Friday, July 11, 2014

Twin Fawns

We have twin fawns nearby.

Mama and One twin

Mama and one twin

Pair of twins

Here is my best shot of the twins. One was being real shy and did not come out of the woods.  The other one kept hiding behind the fence and the rocks.

They are all leaving

Here they are all leaving…Chance was being so good and then he just had to bark.

The skeeters are horrid even in the daytime.  We had not had a skeeter problem like this in years.   I am not seeing many bees and only a few butterflies. We have a bat house up to encourage bats to inhabit our area as they eat thousands of skeeters a day.

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  1. Oh how sweet. And I know what you mean about the mosquitoes. We've not had them like this for quite a few years either. Monarchs are scarce in spite of all the milkweed in bloom, and I'm not even seeing cabbage butterflies in the garden. Not complaining about that!

  2. Oh Connie, so sweet, I adore Deer. Such beautiful pictures, thanks for sharing, Blessings Francine.

  3. The fawns are so sweet. And Chance was so good not to bark so you could take pictures. Mosquitoes are bad here in WI also. I have seen a number of Monarchs but very few bees. Have a great weekend.

  4. Love your pretty new header. I have a set of twin fawns in my area, too. I haven't seen them in a couple of weeks, though, I might not even recognize them. Mosquitoes are NO FUN. I'd be using repellent liberally. :-)

  5. We have had horrible, horrible mosquitoes here this year, too. They somehow survive winter, don't they? I don't like to use chemicals like OFF so have been using herbal repellants. They do an excellent job IF you don't even miss a pinprick on your body. The mosquito will find it every time. We have used a liquid from our health food store but my sister recommended Bug Away from It is a waxy stick that moisturizing your skin, too. Ingredients are olive oil, Shea Butter, beeswax and essential oils. I get tired of smelling like citronella but have severe allergic reactions to bug bites so don't have much choice if I want to go outside.

  6. Earlier this week I saw twin fawns at the neighbor's house...very small. We have not noticed bad skeeter problems here yet.

  7. It's going to be a bad year for West Nile Virus in my area - dang mosquitoes!

    Love the photos of the twins.

  8. We can't go out side in the back yard, they are so bad this year.

  9. The twins are so pretty. We have seen more baby deer this summer than ever before. The woods are beautiful around your place.

  10. Go Bats! The mosquitoes are bad in Texas this year as well. My daughter also has twin fawns in her back yard, they are so cute!

  11. Just love the pictures of your fawns! They're so beautiful. Yes, here in Wisconsin the mosquitoes are horrible too. Oh,and I wanted to congratulate your husband on serving our country and on receiving his beautiful Quilt of Valor that your mentioned on your blog yesterday. That's wonderful! Love your blog....keep up the good work!

  12. yes the skeeters are wicked. I am so happy on my screened porch all day and night. AN occasional one gets through. I won't go out in the yard unless its very sunny or I get eaten up.
    LOVE your B am bi ly family

  13. We have a mosquito problem in our yard too, here in the Seattle suburbs. I think it's because we water our yard. We can have green and bugs, or brown and bug free. Actually i don't know if that is true. We could have brown, bug and bites! We may find out if we have to go on water restrictions with this long, hot summer ahead of us.

  14. The deer seem to have disappeared from town this summer. Mosquitoes here are far less than normal but we are fairly dry.

  15. Oh oh...not that many bees? That is a problem!

    Well, at least Chance let you get in a few good shots before he spoke up...

  16. It's been so dang wet--rain, rain, rain. The mosquitoes love many additional breeding grounds.
    There's something about fawns. They just warm your heart every time you see them. :)

  17. Aw, what a sweet catch! We are long on mosquitos and short on bees and butterflies as well. What an odd year.

  18. The biting flies and mosquito are terrible here this year. I saw my first and only butterfly yesterday.

  19. I see bats out at night when I walk Barney. There is plenty for them to eat. The twins are neat to see.


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