Friday, August 1, 2014

Fields and Projects

The pea, oats and wheat fields are changing. Goodbye July and hello August.

Peas Oats Wheat and Smoky Hills

The Smoky Hills are in the background…and they were really smoky last night.

Chance lookin for deer

Chance and I were in the backseat lookin for deer, the sun was orange.

Big Orange Sun

Chance and I stayed home yesterday ( we let the guys do their thing), I worked in my garage cleaning up…etc…from the garage sale way back in June. Getting “stuff” packed away in totes.  Some was donated and some will be sold on eBay and some will be saved for the next garage sale and I suppose some will become the children’s problem someday.

I am getting ready for a big project out in my garage…years ago we put some crappy old Styrofoam sheets up in the ceiling…they are going to be history one of these days…then I can clean up my garage one more time.  The door trim needs to be painted too…the brushes, rollers and paint await me…maybe next week…or maybe not.  In retirement you  can be flexible.

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  1. Interesting to read the list of crops. For this part of Ohio, the list would read...corn, soybeans, and winter wheat.

  2. We like to ride around in the early evenings, too. I have done a lot of painting in my life, but these days I just don't think I could do it! My fingers, neck etc. are too stiff. I hope you guys enjoy the weekend.

  3. I love your photos of the moon coming up over the fields.

  4. Must have been some forest fires making the sun so orange, I guess. Good shots, though. You may be retired, but you are just not the retiring type, always with plenty of projects. Keeps you young. :-)

  5. Lovely shots from your evening drive. I don't even want to think about all my "stuff" that needs to be sifted through. If I know my kids they will just pitch everything.

  6. Great photos from your drive. I love the idea that retired people have - maybe today if not then tomorrow. That sure is my philosophy and I am retired. Have a great weekend.

  7. Love a good evening drive, beautiful orange globe, Blessings Francine.

  8. Francine, I certainly don't envy you the garage job. It's hard enough to keep up with housework, let alone taking care of the nasty old garage. It seems to accumulate leaves, dirt and clutter faster than anywhere else. Good luck with your project.

  9. This post calls to my heart....I am doing some of the same things you are doing. Trying to discard things I have kept way too long. I often think about the job my children will have when I'm gone. Maybe I should stock up on black trash bags.....for them! Laughing....

  10. Lovely scenery indeed!

  11. Ah yes, the styrofoam sheets are going to be history here one of these days, too. One of the previous owners used them in the storage shed for insulation. They are always falling down and I hate them!

  12. Love the beautiful photos, especially with Chance in profile. You're smart in taking things a little at a time -- don't get sick again by overdoing. Your garage sounds like my basement. Fortunately, I have two big boys to help me!

  13. Great photos.

    The freedom to choose is the best gift of retirement.

  14. First few years were fun, We downsized every thing. Now it is building back up.

  15. The field crops here would be hay, silage corn, and berries. Maybe some broccoli or brussel sprouts.
    Sunny how the camera won't really pick up the orange sun. I took a photo on the way to Oliver, the sun was red, behind smoke from forest fires, but the camera didn't see it that way.

  16. I like the layers of colors in the first picture. I have one more can of paint and that is for the back porch floor and I hope that will be all the painting for a while!

  17. Plants turn very quickly in late July or early August. It tells us the growth for mos plants is finished.

  18. You have more ambition than I do. The weather is nice and I just want to be outside playing!

  19. I am very flexible when it comes to painting, haha.
    Have a wonderful weekend!

  20. How can it be August already? So many things yet to do. So much stuff to go through. Your photos of the scenery and the evening sun are beautiful!

  21. Since the kids have moved Terry and have some things we want to do down at their house (we own it) paint here and there, stuff like that. But not yet...we aren't really in a hurry!


  22. I am so ready for the R word and the R life . ONE MORE Year

  23. My whole life is flexible. Tentative plans and adaptability are my best friends these days. ;)

    What great shots! You and Chance make a great team. :)


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