Friday, April 4, 2014

Snow and Swans

It snowed a little more.  It snows and melts and repeats daily.  Not exactly spring like.

The snow stick is stable at 9 inches.


We went for a ride.  Trumpeter Swans, Canada Geese, Wild Turkeys and Sandhill Cranes are visiting the cornfields.  Very little water is open for them. 

Trumpeter Swans

You can almost play “find the swans” in this photo.

Canada Goose and Swans 

The Monday blizzard went north of us, and the one predicted for Friday is supposed to go south of us…we must be incredibly lucky.

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  1. That's just fine! Stay in that sweet spot and let all those blizzards just pass you by!

    Our temps are predicted to be up to an unmentionable beautiful, so maybe that means a decent respite for our friends to the north...or better yet, some reliable signs that Spring really means it, this time :)

  2. People who live in Minnesota are tough. I am incredibly thankful that spring has arrived in southwestern Ohio. I hope that your spring is close. We had the third snowiest winter since records have been kept in this area.

  3. Morning, oh that snow will not stop, had more last evening too. Love the Swans, beautiful, I did spot them :) Francine.

  4. I saw some sand hill cranes the other day. All we are getting is rain, sleet and fog. Have a great weekend.

  5. It has warmed up considerably here and we got several inches of rain over the last couple of days. We watched the grass turn green in a matter of just a few hours. Other than my sheep being cold, I'd love to still have snow :-/.

  6. I am in sunny California and hoping that I don't wilt from the heat. It's supposed to reach 92 degrees by Tuesday, my last day here. How different it is in your part of the country, with snow still falling. :-(

  7. Glad the blizzards missed you. The one Monday missed us too but we got hit with the one today.

  8. Ah yes, the snow just keeps on coming! Soon, soon, the stick will have bare ground around it.

  9. Feeling for you....and hoping that I lose the snow stick contest and that the ground is naked VERY soon!

  10. I think I'm still in on the snow stick contest, but I'd be quite happy not to be! Nice to see the swans, we do get them here but I have yet to drive over to where they gather, and take photos. They passed through here about a month ago.
    The fields her still have a lot of water, and we have a lot of Geese close by. If they stick around I might see how Amber's strong herding instinct works with birds! ;0)

  11. That snow stick has to fall over soon..... we're heading back in 10 days!!! Love the swan photos.

  12. wow the contest has such deep roots this year! More snow..yucky. .sorry

  13. When the time comes for birds to migrate they seem to come no matter what the weather conditions are.

  14. Oh my goodness...will it ever end?


  15. Beautiful nature pics. Don't you just love all the wildlife... And feel sorry for them this winter.We got the same storm Barb got I think. And I'm with Jen, wondering if it will ever end.

  16. Lucky indeed. We got hit last night but not real hard..... Beautiful Trumpeter pictures. ;)

  17. Lovely photos ! It has been raining hard here all day , very damp though , the snow is gone now , the ground is soft and temps are not to bad ! I hope your snow goes soon and spring shows up for you ! Thanks for sharing . Have a good weekend !

  18. We don't want to come home until it stops snowing. Who knows how long that will be!!

  19. I guess your snow level is at what is called a zero-sum gain. Just as long as it isn't a gain.

  20. Love those swans! Hope the snow melts away - surely it's time for spring soon?


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