Friday, April 25, 2014

Chance: My Friends

Hiya it is me Chance!  It snowed again… Far Side is in a foul mood.  I wouldn’t call her on the phone if I had one.  She did venture out with her camera.

Chance and Elvis

This is me and Little Elvis.  We played ball…he was getting tired.  I think he and Miney must sleep all day long at home.  We all piled on the bed at naptime..cause the snow was sliding off the roof in big clumps.  You could hear the snow slide and then a big kerplopp.

Miney April24 Snow

Miney looks good with snowflakes!  I love Miney, we have been friends practically since forever..well since she was little and I was one year old.  Her real name is Hermione but my sister is the only one who calls her that…mostly when she is in trouble.

Odda showed up to play.  She must have heard us outside playing ball.  Far Side was playing loudly.

Odda came to visit

Odda came to the window and made everyone bark.  I like Odda.  Miney and Little Elvis not so much they think she is big and scary. She is kinda big…but don’t tell her that! I went outside and played with Odda until her Mom came.  Odda is visiting lots lately.  We don’t know why…is she lonely…she has Putz and he stays home.  Is she scared or just bored? 

I know the way to Odda’s house but I am not allowed to go there by myself.  The last time I left the yard I got hollered at and Far Side tied me up to a tree by the door.   I don’t like being tied up…or getting hollered at.

I am glad I have good friends like Odda, Putz, Miney and Little Elvis.



  1. Aw, you and your friends are all beautiful creatures! That snow must be what is causing Far Side to be miserable - can you really blame her?

  2. Snow, snow, go away.
    Don't come back another day.

  3. I am so happy that you have some friends to play with. I think Odda is very pretty. Sorry to hear it is snowing again by you. Maybe something told me to pick April 30 PM for the day the snow stick was clear off snow.

  4. Snowing again? Good grief! But you do have lots of friends to play with, even if you have to play in the snow, Chance. :-)

  5. The snow looks so pretty - but please don't tell Far Side I said that!

  6. It's nice that you have so many friends to play with, Chance. Even if it is in the snow. I hope that's the last of it though.

  7. I agree with Ladyfi, but I am sure everyone in that neck of the woods, like everyone here, has simply had enough of it and is ready to move on!
    How wonderful that dogs can have friends that come play!
    I love Odda... I am thinking she is a gentle giant! Well, except maybe if she stepped on someone!

  8. It's good to hear from you again , chance. I like to hear your opinions of Far Side. It's like good gossip.

  9. Morning, nothing good about it either, woke up to snow on the ground grrrr!!!! Beautiful dogs, Francine.

  10. Friends are special, and it looks like you have three great ones!

  11. Enough with the snow already! Hmm, it does make you wonder why Odda wanders over to your place. Must be those good treats Far Side gives her:). It's wonderful that you have such great friends.

  12. Oh Chance, you have some awesome pals. I also have a friend called Odda, but she is an American Bull Dog. Friends are so very important for a happy and healthy life.
    Now we must talk about that snow...enough is enough! My mama took her snow tires off the car. We have had heavy frosts in the morning but no snow for a while now and all our snow is gone from our yard...time for your yard to do the same!

  13. It had better quit snowing soon, or Far Side won't be the only cranky one up in your neck of the woods.

  14. I'm thinking snow doesn't bother you much, Chance, but good grief, it needs to stop for the humans in your like.

  15. Ah Chance, it's pretty bad when Far Side has to mention snow in April...this isn't normal right?


  16. It's a good thing Far Side has you and your friends to cheer her up!

  17. Oda wants to live with is ever so much more fun!!!


  18. You have many wonderful friends, Chance. I think Odda thinks your place is more fun. ;)


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