Tuesday, April 29, 2014

April Showers

It has been raining since Saturday night and it shows no sight of it letting up…unless it gets so cold it turns to snow.

Nothing better than the smell of a wet dog..unless it is three wet dogs.  We met Jen and Noah part way last night and Chance is an only dog once again…a tired only dog.

South of Bagley

It was a grey day.  I took this photo on a hill south of Bagley/Zerkel Minnesota…if you take the highway to the left you end up near Itasca State Park…if you take the road near the horizon hidden by the trees you end up on the Third Shell Prairie. We saw three deer, they are turning browner and one lone Wild Turkey…oh and a Golden Lab on the road two miles from our house…I opened my window and hollered for it to go back home.

During these rainy days the potholes are filling and the wetlands are getting wetter and old rivers are trying to reclaim their route.

Rain and the old river is showing up

This is the field catty corner/kitty corner from where we live.  See that lake forming…that is part of the old river and when it overflows the river will run.  Sounds like I might have a chance to get some photos of it all week.  I will go to a different spot for a photograph so that you can see it is a river.  My parents used to own this piece of land, when they owned it it had shelterbelts throughout the field.  By shelterbelts I mean strips of land left with trees and brush for wildlife.  Shelterbelts also caught snow in the winter and rainwater in the spring.

April showers brings May flowers at least that is the hope we have this time of year.  Only a few farmers have been in the fields plowing this rain will delay planting into May.

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  1. Raining here since Sunday with no sun in sight all week. Farmers are having a hard time around here also with spring planting. Sure hope all this rain brings a plethora of flowers.

  2. Morning, rained all day yesterday but sunny today, yay!!!!! Blessings Francine.

  3. I'll bet Chance is tired, all right. The smell of three wet dogs is coming through the ether... how did you do that? :-)

  4. I was going to say you must be my neighbor! We're getting the same kind of weather - rain, rain, rain. Hope it pops out those springing beauties and mayflowers when it's over. I've got one dog who hates to go out in the rain - and another who loves to play and splash in the puddles. Very familiar with wet dog. LOL

  5. It sounds like the previous generation (your parents) had a better knowledge of how to handle the land.
    An idea I hadn't thought of before - old rivers claiming their route.
    You always manage to turn a simple drive into something interesting for us.

  6. I haven't seen any May flowers yet!!! Probably in June this year. We're hope and waiting for spring too!!! Thick rain today!!!

  7. Raining since Sunday here. Even a little snow this morning. Only a few fields have been planted.
    I hope Chance is getting rested up.
    I love your new header.

  8. Rain here in downtown Minneapolis for several days now and to last most of this week. This morning some snow flurries even! Ugh. But they of course melt right away. We all are getting tired of all this rain and hope to see some real Spring weather sometime soon. But at least it isn't below zero!

    Shirley H.

  9. I like your highway shot. It's a good road photo.

  10. I'm just happy it's rain and not snow!

  11. With the 'industrial' farmers, it's all about planting every square inch, and to H E double hockey sticks with the environment or natural way of things. There is lots of flat land not far from us that will form 'lakes' when we get a lot of rain. Hope this rain brings you some green pretty quickly.

  12. Rain was so rare the last two years that connections on my roof leaked because they had dried out and left gaps. On good caulking session and no more leaks. We didn't have enough rain last year for the leaks to reveal themselves. We do seem to be a lot warmer but it is still cool when it rains.

  13. Raining since this morning and will be all day tomorrow to . Like you said April showers bring may flowers and that I cant wait for lol ! Lovely photos . I am all for natural farming . Thanks for sharing , have a good day !

  14. Your like me...waiting for those trees to bud out and turn green!

  15. Still looks pretty to me. I wondered about those "shelter belts'. I grew up in Illinois farm country and I remember lots more trees between fields and farms etc. Now, it seems it's just one giant field for miles. A shame what greed can do. Stay dry and "afloat"! I'm fine but it was quite a Sunday night into Monday...very lucky I am.

  16. The land will soak up the moisture for a good growing season, hopefully, when it finally arrives. Too bad the shelter belts had to give way to crop production.

  17. We had snow off and on all day Tuesday and it hasn't stopped raining for days. Ditches, fields, and low spots are lakes! I heard we will set a record for rain in April. Bring on the May flowers!

  18. Sometimes the old ways really are the best...but most people don't think so anymore



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