Thursday, April 24, 2014

Say it isn’t SNOW

Well it did it.  The April Showers turned to April SNOW.

Snow on the ground April 23

Far Guy and I had a date day away.  It started to rain as we left home.  Many hours later when we returned the temperature was dropping and we had snow.

Little Elvis

It snowed on Little Elvis.  His teenage best friend should enjoy this photo while he is in California.  Miney is also visiting…she felt that she needed to eat as soon as we arrived home.

We visited a new antique shop…well not new…but new to us.  Oh there was Lionel Train “stuff” galore but Far Guy only bought one piece.  I found some more old photos…imagine that.  I also looked at some marbles and dice but they were too expensive in my opinion. It was so relaxing to just wander and browse the shops.

Chance had a boring day, we walked him several times in the rain.  He enjoyed some ball playing in a field near the airport.  Meeting up with Miney and Little Elvis meant that he had to share his backseat.

Chance in the snow

He is a gentleman and always shares his backseat, water dish, toys and food.  He may look a bit worried in this photo…there was some snow thunder.  He will be real happy the next couple of days as he loves having company.

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  1. Oh my when will the snow ever stop there ! Lovely photos . I love wondering around antique shops ! Thanks for sharing , Have a good day !

  2. Snow go away!! I love the photo of Chance!

  3. Can't believe you had snow again. We have had much colder temps but now snow, only rain. Chance is such a gentleman to share his things like that. He should get a treat for being so nice.

  4. My sympathies to you for getting snow again. We here in downtown MPLS are getting rain this morning and I think it will last all day - but it is 43 (above - ha ha!) and not supposed to turn cold so we don't worry about snow. Lucky us!

    Shirley H.

  5. It's the end of April, for heaven's sake. I think it's time to start with the rain, don't you? Love the doggie pictures. :-)

  6. That is an adorable shot of Chance - such expressive eyes!!!

    I'd say it isn't snow - but you would want me to lie would ya?

  7. Good activity for a rainy/snowy day. Snow for heaven's sake! You have managed to make Massachusetts weather look almost reasonable. No snow here, and although the wind is blasting away and the temp is in the 40s, at least the sun is shining.

  8. I'll be taking my time getting up there until you get rid of that stuff for good!

  9. EEK!!!!! no, hope our rain here today does not turn to snow, just left us, Francine.

  10. I feel for you! Chance looks sad. Probably the snow. :-(

  11. This winter just doesn't want to let go like a child throwing a tantrum!

  12. Lots of rain here this morning, but at least it isn't white. On the bright side, at least you didn't get much:)
    I like that picture of Chance, and I'm sure he'll enjoy the house guests!

  13. It's a super time just browsing though antique stuff. As you say, you are looking for something precise and then at a reasonable price.

  14. It isn't snow, it isn't snow, it isn't snow. Did that help? Hope it doesn't last long!

  15. I hope that is the last of the snow for you. It is raining here this morning and it has really greened up the grass. Love that Chance. How nice that he shares with the company.

  16. Ugh.....snow! I'm happy Chance has some company. Great photos and I love the header photos too.
    We love to browse the shops even if we don't buy anything. It is nice to just be out and about!

  17. I love that shot of Chance! Such a sweet look on his face.

  18. Oh I Love the puppy pictures. Keep them coming. So sorry about the snow.. I hope we are really DONE here In Chicago. THe tulips are blooming and the forsythia are too. We have to talk nicely to Spring however, she's fickle and she may turn on us

  19. We came so close to having snow. Our windchill was awful.

  20. Snow thunder? Crazy! And snow now? Is that a record for you? Stay warm! ♥

  21. All I can say is......KEEP IT!

  22. Sorry about that darn snow again! Chance has the sweetest face. He just looks like he would share his toys and food.

  23. It started turning cold here, too, and I wondered what that would do to you, so much farther north. This certainly has been a year of c-c-cold weather!

  24. A ugly storm is heading in here today. Horrible high winds, rain and thunder...Fuzzy agree with Chance...thunder is nasty stuff!



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