Wednesday, April 30, 2014

Wistful Wednesday: May Day 1954

Sixty years ago I was two years and eight months old in May of 1954.  It snowed.

Connie May Day 1954

I had seven May Day baskets that year…it was a good haul.  Candy was a rare thing back then, there may have been a cookie or two in those May Baskets.  Jelly Beans maybe..or maybe those Circus Peanuts.  I always picked out the black jelly beans first..they were licorice flavored and made your tongue black.

That is my dog in the background.  My maternal Grandparents always made sure I had a dog. I have always liked dogs.  I think this one was probably named Frosty…but I am not sure and my parents don’t remember.  I had a succession of dogs, some chased cars, some got what was called tick fever, some killed chickens, some met an untimely death.  I am sure I cried…and since we went to Grandpa and Grandmas every Sunday I could report my doglessness to them…and a puppy would appear…just like magic. My maternal Grandparents loved dogs too.

That honeysuckle bush/tree still stands as do the lilac bushes in the background. The blooms will be out the last week in May or the first week in June.

Picture tree at the farm

I have my May Day Baskets all set to deliver tomorrow! And yes it might be snowing.

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  1. You look so cute all dressed up for snow with your May baskets. Weather sure has been crazy this year. First it snows every day then it rains every day. Maybe you'll get lucky and it won't snow and the sun will shine instead.

  2. That's a wonderful picture, and now I am beginning to understand why May baskets are never forgotten by Far Side! Thank you for reminding me... :-)

  3. I adore that picture, so so sweet. Would be Wonderful to receive your May baskets, Francine.

  4. Cute picture ~ and cute puppy peeking ;)

  5. Great memories. . .I love black jelly beans, too.

  6. You look like a happy little girl with all your May baskets! Cute! I always picked the black jelly beans out, but I wouldn't eat them because I never like the licorice taste. My brothers were always happy to get them, tho. Ah, memories!

  7. I sure hope it will not snow on you May the 1st.
    Happy May Day!

  8. The old photo is lovely! I hope May is a good month for you!

  9. I love your coat and hat with the "fur" trim. The May basket on the right looks quite fancy. I remember making them out of waxed cups with pipe cleaner handles. Fun post.

  10. Thank you for sharing your memories! Happy May Day tomorrow,

  11. I have a picture buried some where in many boxes of a forsythia buried in snow on May Day. Not in 54 but in 60's some time. The weather has always been freaky. Our dog Tippy was around all of my young years and didn't die until I was in college. It was a tough loss for my parents. I look back and I think he was part border collie.

  12. Happy May Day!! I hope it is snow-free and dog-full!!

  13. I haven't done May baskets since I was in school! But Happy May day to you!

  14. aww Im sure everyone will love the May baskets. SO cute. SUch a treat and a great tradition.

  15. What a great picture! You were the cutest. You would be my younger sister as I was born in 49. My first dog was a Skipperke that I named Mitzi (I got it for my birthday in January) ...mittens, Mitzi, Frosty....those are the names for dogs in the North! LOL!

  16. Sweet photo, sweet memories, sweets in the May basket!
    We'll be about 84 degrees here tomorrow, and it might be a hot time in the old town again as the anarchists now enjoy rioting and smashing things on May Day. I much prefer baskets.

  17. No! Are you serious? Snow again?!

    Happy May Day! :D

  18. What a sweet photo! Enjoying handing out the May baskets... (And yes, WE have snow here today!)

  19. I was three years and a little over a month...but no pictures and I don't remember any May Days to be honest because we never did the baskets. I do remember lots of snow when I was little and being bundled up in snowpants and heavy coats that got heavier the wetter they got. I hated mittens because your fingers couldn't work and was always taking them off. Do you remember those clips they strung through the arms of your coat to clip on to your mittens so when you pulled them off they dangled there like wet, heavy hands? LOL!


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