Tuesday, August 5, 2014


Ack…I just should have napped all day.   I waited on hold listening to classic music which I suppose was supposed to calm me down but instead did just the opposite.  Twenty two minutes were wasted the first time then fourteen minutes all to be told to call another number.

Customer Service is dead at an oxygen supply place in California which from now on I will call Idiot two.  They talk a good game…but have NO customer service.  When the service representative began to scream at me, I reminded her that I was the customer and she was supposed to find me service.  Far Guy said “tell them to cancel us.”  I relayed the message and hung up.  I emailed the company with my complaint.

We have been jumping through every hoop the company wanted…including a 180 mile trip because they wouldn’t accept our insurance without a special # that could only be obtained by getting a new ID Card at the Air Base. (I think it is an Obama thing)

Far Guy still does not have the Oxygen that the Doctor ordered for him two weeks ago.

We have decided to go with a local company…we can go over and sit in their office if need be.

The Idiot two company had a lightweight very portable unit that could be used during exercise. It sounded good and looks good on their website.

Buyer Beware..if you have problem with a company before getting their product chances are pretty good you will wish you never heard of them.


I hate to wish my life away …but I was sure glad to see the sunset on this most frustrating day.

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  1. I am so sorry. Some of these places make my blood boil. The co. we are forced to use for John's cpap supplies is exasperating - there is NO customer service. I pray that you can get what FG needs and a co. who will treat you with respect.

  2. You would think that a company in the health field would have a shred of humanitarian in them. Apparently not.

  3. We have had wonderful service from a local company. Hope you have the same experience!

  4. I hope and pray that Far Guy can get the oxygen that his doctor ordered. I know how frustrating some of these companies have been lately, especially with all the new rules and regulations. Good customer service is a lost art and when you finally do find it hang on to it no matter what it costs.. Hopefully the local company will be a good fit for you and F.G.

  5. Sounds like a total frustration. And customer service seems to have gone to the dogs everywhere....


  6. I sympathize with you. What a frustrating day, indeed. Hope tomorrow is better (which would be today, now). :-)

  7. Frustration with elevator music and poor service seems to determine all, I mean everyone of the worlds troubles these days, large and small are "an Obama thing."

  8. Ugh. I hope the local company can get you what you need, along with Minnesota Nice customer service.

  9. Never a good thing to have a day when you just want it to end.


  10. I fear it will only get worse...the Ocare package that is.

  11. The neighbor uses oxygen once in a while and she uses the medicare for it. In fact medicare money is wasted with her and the companies send her products that will last her two life times and more oxygen tanks that she will ever need. I guess once you get the magic number, which I hope wasn't one of Obama's cuts, then you can get the service going. Good luck. It is not that the neighbor needs it all the time but the oxygen is a security in case it really is needed. Stay tough and scream a lot.

  12. Customer what? Service you say, like that's going to happen. I am amazed that society puts up with the "Push #1 for . ." and "Push #2 for . . ." to get answers and then be forced to wait an ungodly amount of time to even speak to an actual person. It's time for more consumers to speak with their wallets and move on to another company.

  13. I think multitasking was invented by people who have to spend a lot of their day on hold :(

    Beautiful sunset. You captured it nicely. Hope it brought a better day for you today...

  14. It made me mad just hearing about it. Good luck with the local company.

  15. Sometimes I just need a fresh morning start….sorry

  16. I hate it when you get bad customer service! I sure know how you feel, and you sure did have a beautiful sunset!

  17. This is crazy, when you need O2 you need it now! What the heck!

  18. I agree that many times customer service is a lost art. Sounds frustrating- Hope the local company does better!

  19. Oh, that is so true!!! I finally had to go with a local company for my CPAP...and I am SO glad!!!


  20. Seems like Tom is always in the midst of a fuss with someone about his medical equipment. The worst time was when he couldn't come home from the hospital because we didn't have a hospital bed set up at home and the hospital bed supplier couldn't deliver a hospital bed until he was home from the hospital. Fortunately, he has no qualms about arguing until he gets things straight. The constant process does get old. Right now the dispute is about his power chair.


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