Monday, August 4, 2014

What day is it?

I was awakened by my husband handing me the phone, I said “Good Morning “ quite cheerfully…one of my best friends in the whole world was laughing…she said “Are you okay it is 8:30 at night?”  It is??  I was just napping and dreaming…it was getting darker out here in the woods..I thought it was Monday morning and it was Sunday night.

I had a great four hour nap!  Chance napped too…and I think Far Guy napped for awhile…you could have moved the entire house and I would not have heard a thing. I was dead to the world.

It was good to catch up with Susan, her birthday is this week. She turns the magic retirement age this week. She is in a high state of stress..getting  a house ready for sale and moving to the lake just a half hour from us.  She may get a week maybe two at the lake before she comes out of retirement to Nanny for her daughter’s four children.  Since she loves kids especially her grands it is a perfect fit for her…she will do it for just one school year and then retire for good.  She was the best Day Care provider my grand boys ever had.  She has raised generations of children…children of children all who adore her.  It will be another year before she can nap full time.

Lily Pads

Consciousness: that annoying time between naps. ~Author Unknown


  1. Funny thing, I napped for 3 hours yesterday and was dead to the world. I never sleep that soundly at night!
    All the best to your friend, Susan.

  2. I sure wish I could nap like that. My afternoon nap is usually avery light sleep.

  3. I took a nap yesterday! It was one of my first. Do you get undressed when you nap? I was unsure of the the proper napping protocol. I didn't, but I was wishing I had when I woke up. :-)

  4. Sometimes it just takes 20 minutes of closing your eyes. Not sure I've ever taken a four-hour one. ;-) And I really admire your friend the nanny/ child care giver. That is something I would never have the patience for, but there are those who are naturals for it. God bless her.

  5. Naps are great, but I don't like the groggy feeling I sometimes get after a long one.

  6. I'm with Nancy. I love the nap while I'm having it, but hate how long it takes me to recover from it after. They say you should only have a 20 minute one during the day.

  7. That was a good nap! I normally don't sleep that much during the night. :) Wish I could sleep more...I need it. The water lilies are so pretty!

  8. Your friend Susan sounds like a treasure of a person. Her daughter is lucky to have her.

  9. I find myself dozing off over the laptop when if I'm in the recliner. I never used to nap, but now I can sleep about anytime!

  10. Catching up on sleep from a trying year really takes time. I am just a week away for trudging to work and I still could sleep forever. I always admired the waterlilies in Minnesota. Our local lake keeps flooding each year so the lilies are almost nonexistent. They use to grow in all the surrounding blogs. I have an old friend who lives in Minnesota who spent all her summer shooting water lily photos. She would rather have white ones but the yellows were everywhere. I also like the blue iris that grows in the water.

  11. haha! you needed that amazing nap. IM a big believer in naps!

  12. See? You are simply ahead of everyone else. That's just how long it takes everyone to catch up with you.

  13. That happens to me all the time. With our wacky daylight it really throughs me off after a nap!

  14. Funny! You needed the sleep.
    Sounds like your friend's retirement is going to be in wonderful stages.
    Love those water lilies!! :)


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