Tuesday, November 18, 2014

Minnesota Cold and Miserable

Uffda the weather could be better.  The wind chill yesterday was WAY below zero. I will guess it was –20 with the wind chill. The wind was blowing 30 miles per hour and snow and dirt (Snirt) was in the air.  What snow we had is now a unpleasant beige/brown color from all the North Dakota dirt it picked up and brought to Minnesota.

On the trip to town I figured out in no time at all that I need to get out my parka…in November…that really sucks.

We took my car in for service the Check Engine Light came on once during our trip and then it went off.  We were almost home when it came on again.  We made an appointment.  Yesterday we drove both vehicles to town, Chance and I waited for Far Guy whilst he dropped off the car.  He came out with a big grin on his face…”They said that the vehicle is registered to you and only you could request service.”  long pause…  I told them “She is waiting in the freaking car outside, I can have her come in and deal with you…they declined.” The car is still under warranty… a Pollution Control Valve on the Valve Cover was leaking so they replaced the whole valve cover.

The Craft Sale was last Saturday, I sold some “stuff.”  It was a fun day, I got to visit with a number of people that I had not seen in awhile.

Noah went deer hunting on Saturday, he told me he didn’t enjoy sitting so still watching for a deer.  I told him that it was okay…not everyone is a deer hunter.  My Dad finally got his buck on Sunday afternoon.  Josh my nephew got a beautiful trophy buck…and I heard that one was on it’s way to the taxidermist!

I haven’t taken any photos lately…so far the snow and cloudy skies are uninspiring for me.

My baby brother sent me this photo with permission to use it on the blog.

Mount Hood with Mt jefferson in the background

Mount Hood with Mount Jefferson in the background.

He took it out the plane window last Friday afternoon as he was heading to Oregon…probably for a Beavers game and to take his wife out for her birthday!  She reaches one of those milestone birthdays this week.

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  1. I'm not familiar with the term, 'snirt' - but I like it! It's comforting that bureaucracy appears to be universal. And that photograph is a stunner.

  2. Everything feels like so much more effort when it's too cold out for comfort.
    Your brother has great timing - I wouldn't have thought to take that picture till it was too late.

  3. I know how you feel about the weather. Very cold here also. Not fun getting out the parka in November. We don't have any "snirt" yet as the city decided not to salt the the side streets. Figured we can just slide into the curb and wreck our cars. I like the picture you shared. Keep warm and safe.

  4. It's hard to take pictures when you're uninspired. I know, because it's the same for me. It's been so cold here, unusually so, but we will be returning to our usual wet by the end of the week. I never thought I'd say so, but I can't wait! :-)

  5. I'm telling you! This early cold windy weather makes it hard to get inspired to do anything! Even here in NC we are having record breaking low temperatures.

  6. We have 6 degrees at 8:10 a.m. Wonder what the low was overnight! (Flat land of Kansas)

  7. It is frigging cold and windy here today . -8 °C fells like 19°C with the wind chill BRR ! Our van engine light did that to but ours was just a fuse our friend and neighbour is a mechanic and looks after all our engines for us ! I was out yesterday as it was mild taking photos of all the pretty snow . Thanks for sharing , Have a good day and stay cozy !

  8. It's even cold in GA today. That's a great pic your brother shared. Birthday wishes to your sil. Glad the craft sale turned out well. Tell Chance "hi."

  9. No snirt here yet. Everyday we get an inch or two of clean stuff to top it off. Hang on -- I hear a warmup is coming for the weekend!

  10. Morning, yup, same weather here Connie. Cccccoooolllldddd!!!!! Blessings Francine.

  11. Brrrrrrr....that is cold. We are having some temps, here in Texas, in the high 20's. No snow, but some ice.

  12. I think you got all our snow! Here we are up in Alaska and its 39 degrees and raining. All our snow has melted and my grass is indeed green. I guess we are the ones experiencing global warming. My studded tires are wearing down more and more each day.
    Congratulations to those that got there deer...I can smell the venison cooking already!

  13. It is just disgusting too cold. There is a point where cold can't be compared unless you have a 30 mph wind with it. I have a former art student who is a taxidermist. I had forgotten that until you mentioned one. I live with a light on with my car as the shop teacher says that someone has left a bad connection when the muffler was reconnected or when the computer for the engine was put in. Now I may go and see if my problem was your problem. The computer devise that can tell you why the light is on is an amazing thing. I was told not to worry by shop teacher just that it is unnerving to look down and see it is still on.

  14. You'll get used to the cold weather. I cross country skied yesterday.

  15. Your weather sounds so depressing:( We have been dry here for over a week, with sunny, cold (for us) weather, not that I was here for much of it. Heading back to our usual wetness later in the week.
    I saw Mt. Baker sticking up like that as I flew back from Ontario:)

  16. Your brother got one amazing shot! And so nice to share it with you. Sorry it's so cold in Minnesota! I have two beautiful trophy buck mounts in my family room.

  17. I can't believe that they questioned him on the car! Wow, that is one awesome picture! I can't believe how the cold has settled in already. I did see on the news that last year at this time only 1/4 of the states was covered in snow. Now it is 1/2 of the states! Snow hasn't come this soon since about 11 years ago.

  18. Hey that photo of Mt. Hood looks mighty familiar! I live a mere 60 miles from that mtn. I grew up in S. Dakota, so I do know a thing about snow and cold temps. Hang in there and stay warm!

  19. Maybe it will be a record year for your snow stick!
    I hope not, but it's here so early this year.
    I have never heard anywhere do what they said to your husband. I always took my hubby's truck in for servicing when it needed it.
    Be safe and stay warm!

  20. Yay for the car being under warranty! Cool photo from your brother.

  21. Isn't this early COLD weather the pits! I am sure glad I got my fall stuff done and didn't count on November. I am hoping for some warmer weather but each day that comes with single digits and wind chill I think it isn't going to happen. I love my little carved house with the red accents and oh Jen's caramels are to die for :) The Mt Hood picture is pretty cool. Stay warm neighbor!

  22. Oh yeah, my parka came out of storage, too. My blood is too thin for this cold!

  23. I love that photo! It's stunning!


  24. I can tell when Winter is here when my feet get cold and they are cold right now! I turn the thermostat down at night and wear 2 pairs of socks to bed thus in my book it's Winter! I've never heard of "snirt".....I hope it's good Dakota top soil you're getting. Does Dakota have good top soil?
    Too funny about Far Guy telling the guy's you could come in and they declined! LOL! There's nothing wrong with having a reputation where men don't want to mess with you unless it's your husband that feels that way. Ha! Ha!


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