the curlers and the blue thingy holding the curlers in place…I can still feel the pain of sleeping on curlers. That is Nancy giving me advice…probably because she had perfect hair and could wash and air dry hers…me not so much…I have enough natural wave that mine looks all funny air dried.   She and I went horse back riding together…she had a horse and with her I learned to fish for Trout along the Straight River because that river ran through their property. We used to know where all the cool deep pools were in the river. I have not seen Nancy in years …last I heard she was in White Fish Montana.

I am not certain who collected the horses on that shelf..maybe Cindy (Cathie’s sister) or maybe they both did.

Those were fun times. 

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  1. Good times for sure. I had a friend who had an upstairs room/bath that I was so envious of. In addition to the pain of sleeping with rollers, I used that pink tape stuff to stick down my hair in place! ouch

  2. Sounds like you gals had a good time when you were younger , fun memories and photo ! Thanks for sharing , Have a good day !

  3. Oh, those curlers! They were pure torture, but totally necessary, right? Great memories (well, the slumber parties. The curlers, not so much)!

  4. I sure do remember all those great slumber parties. And oh, the curlers. My head start to hurt just thinking about them.

  5. I remember sleeping on curlers like that, too. It definitely was painful. What the heck were we thinking, that we would be beautiful if we endured enough pain? :-)

  6. What greaat memories. The photo is a treasure. Yes, I remember the torture of curlers. I used sponge ones so it wasn't as bad. Still awoke with a headache.

  7. Those curlers! I am so glad curlers have gone out of style. Back then I couldn't do a thing with my hair if I didn't roll it every night and sleep on curlers! :)

  8. I was a young girl before the advent of those painful curlers. I was a teenager during World War II and in those days we girls put our hair up in "pincurls" with the use of bobby pins, which were a nuisance to do and not exactly fun to sleep on either - but not as bad as those big curlers that came along later. Pincurls gave a nice gentle curl. Now the hair style is "just let it hang down" which I don't care for at all.I think that without a very pretty face this is an unattractive hair style. Just my opinion.

    Shirley H.

  9. Oh how fun sleepovers were, nice curlers Connie. Blessings Francine.

  10. Would you want to get back in contact with Nancy? :)

    1. I could call her Mother...sometimes the phone works both ways:)

  11. Oh, I remember sleeping with curlers in my hair!

  12. I remember seeing Straight River as we would cross it many times going to and from Minnesota. I can see why she would be in Montana near the rivers out there. Slumber parties to day would involve everyone being around and working with their phones and computers.

  13. Slumber parties were a lot of fun back in the day. My hair has natural waves and dries funny, too. How I hated those curlers!

  14. Wow! White Fish is a great place to be, except for the cold and snow. I had slumber parties at my house in the country, and we would climb out the window on the second floor to sit on the roof and smoke a cigarette. We thought we were coooooool!

  15. I hated those curlers. They always hurt, and then some of the curlers would slide around so my hair went in funny directions anyway. Sheesh.

  16. Oh my, I couldn't imagine ever sleeping in curlers like that. I had a couple of pin curls with bobby pins which was bad enough. Sleepovers were fun! I remember having one in a tent in someone's back yard. Thankfully back then I was able to sleep much better than I do now.

  17. I never got invited to a slumber party:)

  18. What fun to have a picture from the slumber party. I participated in a lot of them, at my home and at other's, but I don't have any pictures. It is fun to remember them through your picture, though!

  19. OMG! I looked just like you with the glasses and the rollers and how could we have been so foolish? Hormones make you do foolish things. And I remember putting a scarf over it all and going out in public. AHHHH!!!! Talk about beings from outer space?!?!?!? LOL!
    I had a horse collection when I was young and I still have one...only different as I gave mine to my SIL when she was younger. I asked her later if I could have it back to give to my daughter but she wouldn't. She also borrowed baby clothes that I needed back to use again and she wouldn't give them back either. Glad to be out of that family! LOL! She tried to be friends on FB....Ha! Ha! No way!
    Those were the now aren't allowed because of all the "Chester Molesters" out there. The world has really changed and not for the better either.


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