Thursday, April 3, 2014

Is it a bear or Odda?

Sometimes Odda gives us a bit of a scare…she is big and black and kinda looks like a bear if she is running.  Sometimes she shows up when I am in the kitchen…having a dog her size right outside the window at your eye level can be a tad frightening.   I think she looks inside to see if we are home.

She lives a half mile away.  If something scares her…like a gunshot… she takes off from her home and shows up at our place. 

Odda Waiting

Odda is a Bernese Mountain Dog or Berner

She has known us from when she was a puppy.  She is gentle and wouldn’t hurt a fly.

Odda big as a bear

Yesterday she was waiting for us when we got back from running errands.  She and Chance played for a bit, she wanted to go INSIDE…no Odda you have to go home girl.  She loads easy in the back of the car.  She knows the routine…usually we give her a treat and water before taking her back home…visiting your “safe place” should always be enjoyable.

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  1. Morning, what a beauty she is, I agree, should be special her safe place, Blessings Francine.

  2. Odda is very lucky to have you for a "safe place" to go when she is scared. I'm sure Chance loves having her visit.

  3. She is really beautiful, and almost as good looking as Chance. But I'm prejudiced. :-)

  4. Aw. It sounds like a treat to get a visit from "Gentle Ben" like Odda!!

  5. I love Bernese Mountain dogs. They're like a more manageably sized (but not quite!) St. Bernard.
    How nice for Chance to have a play date.
    We have a little black Scottie up the road, Rosie. Once her family couldn't find her and went searching. Turns out she was on top of a boulder in the woods and couldn't figure out how to come down. She visits us from time to time. Unfortunately, my big black cat is friendly to people but protective about anything else. He chased her back up the road. By the way, when he was in his prime, visitors of my neighbors thought he was a bear cub on more than one occasion.

  6. I'd much rather have Odda come visit than the pack of dogs outside the compound I'm at here in Texas!

  7. Odda is gorgeous! She would be welcome at my house, too.

  8. Awwww, what a sweetie. A BIG sweetie!

  9. :) Oh Odda! It must be spring ~

  10. For such huge dogs they are very gentle. Good on you for looking after her so well.

  11. My summer boss has a large hairy dog named Jake. I have trained all the neighborhood that if he shows up, I take him home. I see him while outside and yell Jake, Jake walks over to the car to get into it without me giving him directions. He has done this for years until I convinced my boss to fix his latches in his yard fence so his little kids won't leave the gate open for him.

  12. She is a pretty dog.
    Hope you are all doing well!

  13. Thats just adorable. I Love those dogs. We have friends with one and he's huge. He wears a harness. Lots of drool. Lots of panting. lots of love. I love how mellow they are….makes me want a dog

  14. How sweet, love that big girl. Seems all the neighbor dogs like to come visit us as well, right through the doggie door if they fit! I don't think Odda would fit!

  15. Odda is beautiful, but then her breed is beautiful.

  16. Nothing like a brisk half mile morning jog to start the day out right ;)

    Odda is a beautiful dog--especially when her strong suit is showcased by a talented photographer--but I'd have to agree with you, Far Side: it would be startling to see her unexpectedly at eye level! It's a good thing she knows you so well.

  17. She is a lovely Bernese- smart too, to go to your place in times of trouble!

  18. Beautiful dogs they are ! Did you know they are a relative / cousin to the St Bernard ? Lovely photos . Thanks for sharing , Have a good day!

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  20. Having a safe place is very important. Getting there fun. Playing after you get there... priceless..~~



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