Saturday, October 18, 2014

Chance: A Dog’s World

The snow stick is up!

Chance and the snowstick

Far Side says cross something else off the freaking list!

Now it can snow.

One day everyone had cake and I had to stay in the car…on a counta this little dog.


This is Annie and she weighs about three pounds…I met her once before…everyone thought I might grab her and that would be IT.  Annie belongs to Far Side’s sister.  Far Side put her fingers in the little girls mouth…and Annie growled and then barked and gave Far Side the what for.

Miney and Little Elvis visited this week, we took them to my groomer.   Dean (the guy in charge) said he waited all week to say “Elvis is in the building.” Miney looked so beautiful when she was finished…and Little Elvis was almost as handsome as me!

Yesterday we visited Jade.  She is a Black Lab and belongs to Savannah.  Jade had one of those ren de vous and now has 12 babies…she had 13 but the runt died.  Jade was happy to see us.  She let me peek at the babies and then she escorted me to the door.  Far Side was in there a long time oohing and aahing…inspecting all the pups. I am sure many photos will be taken after the puppies are a bit older.

We went shopping.  Far Guy needed some new duds.  Far Side said he was patient and didn’t just run into the store and grab the first thing he saw. He actually tried “stuff” on. ( It might have been a miracle.)  He is all set now. AND that is a big relief to Far Side.  She was having her share of shopping nightmares.

That was my week in a nutshell. Until next time…may all the balls you throw for a much loved pet come back free of slobber.



  1. My, Chance, you sure have lots of friends and an active social life! And I think you were very patient to wait in the car while everyone ate cake, all on account of a 3 pound dog!

  2. Jink sing it a bit with the snow stick maybe ? you don't want to see any snow for some time do ya ? I know we don't here lol ! Chance you are a gentlemen waiting in the car . Thanks for sharing lovely photos , Have a good weekend !

  3. Chance, you are getting as cheeky as Far Side. I think you made me laugh at least twice with this one. :-)

  4. Oh Chance, seems that stick was just removed now it is back already, yuk..Hugs Francine.

  5. Oh no the Snow Stick is up.This is sure to bring on snow! The summer has been too short.
    Loved the darling pic of Annie. We have 2 Boston Terriers and they all look similar. Annie has such a sweet face. Boston Terriers have wonderful personalities and we have one, a male, who insists on playing ball with a small tennis ball. He wears us out. The ball gets covered with slobber and paper towels are handy to fix this temporarily till the ball needs the treatment again.

    Shirley H.

  6. It must be a little depressing to think of the snow stick up, it hasn't been long enough since it's last shift:(
    Larry's only (poor guy!) dog growing up was a Boston Terrier, so he has a bit of a soft spot for them.
    I hope Jade will have a rendezvous with the vet after her puppies are weaned. Oh, who can resist a cute puppy, but it makes me sad when there are so many dogs waiting in shelters.

  7. What a great week you had, Chance. Glad you got to visit with family and friends. Have a blessed weekend!

  8. Sure glad you got a chance to tell us about you wonderful week.
    Do you think Far Side will bring home a puppy for you?

    1. Far Side likes me just fine as an only dog. We are not a Black Lab kinda family...Shetland Sheepdog's maybe but not so much Labs:(

  9. It'll never happen Chance. There will be slobber! Anybody who doesn't like slobber, better wear gloves.

  10. Chance, I do believe this your best post yet. What a fun week you had...seeing all those dog friends and new babies. :)

  11. I certainly hope Far Side or Far Guy brought you some cake!

  12. Chance, you look so handsome up there in that beautiful autumn header.

  13. Barney spent a lot of the day outside with me while I painted on the back of the house. He was so tired that he jumped up on the one end of the couch while his little sized brother slept on the other end. Those little dogs do get testy and someone else gets into trouble. A very small terrier doesn't visit us as they think the little dog isn't safe around Barney. They are mistaken but what can one do.

  14. Hi Chance,
    Nitty here. Annie's out in the kitchen licking my food bowl. Like I'd leave her anything! LOL! What is it about those little dogs? I think they are insecure because of their size. I am curious as to why Far Side put her fingers in Annie's mouth though. Dental exam? I wish we could go to a groomer but Mom doesn't trust the one we have here and we're a bit much for her to handle plus the minute she gets us clean we go roll in deer poop. LOL!
    We have new neighbors! 2 dogs...Snow and Maisy. I'll post pictures later but Snow is not too friendly. She loves Mom but me she growls at me. The little Maisy is friendly to all and they are in a fenced in yard so I guess they're just getting the lay of the land. Their owner seems very nice too.
    Mom hasn't been feeling great today....I think she "overdid" it outside. The leaves are just starting to turn here.
    Take care!

    1. I think it is called socializing and exposure. When I was little she was always sticking her fingers in my mouth and ears and squeezing my paws...she cleans my teeth you know and dogs gums and their color is a good way to see if a dog is a little sick or a lot sick...Chance

  15. What a great week you had. I bet Jade's puppies are very sweet!

  16. That Annie sounds like a pistol. Your other friends are much more fun. I bet you will be overrun by a herd of puppies one day soon. I'd love to see pictures of that!! Glad the snow stick is up before the ground freezes--LOL! ;) ;)

  17. Busy, busy, busy dog do are! Hope you got the peice of cake with the big lump of icing!

  18. Boy, do I understand the THRILL of getting something checked off the list!!!



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