Friday, June 6, 2014

Wild Flowers Birds and Sales

The last few days have been kinda wild around here getting ready for the garage sale.  Getting everything unpacked…and more corners cleaned out.  It is all set.  The sale begins at 7AM and I suppose I will have people waiting at the gate by 6:45.  The weather is supposed to be  68 F or 20 C eh!  We might have rain showers in the afternoon.  There are two other large sales out in this area so we will probably get a good turn out.

The Hoary Puccoons are in full bloom.  I first saw them peeking out on Sunday June 1 2014.  I can tell you from the note in my Wildflower book that I first noticed it blooming on May 16, 2010…so was that an unusual year?  Maybe.  I think Aldo Leopold kept records on the Hoary Puccoon for nine years.

“Tell me of what plant-birthday a man takes notice, and I shall tell you a good deal about his vocation, his hobbies, his hay fever, and the general level of his ecological education.” Aldo Leopold

Of course the Hoary Puccoons are hard to miss, they grow wild in the ditches before the grass has a chance to grow real tall.

Hoary Puccoons

Puccoon is a Native American name for any plant that can be used for dye.  The root will make a reddish dye.  All the wool people would love it as a natural dye.

Gold Finch Hanging Around

I stalked this American Goldfinch for awhile one day.  They sure can sing.

The Oaks are filling out finally and with all the rain we have had in the last week the grass is growing like mad.   I mowed on Monday and I will try to mow again tomorrow or I will have to make hay instead of cutting the grass.

I am feeling better.  I am cautiously optimistic that I am on the road to recovery.  Far Guy says “You are not that much better”  My optimism sometimes gets a reality check by his pessimism.  Time will tell.  My head no longer throbs and my fingernails and teeth no longer that means I am better!

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  1. I am glad that you are better enough to post this morning. Please take good care of yourself and Far Guy and Chance. We all want you three to be in good health. Hope that your garage sale goes well ad that you can sell everything!

    Shirley H.

  2. I love the pictures of your wild flower. They are growing everywhere here with all the rain we have had. I am mowing the grass at least once a week - it could use it twice a week but no way. Glad you "think" you are feeling better - positive thinking is good. Just don't over-do and take care of yourself. Good luck with the garage sale. Hope you sell all your stuff. Have a great weekend.

  3. I can't hear Aldo Leopold's name without thinking how much I appreciate you introducing us. And your quote made me laugh, especially the hay fever part. Glad to hear you are up and about, getting ready for the sale. :-)

  4. I laughed at how you two balance each other with your optimism getting a reality check by his pessimism. That is the first I have heard it put that way. Sometimes we optimists do have difficulty is seeing what is really happening. It's ok. I have been called Pollyanna as an insult before but I am proud to claim that moniker.
    Here's hoping for a GREAT return on your yard sale and health enough for you to enjoy the shoppers - - - and the shoppers to be friendly and civil and not out to see how little money they can give you. We will all be looking forward to the report on it.

  5. Hoary Puccoon? What an interesting name. I'll have to look for it.

  6. Morning, I agree, what a name, wondered what those pretty yellow flowers were in the ditches. We have them growing here too. Blessings Francine.

  7. I love that you teach me things… Hoary Puccoon - never heard of it! I don't recognize it, so perhaps it is among the few weeds - wildflowers - that don't grow here! We have yellow weeds… er, I mean, wildflowers, but they are different.
    Glad you think you are on the mend - even Far Guy isn't so sure!

  8. good luck with your sale ~ hopefully you guys are kickin' that sick stuff :)

  9. True garage sale customers will flock to a sale even if it is 15 miles out of their usual path. I had to laugh when you mentioned the gate. I used to string a rope across my drive and yard to keep people out. The sign on it said, "All prices are tripled before advertised opening time" It seemed to work.

  10. Wish I could come to your garage sale. Be sure to post lots of pictures of the bargains I will be missing:)
    Glad to hear that YOU think you are on the mend, what YOU think is what counts.
    Hoary that is a name!

  11. I've never seen nor heard of a hoary puccoon....what a name. I have read Aldo Leopold though....Sand County Almanac, I think. I wish you luck on your sale. I've had a few here but everyone here is old and they're all trying to downsize and get rid of their stuff and of course that means there are no buyers! LOL!

  12. Love the pretty little plant, and the bird is beautiful. That's NJ's state bird. Hope you continue to get better!

  13. what a fun name.. Hoary Puccoons. I love that flower

  14. Good luck with your garage sale. May your driveway be full of buyers and may you have nothing to put away when it's all over!

  15. Hope the garage sale goes well. Take it easy so your health continues to improve.

  16. Good luck with the garage sale. Glad to hear you are feeling better. Hope your improved health continues!

  17. Hope you have great success with the garage sale. Hoping you feel better each day!

  18. Indeed that does mean you are better! So glad to hear it and I too am enjoying the songs of the finches in my tree in the yard. Glad you are getting moisture tho - we are dry again already.

  19. I had my garage sale today. It was dead!

  20. Thanks for the pucoons lesson! They're not very common here but the yellow lady slippers are in bloom. ;)

  21. Sure would like to be at your garage sale. That's a little far for me to drive! Never heard of pucoons, but they are pretty.

  22. Running the garage sale will certainly tell you if you were better or not. I'm glad the weather has cooled off a bit for your sale and I hope you didn't get much rain. :)


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