Thursday, June 5, 2014

On the way to Buhl

Buhl Minnesota is way north of us..up on the Iron Range.  It is about a 2 1/2 hour drive if you don’t lollygag.


We saw several Eagles out hunting and a few deer.

Tin Man

A Tin Man resting on a huge lawn chair in Grand Rapids.  Home of Judy Garland ya you betcha! Mounds of Waste Rock

Mountains of waste rock from the Iron Ore Mining.  Yes, trees are growing on piles of rock.

Near Hibbing

Near Hibbing Minnesota.

Buhl Water Tower

Buhl claims to have the finest water in America.  Far Guy picked up his “stuff” while I walked Chance, a small friendly dog ran up to us about the same time that the Sheriff came out of the building I asked him “Lose your Police Dog?”  No he didn’t but at least he smiled, the small friendly unleashed dog belonged to some other people that were unloading.  Chance was on lead…as he should be in a strange area.

The box of “train stuff” is still being evaluated.

Train Stuff

This box should keep him occupied for awhile.  It was a quick trip we only stopped twice.

Far Guy is feeling better, I am trying my best to fight off what he had…I finally got it…after six weeks of being exposed to the nasty virus it finally got me.  The sore throat was replaced by head and chest congestion and body aches all over..even my toe nails and teeth ache.  At least I couldn’t overdo spending the day in the car.

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  1. Take care of yourself. Hope you are feeling better soon. Those are some beautiful pictures of the scenes from your trip.

  2. Glad Far Guy is better, but darn it, you caught it. It sure sounds like a doozy of a bug. I second Linda, take care of yourself and feel better soon! :-)

  3. Nice of Far Guy to share! Take care and get the rest your body needs.

  4. Please take good care of yourself and maybe a trip to the doctor might be in order? Just be sure to not take any chances on getting sicker. This ailment is a bad one sometimes. Glad that Far Guy is better and he needs to get extra rest right now too.

    Shirley H.

  5. Did you taste the finest water in America?

  6. Looks like a good drive, and fun stuff for Far Guy, something to keep him busy now that YOU are sick. Bummer.

  7. Too bad the bug finally found you, just when Far Guy was feeling better. But better than you both being sick at once, I guess. Take good care of yourself!

  8. Hope Far Guy takes good care of YOU! Glad you were able to make it out for a nice drive though, but even doing 'nothing' can be exhausting.

  9. Love taking those little trips with you. Hope you feel better soon. I'd send chicken soup, but I'm too far away.

  10. Wow - what a stunning place!

  11. It's good that Far guy is feeling better. So what's new? A partner sooner or later picks up the same bug.

  12. I am sooooo very sorry you caught that crud. It is one of the most miserable viruses I know. Far Guy is pampering and cooking for you like you did for him - - right?!!! Chance enjoyed your outing, too, I am sure. Please keep us updated on your health when you have time. We care about you.

  13. Get well soon. I'm glad FG is better, but sorry you caught the bug.

  14. Hello, glad Far Guy is feeling better. Great pictures, love the tin man on the big chair, Francine.

  15. Love the giant chair, we have seen a few of those further up in the adirondacks! I didn't realize it was the home of Judy Garland, I learned something new today!

  16. oooh if your toenails ache you got it bad! So sorry.
    Love the little tour of the NORTH

  17. I remember seeing the iron range. I did not know that Judy Garland was from up there though. Oh, neat train stuff! Glad Far Guy is feeling better but now you're sick? So, it wasn't allergies but a virus. Ouch....espacially at this time of year. I hope you feel better real soon.

  18. Oh, ugh, I am so sorry you have the crud. The drive must have felt longer than it was.

  19. Those day trips are much more fun when you are feeling good, but it does look like an interesting trip. Hope you are feeling better soon!

  20. Oh no!! I thought you were free and clear on this one. Bummer! Be kind to yourself. Now it's FarGuy's turn to wait on you a little. ;) At least it was a beautiful day for a drive...if you have AC, of course. Looks like the box was probably worth the trip, though.

  21. Oh, darn it! GET WELL FAST!



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