Saturday, February 1, 2014

Your Dash

I am working on some area history.  I must be the local history nut idiot. 

I want to know who used to live where all the lilac bushes are.  What did they do…where were the country schools?  Where did they come from and what were their children’s names?  What happened to them..what does their dash look like?

Sunset on the lilacs and a Dragonfly

I am also TRYING to get conversations started on the Historical Museums Facebook page.  It is like pulling teeth.  If we don’t record the history now it will be lost in a few more generations.  OR maybe no one will care anymore. Well I care and I will keep bugging people to share what they know.

No one except God knows how many days are in your dash.  You should make the most of what time you have on this earth.

I guess that goes for you blog readers too.  Take the time to write down your family history, it doesn’t have to be beautifully written, just the facts will do, make copies and give them to your kids and then mail off a copy to the Historical Museum in the County where you were born and where your parents lived.  Someday someone may be searching for that information.  If your parents owned a business that is very important, send in the name of the business its physical street address and the years it was open. 

I see many struggling Genealogists searching for answers.  If everyone would just share what they know it would make a difference.  I just know it would.


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  1. It is a good thing you do. Dad said he thought of all the knowledge my grandparents had after it was too late.

    One thing I do is write the history of the pieces in my house...organ, dishes, cabinets...and enclose that written history with it.

    Andrew is making a guitar from black walnut milled from this land and air dried here fifty years ago. A friend has offered to bring some of his black walnut if needed. This young man's great grandmother was my Sunday school teacher as a child. I told Andrew he was building a guitar with history even before he strikes a note. Maybe he will know that later. Right not it is just an Agri project.

    Have a blessed weekend.

  2. Morning, always love to hear the history about something, good for you, so interesting, Keep Warm, Francine.

  3. I am busy living my dash, but I find that the blogging passion has helped me to chronicle my own journey quite well. Maybe I should spend some time finding out how to turn it all into a book. Do you know how to do that?

  4. Don't wait until it is too late to gather the family history. I really need to write down what I remember.

  5. What a wonderful grass-roots campaign to begin!

  6. Never heard the word 'dash' used in that context before. Guess I'm not a history nut.

  7. Great post!

    I am working on trying to ID some old family photos. My sisters don't share my interest or zeal about preserving the family history and yet they are the ones with children AND grandchildren.

  8. Your comments are well taken. I have information on my family but I'm not sure how to organize it. We have a large geneology record.
    Face book? Open it up so you get lots of members. One face book page I have is doing better as we get more friends. Keep on making comments on your face book page. Ask questions. On ours camera and binocular questions have brought some action.

  9. Ask folks 'who' would know about...
    Visit each one and good luck!
    In the boonies here everyone talks of the history here allot.
    I hope you have ways to make them talk.
    Lol, I sound like Schultz.

  10. My daughter has put together a lot of our family history. I will pass this information on to her.

  11. I couldn't agree more. I just realized that my father was raised by a nanny. I asked him about his experiences, and he can't remember. Sad day.

  12. Before my dad and his sisters passed, we jogged their memories and wrote all they knew down. Your blog has reminded me I should pass that information down to the next generation!!!

  13. Today's generation isn't interested in history. They already know everything. They need to be older to realize what they don't know. By then, as you say, it may be too late.
    I know how you feel though. I often wonder what tale some things would tell.
    Have a wonderful Sunday!

  14. I think people think, I'm just ordinary, nothing I do/did is anything anyone will care about in the future. And yet for those of us who are searching, it is the everyday people and things we are searching for and hungering for details about. So I agree! Write it all down because you never know when someone will love to know when you planted that lilac bush or how deep the snow was in the winter of 2013-14.

  15. What I was going to write is exactly what Cynthia said in her first sentence. And I am sure you would add to your other advice - - - label your pictures with the persons' names! That's one thing I like about people having renewed interest in scrapbooking is you often get a bit of story with the pics.

  16. My own children couldn't list the names of my first cousins let alone their grandparents brothers and sister. I don't know if I will try but I will die leaving it written down somewhere so they could see it if they want. They have few first cousins and they do know most of them, but probably not by name in some of the distant families. History has changed fast just in this century as living conditions changed but the past of relatives could be lost forever.

  17. I've found out that there really isn't a lot of people who really do care about the past. But I do. Although you already know that!

    *♥´¨) ¸.-´¸.-♥´¨) Happy Valentine’s Day¸.-♥¨) (¸.-` ♥♥´¨

  18. This is crazy! We must be on the same wavelength, thinking about that dash!

    It isn't easy to get the volley going with facebook conversations. Red is right: you need lots of people to get everyone talking. Gotta remember there are lots of people who just like to read and stay in the background. Best wishes in getting that going--just keep at it, eventually it will grow.

    I'll never forget the one time I connected with a distant cousin to compare notes on family research. He pulled out some old handwritten notes his dad had given him years ago. It was like putting two puzzle pieces together, but neither of us knew it at the time. But if he hadn't told me about the stuff his dad gave him, when I found the corresponding piece for my family, I would have never known the two families connected.


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