Thursday, June 26, 2014

Not Much Happening

We are a quiet bunch here in convalescent land.  We putz around…we steamed the tile floors…worked on Christmas Ornaments…took naps…played ball with Chance…did some laundry.   I have finally been reading on my Kindle Fire again. 

The Lupines are still blooming.  The cool weather we have been having extends their bloom times.  It was barely 70 F yesterday and cloudy all day, spitting rain a few times.Bee on the Lupine

These blooms were playing peek a boo with the fence.

Lupines behind the fence

I planted Lupines about 14 years ago and since then they have reseeded themselves all over, they are buggers to transplant so they just bloom wherever they grow.

I am listening to my body…when it says I am tired I lay down and nap..sometimes for more than a few hours.  No worries Chance wakes someone up at 5:30 because he is getting hungry and someone should be in the kitchen cooking supper by then.  I swear if the dog could cook he would, he lays in the kitchen the entire time someone is cooking…supervising and making sure his dish gets fixed…even though he has a bowl of dry food available all the time.  Sometimes I wonder just who is in charge of who in this household.

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  1. Haven't you heard of the great plan for Border Collies to take over the world? The only thing stopping them is no opposable thumbs. Watch out, they use hand signals!

    Glad you are both feeling better.

  2. Naps are always good, I love to take a wee nap. Love the Lupines, mine never make it, Blessings Francine.

  3. Makes pet owners wonder why we bother owning clocks. Cats are also very routine driven - or at least mine always have been.
    It sounds like you're being a sensible convalescent.

  4. You sound great! If I didn't know you had been sick, your routine sounds like a few days vacation at home! Our dog thinks when I am cooking, it is time for her to eat which makes her under my feet. Guess she just wants to be part of the action and feel like she's contributing to the effort?
    The flowers are beautiful as always.

  5. I like your header, with the pretty lady slipper. That's a big bee in that first picture. I'm glad you're taking it easy and getting better. Hope Far Guy is taking it easy, too. :-)

  6. Ha ha! Let's face it - our dogs are in charge of the household. At least ours is. He is very spoiled but we love him anyway. He is a Boston Terrier and loves his tennis ball.

    Shirley H.

  7. I am glad that you are feeling better!

  8. Inside dogs rule. They have us trained quite well!!! We adapt to the role of being their humble servants!!!

  9. Beautiful flower, resembles the blue bonnets in Texas. Isn't it nice to have a quiet day?

  10. For a convalescent you get an awful lot done.! I've always thought that dogs train us just like we train them. They even use rewards!

  11. I don't think our dogs wonder who is in charge at all. They know it's them.

  12. I'm glad Chance is taking good care of you!

  13. Border Collies and Spaniels have wonderful personalities.

    Good to hear that things are going well. Keep listening to your body.

  14. wow, i love this post. chance is no joke or fool. he knows he runs the show there. just as my cat did at my house. lupines are so gorgeous. weather's been really nice here in nyc. been lovin it. seeings im going through the change. i am not complaining one damn bit about the cooler temps. you are such a wise crone. listen to your body, it does a body good. great post. cheers!!

  15. Napping when needed is the best cure, I think. I love your lupines. The cat is in charge at my house. :-)

  16. Love your photos. I wish I lived somewhere that was 70 in June. I think. Depends on the temp in January. lol Sounds like you are following doctor's orders to a good recovery.

  17. hysterical. Yes the cats would cook too if they could

  18. I probably tell you this every year but the memories of lupines along the highway at the north shore brings up images of many colors in waves of flowers. I grew one once in Iowa from a pot for the summer that I bought it. It never reseeded.

  19. Keep on listening to your body...sleep--sure, rest--sure, hydrate--sure. And Chance is in charge!

  20. You didn't know Chance was in charge?

  21. Beautiful photos. I love my Kindle Fire! It's hard to read any other way now.

  22. I hate to break it to ya, but most likely it's Chance...:)

  23. CHANCE!!! Chance is in charge...just like Fuzzy and Boomer here. We are a lucky group, aren't we?


  24. The Lupines are beautiful. It is something how our animals take over and run things! I was looking back at some of your older posts and saw Chance when he was a puppy. He was such a cutie pie.

  25. I know...who is in charge? Those animals set my schedule instead of the other way around. Who needs a watch? They know exactly to the minute when it's time to eat and for me to go to bed. They come in the kitchen when I'm making my dinner and they all crowd around and with a big dog and a little dog and a cat all laying on the throw rugs that are in front of the stove, frig and sink...just where I am moving back and forth from trying to make MY dinner. It's a disaster waiting to happen! So, I gave in and now I feed them first so they'll go outside afterwards and leave me alone so I can fix my dinner....geez!
    Love the lupines....I need some of those so they can reseed and chase away my tall weeds!
    Glad you're both feeling better and learning to take it's not easy for us "worker bees"...I had to get sick too before I learned to slow down but now I'm like a slug! Not sure I like being this slow and where did my energy go? I was tired all day seems I only have energy every other day. Speaking of, this is my "energy" day so I best go get some things done! LOL!

  26. WOW. Love these colors. I say yes... let the lupines grow where they will... I mean, who doesn't love all that great color... anywhere. XOX

  27. I'm glad you're getting a lot of rest over there. I'm joining you this week. ;) Good thing Chance keeps you on some kind of schedule--LOL!


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